
Elements Of Light And Darkness

Lola_Bentz · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


The darkest hour approached and in it's shadow wandered a disciple whose faith had been shaken lately. She needed answers and of course power.

She braved a few hills and new that at this stage, she either went victorious and made an ally or she loose and made a slave. Over her dead body will she be a slave, she was a person of ambition and very very power hungry . She had prepared herself mentally and physically even with her soul to be strong enough as she forbade herself to accept failure. This mission had to be a success, she didn't come so far to get enslaved or killed.

This journey was one of utmost secrecy and she promised herself to show her old master that her theorem was one the future generations will be relying on and by then... Enough thinking she told herself. concentrate.

The winds that blew in the part of the territory were no small winds. they were all dry and strong. Darkness didn't scare her but uncertainty surely ate her guts out. She had not heard of somebody who undertook this journey and was alive in flesh and bone.

"Why does it feel like I'm lost." she opened the map which she stook, well stolen, from her master's study after he bade her goodnight. '' it clearly shows the route to take and I'm very skilled at reading maps. then..."

*chuckle* Her sense of hearing immediately came active. like she heard someone chuckle. she brushed it and continued her journey.

"come to me" it came out as barely a whisper.

At that she halted and felt instant shivers overtake her nape then the rest tof her body.

"who's there?" She just prayed she wasn't pranked by those people whom she hated the most. she shoved it and decided to continue her journey.

She hated dark souls as they just led people astray and when ever she felt the presence of one, she felt disgusted.

"come." this time it was very audible for her to hear since she was alert by the "first calling" she was not panicked but was on high alert. her powers had been suspended so she couldn't produce anything close to magic but could channel magic from one source to another or just make use of magic from a source of magic.

"whoever's there just come out." she said with the courage she constantly had on with her voice very stable and hard. "I will hurt you, I'm very powerful. so come out"

"Don't make me repeat myself. Who, are, you?" asking the questions like it took almost half a century for her to get to it.

She heard a soft chuckle that had a tint of evil in them then a laugh. " oh how would I love to see these powers." Another chuckle.

"You seek power, might, glory and all that's why you come here in the first place."

Another chuckle could be heard

She didn't speak of her plan to anyone. Rhoni I hope this is not a godly joke please Don't punish le for any crime I didn't commit.

She bent on her knees.

"Why do I have the honor to be in the presence of such a respectful lowly disciple."

"Don't make me repeat myself. Who, are, you?" asking the questions like it took almost half a century for her to get to it.