
Main Story - 19

"Do you know what's going on between them?" Petalsong whispered in Yarrowfur's ear. "Apparently back when Stonetail was a warrior still, he tried to pressure Icefang into having kits with him, even after she chose Ripplefur as her mate," Yarrowfur whispered back. Petalsong flattened her ears in annoyance and got to her feet "Stonetail, back off," she snapped. "Stonetail, I will never have kits with you. Especially since I'm expecting more," Icefang hissed, ears flat in annoyance. Stonetail snorted and limped back to the elder's den. Icefang gave herself a shake and padded away angrily. Petalsong followed her mother out of camp "Are you okay?" she asked, twining her tail with Icefang's. Icefang looked up "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Stonetail was just being a mousebrain," she murmured softly. "Is it true that you're expecting more kits?" Petalsong asked. Icefang blinked before nodding. Petalsong purred softly before padding back to camp. Yarrowfur was waiting for her when she got back, together they slipped into the warriors' den and curled up...