
Elemental Ninja

Our Mc finds himself in a world beyond what he hoped for. Does he have what it takes to survive what the future has in store for him. A.U. ---------------- This is my first fic so be nice please. or don't idc. synopsis is mid. Do some stuff in the comments or stones or something.

OofMySenpai · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Huh, where am I?" In a vast emptiness, a disembodied voice says. Looking around, as far as the eye can see, there is nothing but white space. Suddenly he appears in a small cubicle. Sitting in front of him is what looks like a silhouette.

"Have a seat please I would like to get my first case started." He suddenly finds himself in a chair across from the silhouette. "Alright, your previous life's name was Marcus, So I will be referring to you as such for the duration of the reincarnation process." The silhouette is talking without looking up as if reading off of a script.

The now-named Marcus yells out, "STOP!" The silhouette stops and finally looks up. "What the hell is going on, Where am I, and who are you?"

"Oh my me, how could I have forgotten? First day jitters I guess." The silhouette sounded embarrassed somehow. "Well, Marcus, you are dead, I guess you could call this the reincarnation department, As for the last one, You wouldn't be able to understand my name, but I guess you could call me a god, Lowercase g though."

Dead, Reaincarnation, god. Marcus was stunned, to say the least. How did he die, And why was he being reincarnated? He can't recall how he would have died, But he was sure that he hadn't done anything to warrant his reincarnation. So he asked, "How did I die, and why am I being reincarnated?"

"Wow, you're pretty calm about this. But, ummm I can't really tell you how you died, sorry company policy." The god says apologetically.

"But I can tell you that you're being reincarnated because...." They open a folder and look at their notes. Flipping through the first few pages they find what they're looking for. "It appears that you have been selected as entertainment for a higher being. And it says here in the fine print non-negotiable, heh would you look at that." They say, mumbling the last part.

That makes a lot more sense, Marcus thought to himself. He hadn't had much in his life. If he wasn't watching TV or YouTube videos, he was reading fanfiction or the stories they're based on. He was..... bored maybe this reincarnation will be as entertaining for him as it is for this higher being.

"Okay, let's get started, you get to choose where you go and what ability you would get. But the higher being does have the final say, so maybe you get what you want maybe you don't. Any questions before you make your choices."

"No. I already know what I want and where I want to go." Before the god can even be surprised at how quick Marcus is, he continues. " I want to go to the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. With the same abilities as the Avatar." The Last Airbender had been one of Marcus's favorite shows, and he fell in love with the world when he first saw it. The goofy, yet sometimes serious children's show left a mark on him. You could imagine why he would make this choice.

"Wow that was fast let me write that down real quick." As the god was writing his answers down, Marcus asked inquisitively. "Do I get to know what changes this higher being makes?" "No, otherwise it wouldn't be that entertaining for them, They find it funny when lessers get sideswiped by their decisions, I hear."

The god finishes writing on the paper and then it vanishes from in front of them. Marcus can tell they don't look surprised so he doesn't ask any questions. Then the paper appears back in front of the god and they look over it nodding. "Okay we are all set, anymore questions or are you ready to go." 

Marcus shook his non-existent head. After thinking about it he kind of liked the idea of being surprised. Though he really hoped he could at the very least he could keep the powers he chose. A flash appeared and disappeared quickly on the paper in front of the god. "Hmm."

The god then starts waving at Marcus sending him off with a "bye-bye."

As Marcus' vision starts to fade he yells out "WAIT, WHAT WAS CHANGED!" Now that he's actually leaving questions start popping up in his mind, the most prevalent being. "Do I have to start as a baby again?! Why didn't I ask any question?!" Then his vision goes completely black as he disappears from the small cubicle.

-----POV Change-----

Marcus awakens in a pitch-black, warm environment. "I can't see. No, I can't open my eyes." He tries to move, swiftly kicking out his foot he hits a wall. After hitting the wall he can hear something, it sounds kinda muffled, Now that he starts listening more he can hear something else, A rhythmic beat, It sounds like a... "Fuck, I'm a baby." 

-----POV Change-----

"I wonder how he will react to the change made." Looking over the paper It can be seen that the powers stayed the same but there was a note added next to the world telling the god to make the world a hybrid, combining it with one of the higher beings' favorite worlds. A similar world of elemental nations and its deadly inhabitants. "This should be fun."


Less of a prologue more of a where is he going what is he getting chap.

Gonna post chap 2 and word count today as well. Then I will stick to the regular schedule of Tuesday and Thursday.

926 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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