

An unimaginable powerful outer God descents to the world an he will bring with him an era of pain, suffering and death. Consequential portals open up cause the presence of the outer God is to powerful and new species step onto earth. Are they Foes that must be dealt with or are they firends that can be traded with ? Will Humanity prosper or will they be doomed ? Akatosh a young normal girl, loses everything and now wants revenge but at what cost ? And to whom ? An outer God ? This will be an suicide mission and an epic story !

Daoist294070 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Ch 4

Outside she was greeted by a wall of warm muggy air mixed with the smell of death and decay.

She walked the rusted railing to the bottom of the stairs. Apartments along the way were characterized by dark windows, kicked-in doors, or broken windows.

Hmm someone's had an exciting night thought Akatosh soberly as she arrived at a broken door where a trail of dark smeared blood leads into the room.

Akatosh walked down the stairs carefully, making sure to walk the steps are without making sound.

She continued walking through a parking lot with burned or battered cars. These days you only see the powerful with a vehicle she noted.

Her apartment was just before the middle circle. Further south are the slums, where the terminally ill, the lunatics or synth addicts live, in short, the really fucked up she thought. Further north is the middle ring. Place of residence for well-trained specialists and their families, 20% of the population... Further north of this is the main district with the powerful, nobility and the rich. In the middle is the royal castle, like were in the fucking cursed middle ages she thought sadly.

The king is the conceptual of domination... aptly judge and built upon it a kingdom where few equals exist. You could say the Delouk royal family rules this plagued city.

She moved ever further into the slums. The further she advanced the more ruins she encountered until there was only rubble. The smell of death and decay intensified.

She walked down a familiar alley that seemed like a dead end. However, Akatosh simply walked through the wall because she had a key, a special Tattoo in Form of a scythe. What wonder mystics are capable of, she thought.

Beyond appears a modern concrete building with large windows about 5 stories high, quite normal in the old world. The smell pleasantly of lavender, whoever has allowed himself this fun... Mystic she thought, shaking her head.

She walked towards the main entrance where the word: Reapers Guild was written in large letters. So early in the morning there are still few to be found. Most wore masks and various forms of combat gear.

Arriving on the ground floor, she saw a corridor with many black doors. Next to the doors there was a light that glowed green for an empty space and red for an occupied space.

Akatosh didn't know what was on the higher floors.

She found a random door with a green light and entered the room behind it. There she met a black silhouette, her current representative.

" Code name ! " came the distorted voice of the representative

A voice-masking spell, she thought

"Apophis," she said coldly with a voice that sounded like it could cut through steel.

"Order 74-3A Released." A sheet with a picture and data of the target appeared. Name: Derek, Height: 1.97, Age: 43 , Character: Ruthless, Danger Level: 3/10 Skill: Fire Elemental, Leader of a synth drug ring, Estimated Members 18. Last Location: In his Headquarters in the slums west from Diggon Alley.

Bounty: 17 Silver, 80 Copper - 50 Copper added per Head of his crew.

Synth she thought in disgust. A drug that gives ordinary people the abilities of an awakened person for a short period of time with dire Consequences. The Drug is extremely addictive. It changes the brain, destroys the body and corrupts and changes the users.

The picture showed a tall man with rough features, beady black eyes and hideous 3 scars decorating his face on the right side.

"Order accepted" she responds

"Would you like to exchange the in-house equipment for 25% of the bounty?" the representative asked

"Yes, a G22 sniper rifle with a standard sight, silencer and 6 magazines. An AF1 Pistol silenced, 6 mags and a combat butterfly knife," Akatosh said.

The desired weapons then appeared from a shaft to her right. She grasped them and leaves the building to find her target. Now nothing stood in her way to secure a meal. Let the Hunt beginn.