
Chapter 10 - I'll always be there to save you part 2- Queen Izora

The moment Zander finished telling his story, Izora had a sudden headache as the memories flooded her mind. She held her head and cried in pain as the memories forced their way past the mental barrier erected to keep them out. And since they were in her mindscape, the memories flashed visibly and Zander saw as she never gave up hope. As she looked out her room window every night, hoping to see even someone who looked vaguely like her savior, and yet all those years she was disappointed every time. He saw how she had been a near-death experience and had been saved on the outskirts of London by the elementals. Tears streamed from his eyes as he watched her go through rehabilitation and her mind blocked her memories of him to protect itself.

by the time Izora had regained her composure, she looked at Zander to see 2 continuous streams of tears running down his eyes.