
Main Story - 14

have five new warriors, Birdflight, Greymist, Eaglefang, Olivetail and Shrewfoot. Poppysong has also given birth to three kits," he rumbled. The crowd cheered out their names and and Windstar spoke next. "WindClan has two new warriors, Heatherheart and Lionfern. We also have three new apprentices, Petalpaw, Breezepaw and Stonepaw," she said. The crowd cheered out all their names and the gathering broke up.

--- (the next morning)

Petalsong followed Reedpelt along the rocky shoreline, the pebbles crunching beneath their paws. "Remind me what we're doing again," Minnowwing called out from beside Greydawn at the back of the patrol. "Oceanstar told us to check if the fox is gone," Icefang said. Reedpelt nodded to Petalsong and she took the lead. The stench of fox hit Petalsong before she saw it. The fox turned its head and Petalsong spotted freshly scarred over claw marks on its nose. She signalled to the patrol "It's the same one," she hissed. Reedpelt nodded and twitched his tail as a signal to attack. Petalsong burst...

Greydawn and Reedpelt are Minnowwing, Pebbleshine and Yarrowfur's parents.

Tilly_Robinsoncreators' thoughts