
Elementus; Dawn of Fire

Benjamin Harsec is just a normal high school student until he finds himself in a new world. Set in a carnage the realm of Elementus is currently in war between the two major factions of Fire and Ice, The Prince of Fire seeking a world domination while the Queen of Ice wanting peace yet set to go against that as smaller tribes fall under the reign of the Fire tribe.

John_Alsotop · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Confrontation/Battle in the Valley

Ben woke to hear the sounds of people rushing around at out his window, he had now been training for 3 weeks and assumed this was a drill.

At that moment, however, a pager came into his dormitory and shouted, "The Fire Armies have crossed our border with the neutral land, please prepare at once to go to battle."

Immediately Ben got ready and just half an hour later he was marching in the mid rank of the 5-1 regiment to the south as part of the whole army.

To get an image of where he was picture a 10 by 10 grid, from the top left point go down 4 such, he was roughly in the middle of thay square.

As they marched the air progressively got warmer. At this point Ben realised, what's the point in ice magic, wouldn't fire just hard counter it. He couldn't do anything about it now though and maybe it worked differently in this world.

After about an hour they passed a few bodies wearing a black-red fused armour.

"Must have been a scouting group" Ben heard being muttered around him.

As they marched Ben noticed their direction curving slightly, he looked into the distance and saw a mountainous region. Taredd, who had been next to Ben noticed this, "That's where we're heading, just over thise mountains was where our scouts noticed the fire army camps, also there was word of the snow being completely melted on the side where it shouldn't be."

Ben nodded, having gauged the situation he formed 2 shortswords,"Icleus".

He had found that he could use swords in his hand while barraging the opponent with floating swords, this was his preferred fighting style.

Suddenly a single horn blast sounded, this signalled the changing of ranks X-(1-5) would split off left and X-(6-10) would split off right.

They did so due to the Valley upcoming in the distance and prepared to enter at the sides.

The walls sloped up with snow crawling up the sides, albeit thin in places, a double horn blast sounded, this meant the enemy had been sighted, everyone stopped marching.

Unseen to Ben the Queen rode up, alongside David and one other called Diav, in between each army they met with the Prince of Fire, who was alone.

"You can either yield or we the Fire will overrun you."

This confidence annoyed the Queen, "Surely you're aware your ideals conflict greatly with ours, we would never yield to you."

The Prince seemingly ignored her, "So is this your great human with Light magic beside you, clearly you reveal the magic of high elves to easily to foreigners, maybe you can teach me once I rule."

David created a sword directed toward Alzoth, "Stop getting ahead of yourself, stop making snarky comments or I'll take you out myself right now, I don't care about honour if you insult the Queen like so."

"Hmpphh, I'll deal with you first on the battlefield."

With that they turned round and rejoined their respective armies. A few minutes later the battle had broken out. An eagle-like creature flew above and saw flashes of fire of blue sparks erupting around a valley, it didn't quite understand what was going on until it lost consciousness as it got sweeped into an inferno.

David was constantly creating swords and sending them into Fire warriors heads, he found it quite exhausting however as although it was a relatively basic spell, it's normal use was just to generate a sword and shield whenever needed, but the constant use was tiring. David turned and saw Diav looking at him, brandishing an ice blade, yet it had a firey aura to it, similar to how David uses a light magic in his Icleus creation. David was caught aback as Diav slowly approached him, "Why Diav? What's the mean behind this?"

"This my friend, was the plan all along, for me to take you out in a moment of confusion, soon Alzoth will rule at the side of the Great God Zekroth."

"What does Zekroth have do with all of this, he keeps to hell and rules the dead."

Then it pinged in David's mind, if Zekroth and Alzoth were working together, then Alzoth's campaign of conquering was to strengthen Zekroth's influence as the death toll rised.

"David, you get in the way of Lord Alzoth due to your immense power, now die."

That moment was so slow for David as his life rushed through his mind, what had it really amounted to, what was the point. As Diav thrusted the dagger toward him. He waa completely helpless having temporarily expended his power. He thought of his family who had died in Erador and the girl he saw regularly, Lily, who had rejected him causing his defect.

However, since the beginning of the battle, Ben had been running toward the frontline and at that very moment a sword of ice impaled Diav's neck. "You ok David?"

"Hell no, this is a lot worse than we thought."

Ben didn't really understand, "How can it be worse than a traitor in our ranks, unless there are two?"

"I'll explain later, take my place while I regain magical power, we can probably rotate out each time."

"Okay okay"

Ben rushed forward, "Icleus".

He started creating swords constantly as David had done, however unlike David he ran into the blitz of it all, taking part in physical combat yet using moving swords to finish off and protect himself from all sides. This was going fine until he saw a larger more important person, "DAVIDDDD", they screamed and started going toward Ben.

"Wait you're not David", they noticed as they got closer, "you just use the same magic. Don't say there are two humans like that now, that'd be funny. Well I suppose I should finish you off too."

This figure in front of Ben was Alzoth, whom he only knew by name and now he wanted to kill Ben.

"I heard about you, you're the one who wants a this to happen."

"Well yes naturally, is it not beautiful, all of this bloodlust surrounding us."

"Of course its not, only a psychopath would think that."

An array of swords of ice and fire appeared behind Alzoth.