
ELEMENTS: The Descendants of Royalty

Amelia is an average teenager with two best friends Zayn and Iris. Join them as their lives change from normal to destined to save an entire realm of elementals as they are part of those they call 'the gifted ones'. Will Amelia be able to lead the team when the trainers are stuck as she finds herself stuck between a love triangle with her best friend and her new friend Aiden? Let's find out.

Sweet_Sophie15 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Getting Serious

'Great work guys', Jaxon said after our training 'Amelia, you seemed to have improved from last time.'

I was happy I improved. I had a feeling it was because know that Iris, Zayn and I were on good terms, I didn't feel like I had anything to worry about.

At that moment, I didn't know how wrong I was.

As we were about to leave, a messenger came in saying the king requested our presence immediately in his office.

Judging by the look on our trainers faces, they were just as confused as we were on why my dad requested our presence. We silently made our way to his office. Each of us probably coming up with different reasons for the sudden call.

When we reached the door to the king's office, we saw Aiden and Daniel coming after us. One of the servants announced our presence as another opened the door for us to enter.

We all filed in quietly. With my dad was another man dressed in full armor. A knight, I thought. Most likely the captain,, since his armor was slightly different from the ones I've seen other knights wear.

There was only one free seat since the captain already occupied one. Jaxon took that seat after we all bowed to show respect as the rest of us stood waiting to hear the reason for all of us being here.

'We have bad news Jaxon', my dad spoke with a worried look on his face.

'What's wrong?' Jaxon asked

'This is captain Gregory. He was patrolling the north side of the kingdom when he noticed the demons were becoming restless near the forests surrounding our land. It seems like the darkness is coming sooner than expected.', he explained.

'Oh no', Coral gasped.

'We'll need to speed up our training', Axel said hastily.

'You're right, but it also means we'll need to retrieve for the scepter now', Jaxon said thoughtfully. 'We'll have to prepare them to use their powers as soon as possible. They'll join Aiden's routine.'

'Hold on! Powers?', Iris said looking confused. I almost forgot I was the only one out of the three of us who knew we had powers.

'We'll explain later', Daniel said. 'For now we need to figure out where the scepter is.'

'I thought you guys had the scepter since every generation uses it', Zayn said voicing out my own thoughts.

'We don't have the scepter. It's too powerful to be kept carelessly so anytime the darkness is defeated, we seal it on the highest mountain in the kingdom, mount Akebia.' Jaxon explained.

'I just wanted to inform all of you of the present situation', my dad said looking at each of us, 'Things are getting serious and I need each and everyone of you to be prepared for the battle ahead.'

'Don't worry dad. We'll do our best and surely defeat the darkness', I said confidently. 'That's great to hear Amelia', my dad answered smiling slightly.

After dismissing us, we all separated and agreed to leave all explanations for tomorrow during training.


The next day, we all gathered in the courtyard including Daniel and Aiden.

'As you heard yesterday, the darkness is coming sooner than expected meaning we'll need to speed up training', Jaxon started.

Axel cut in saying, 'Since you all are fast learners, it won't necessarily be a problem but that doesn't mean we are going to completely stop our combat training.'

'That's right', Jaxon continued, 'Although your powers are very powerful on their own, your combat skills will also come in handy from time to time.'

'Speaking of powers. Care to share more light on the subject?' Iris asked

'Of course', Coral replied ' Well to cut it short,ss you already know, you all already know, you are the gifted ones. Each of you posses a special power based on the kingdom you represent. Ice, water, fire and air', she said the last part pointing at me, Zayn, Iris and Aiden respectively.

'Aiden can give you a demonstration', Daniel said slightly pushing Aiden forward.

Aiden stumbled a bit before gaining balance and slightly glaring at a smirking Daniel. He let out a huff before straightening his back and twirling his hands slowly in circles.

I felt a small breeze blowing my hair in different directions before I was suddenly lifted from the ground.

'Hey!' I yelled as I tried to get down. 'Aiden put me down!' I said trying to glare at him but I kept twirling uncontrollably. 'What's the magic word?' he said teasing me.

I could hear the others laughing at the background. My ego didn't allow me to say please so I kept trying to get down on my own.

'Just say it Snowflake', Aiden said laughing at my failed efforts.

'Never!' I said stubbornly. I tried my luck again then I heard Daniel's voice, 'Okay, that's enough. Put her...'

Before he could finish, I found myself back on the ground. When I looked behind me I saw an ice trail from where I was probably suspended in the air.

'Did I do that?' I said amazed. 'I guess we won't have much trouble training you guys after all', Jaxon said.

Iris and Zayn made their way towards me. 'How'd you do that?' Zayn asked. 'I don't know, it just happened'.

'Not bad snowflake.' Aiden said coming to meet me. 'Thanks but you're not going to escape suspending me in the air that easily', I said eyeing him as he started to get nervous while Iris looked at me silently questioning me on the nickname and Zayn just looked annoyed.

I just gave Iris a look that says I'll explain later.

'Okay everyone. I know you're all eager to start training with your powers but first things first, you need to know how to activate your powers and connect with it', Axel explained.

'Since Amelia has already activated hers it makes it a bit easier for her than the rest of you to take the next step', Jaxon explained.

'So what's the next step', I asked.

'Spirit training', Coral explained,' You'll need to connect with your spirits in order too find balance between your physical and spiritual sense in order to have better control of your powers.'

'So like meditating and stuff like that', Iris said.

'Not necessarily. Let's just say it's about time we meet your spirit animals', Coral said smiling.

It seems like things are getting more heated on the training field. I wonder how it would turn out on the battle field.

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XOXO SweetSophie

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