
Electric Lust

Talia Maxwell is a risk taker who does what she wants and what she likes. Quitting her job might sound like a bad news for you but when it comes to her, she just looks at it as an opportunity to try and do what she really wants. Her passion for singing introduces her to the one and only Casper Evola, the eligible bachelor who owns a multi-billion entertainment agency that hosts the best and craziest stars. And Timothy Adams the CEO of an agency rival to Casper who has had his heart set on Talia for as long as she can remember. And when her rogue friend gets her into trouble and she finds herself getting tangled up with the handsome Chief inspector, Diego Walker and his intense looks. And let's not forget about Oscar Kimberly, who has been stalking her for a while now and she only ever figures it out after let's say some very interesting events. Just another lust filled story with some of the very eligible bachelor, read more and find out who steals her away.

AvaLawson · Thành thị
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18 Chs

02- The First Audition

I woke up and groaned, my body was stiff from last night and there was a pounding in my head. I look at the time and gasp, I'm late.

I rush to the bathroom and strip out of my nightdress that I had slipped on before going to bed. Luckily I had freshened up before bed so my face was clear. I took a quick shower after brushing my teeth.

I wiped myself dry and put the towel on the chair as I got my outfit out on the bed and dressed up. I didn't waste time on breakfast and just grabbed an apple. My phone rang and I picked it up.

"You will not believe what i did last night"

"What did you do Bri?"

I asked her as my phone was trapped between my ear and shoulder as I slipped on my footwear. I'm in the music industry, i'm a manager for the singers and celebrities signed with the company that i work for.

I took a gulp of the vanilla shake that I keep ready for myself in the morning.

"I had a one night stand with the cute bartender"

I cough as the shake enters the wrong pipe. "Talia, are you okay? What-" "Am I okay? I'm not okay, you just-" "It was reckless I know but look there is already another date planned for tomorrow night-" "Bri but i have that gig"

I said and she cursed on the call.

"Shit I forgot-" "It's okay anyways i didn't want you to be there" I sighed. "How did you pick my call? Shouldn't you be in a meeting right now?" she asked and I groaned as I slammed the door shut.

"Whoa" "i'm just leaving, i'm an hour late" i said and she gasps, "the miss always punctual is actually late for once in her life" Bri said and i rolled my eyes.

"I'll catch you later then, after your date maybe?" I asked and she laughed in excitement. I could hear it in her voice. I smiled and hung up after a quick goodbye.

I rush to my car and drive to the building that was supposed to house the best actors, actresses, singers and musicians of the country.

I parked my car and briskly walked into the lift as everyone filled in.

I sighed as everyone walked out and finally it was my turn. I ran into my boss. She turns to look at me in genuine surprise, "Did you just walk in now?" she asked and I nod as i shift from one feet to the other.

"Thank god"


"Now i can sleep peacefully"

I look around in shock, everyone looks relieved. "Wha-" "You have no idea, absolutely no idea how much your punctuality in all tasks affected everyone" one of my colleagues said and i looked at him and then at everyone in surprise as they agreed.

"I agree"

My boss said and I turned my attention to her, "i- I didn't know that i was the reason for it all. I assumed everyone worked like that and I worked harder so that i'm not left behind." i admitted and my boss laughed.

"They would have to be fast like a flash to cross you" she said and others laughed along. "But you did boost all of us forward so it's not a bad move." she continued and my colleagues agreed.

I chuckled and soon everyone got back to work and so did I. Continuous meetings and paperwork kept me busy.

Dealing with the arrogance of these damn celebrities, especially the singers, was getting on my nerves, I could sing well too and if only I could overthrow most of them without the drama, fame.

I put down the last of the reports and get ready to walk out.

I wanted to sing, I wanted to do it for a living. There was a flyer lying in my house that was exactly for that, it had the money without the drama but it was dangerous. It was for a singing position at the new night club for VIP that i visited, the chances of me meeting him again are high.

And if i could even ignore him, that club was involved in anything and everything illegal, I get my information from all the celebrities that I work for and i know what happens there, but maybe because i know what happens there i can be cautious.

I sigh.

I hear someone clear their throat and I look up, I smile to be polite but when my eyes meet him I gape.

"You" "hey" he said as he leaned against the door frame. He was the one who kissed my cheek in the club last night.

"What are you-"

"I'm your new client"

I check the folder on my table and open it to find his profile, name: Adrian Connor, age: 27, career: Modeling.

"Have a seat" I said as I straightened up. He walked to the sofa and sat down. I walked over and took a seat across from him. "I have some questions to ask," I said as I flipped through the pages of his profile.

He leans forward with his hands on his knees.

"Why me?"

He paused as he leaned back, "because I want you and what better way to get you than being your constant company." He said with a playful grin but he couldn't hide the darkness that lurked behind those dark brown eyes.

I shrugged, "I keep my personal and professional life separate"

I ignore his advances and focus on preparing his schedule. The meeting goes unnecessarily long as I do my best to keep my temper in check while he does everything to change that.

He kept his eyes on me though and although i'm not the type to get unnerved easily it was starting to get on my nerves. "What?"


I huff out in exasperation and decide to ignore him till his hand lands on mine and my eyes snap to his, i was about to burst out but the door suddenly opens and I find my boss standing there.

"Whats going on here?" She asked and I was about to speak but he leans towards me and whispered, "if you go out with me I'll let her believe you are a professional who keeps her life separate from her personal life." He said and I frown in anger.

