
Chapter 9: I'll always be there to save you I-Angela

"It all started in 1938..."

Zander told his story from before he became a guardian to his first day in Zoriah and by the time he was done, her face had gone through a myriad of several emotions. She was very pissed off and mad at him. However, when he revealed to her, she was one of the kids he had saved back then from kidnappers who were looking to get free child labor in their factories.

She, as most guardians, didn't know their past before Zoriah. Traumatic experiences were commonly placed in new guardians and due to that, they had the experiences mostly sealed or forgotten during their rehabilitation into the Zorian community. they only had some prized belongings and mementos which, by choice, they decided to keep as it held certain significance. Izora had a hairpin which was modeled after a blue Ixora, a semi tropical evergreen flowering shrub.