
Chapter 11: The dishonored ones

"I indeed have so much work to do, in so little time *sigh," Zander said with a tired expression. Izora, who was by his side, just smiled knowingly and hugged him as she pressed his head deep into her soft fluffy boom. She knew sooner or later he would have to go, but she at least wanted to comfort him once again.

"Don't worry, my love," she stated with such a warm voice that those who knew how caring she could be would be filled with warmth, while those who only knew her cold gaze would have died of heart attacks.

"I will always be there to help you when you need me. Just call me if you need. For now, I'll have to depart and get to work myself," she continued as she rose to her feet.

She was about to walk towards the door, however, when a pair of strong hands hugged her from behind

"I don't want you to go, not yet. Stay with me some more. Please," Zander whispered as he leaned his head on her shoulder. She nodded in response as she thought to herself,