I snatch my hand away and stand up, "Nothing I can't handle ma'am-" " I apologize ma'am, I should hold back after all it's her working hour" he said and I grit my teeth and deny it but she speaks up.

"I'd like a few minutes if you could excuse us" she said to him and turned to me with a poker face. I felt anxiety build as he walked behind her and gave me a look as if to change my mind and I looked away.

I heard the door close.

"This is too good to be true" my boss squealed and said to me as she pulled me to the sofa and sat down.

"What are you talkin-" "Im so glad, when did it happen? Actually that's not important, now that you are dating him the director will be happy. I can give him the good news-"

I stand up abruptly, "there's nothing going on between us, he was just flirting-"

"That can be changed, it means that Adrian is interested in you and the director-"

"Stop" I said out loud and she looks at me still giddy from what happened.

"How is the director related to me dating"

"Don't you know? Adrian is his son"

"The one who keeps ruining the directors reputation with meaningless flings? I will never date a man like that"

She winced at my harsh words.

"Listen just for a month, wait till the time of election, my promotion-"

"Are you serious?" I scoff and look at her when her eyes look guilty I back away in disbelief.

"You want me to date this manwhore so that you can gain a promotion?-"

"Its only till that time and then you can ditch him, you'll gain a promotion too. I can put in a word for you too if you do this-"

"I'm not going to do that"

"This is for us not just you-"

"Stop it! I'm not going to be in a relationship with him just to get you or myself a promotion, if I want to I'll do it cause I like him"

"So you agree-"

"You are not listening, I'm not doing it" I didn't realize we were loud till we stopped.

"Then you're fired"

I looked at her and she looked at me.

I shrug and grab my phone and purse, without sparing a second look at her. I walk out to find Adrian leaning against the wall by the door.

One look and I knew, he had heard it all.

He looked surprised. I sigh and look away as I turn to walk away. "Listen I'm -" he started to speak but when I paused and turned towards him.

He just shook his head and gave me a sad smile before walking away with his head down and hands in his pocket.

I almost felt bad, I shake my head and turn to the exit and notice all eyes were on me, so it seems it wasn't just him who heard it all.

I walk away, I hear my boss calling for me but I had made up my mind. I was taking on the gig and I'm finally going to do what I want to do.

Even if the start wasn't pretty I'll make sure the end will be.

I walk out and dump my belongings in the car and let out a breath of relief, this is not how I thought I would quit my job.

I call Brittany as I treat myself with my favourite cookie dough icecream. "Briiiii I DID IT!" I yell out and giggle.

"OH MY GOD! YOU QUIT?" She asked reciprocating my energy and I laugh. She squeals and I smile. She has been my constant support.

I feel a tear slip out and I grin in happiness, my career might be falling apart but I'm happy with everything. I everything I need and want.

I feel his image flash through my head. I shake it off as I remember my first encounter with Casper Evola.


I sit and wait for my chance as the singing auditions go on.

I'm called and I step inside with a smile as my excitement spikes up. There are two judges seated facing the stage as the other seats are unoccupied except a couple, one of them is by my friend Brittany who cheers for me and my smile widens.

The judges give me a thumbs up and I start to sing.

I loose myself in the music and when I stop I'm applauded by the few.

"That was beautiful" the make judge speaks up as the woman with him walks up to the stage with a glass of water. "I loved it, your voice" the woman said with a fake smile and I mutter an awkward thank you as she hands over the glass.

I take it and gulp it down, I taste slight sourness but shrug it off.

I walk out of the stage to go meet Brittany but just as I reach the backstage everything goes dark.

I hear flashes as I frown from the headache that feels like hammers on my head.

I groan and sit up to find someone fling a coat over me and that's when I realise that Im naked.

"Get her out of here, what is the team responsible for keeping everything in check doing?" I hear him yell out.

I stumble as I get up, still drowsy. I feel a couple of men's hands on my body as I'm being pulled out till I see Brittany who rushes over and I lean on her.

I sneak a look at the man to see that he is looking at me in annoyance, it was Casper Evola. The owner of the best entertainment agency, Running eagle.

I hold back the tears as photographers camera flash to capture me in my undergarments. My dress seems to be missing.

I follow Brittany who doesn't say a word as she grabs a dress from the closet and I put it on in the adjoining changing room.

I step out and my head is still pounding.

Brittany looks away as if scared to meet my eyes. I sigh. I know what happened, it's a dirty industry in some ways.

I find my eyes locking on his eyes as he sits in the corner with a glass of what looked like whiskey beside him stood the judge who handed over the bottle to me.

She looked smug.

"Who led you to my quarters?" He asked in a rude tone and I just sigh. "If you really wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask" he said as he sipped on his drink.

I clenched my jaw and held Brittany back who looked like she wanted to smash his head in.

"I mean you risked your career as a singer and your reputation-" while he spoke I walked up straight to the woman responsible and smacked her with the back of my palm.

She gasped as she tumbled and fell down from the force. She looked up at me as I raised my head higher and swiftly turned around walking away.

I find myself surrounded as I step out.

"Why did you risk everything for Casper-"

"Was it a publicity stunt-"

"In desperation did you take the wrong route to fame-"

"Why don't you asked that to Lina Batson who set me up? Oh wait I must apologize for suggesting it. I mean who would go against the famous star when you can go after the newbie singer looking for way into the industry" I sarcastically reply as I step away and hail a taxi.

I look back and find Casper standing by the door leaning against the frame with a smirk as I glare at him.