
Eleceed : Kayden Break In Cultivation World

In a world where Kayden's audacity knows no bounds, he decided to challenge the top 10 rankers – a daring move indeed. Little did he know that these supposed "honorable" rankers were anything but! Instead of a fair showdown, they ganged up on him like it was a buffet and he was the main course. Of course, Kayden, being the unbreakable force that he is, couldn't take it and went off. But wait, it doesn't end here. The badass that he is, he got another chance, but in another world. But wait, it gets even crazier! Kayden's got a magical ticket that lets him hop back and forth between his world and this new, fantastical realm. It's like he's playing the ultimate game of hide and seek, except he's seeking epic battles and dishing out comeuppances. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs, action, and epic showdowns as Kayden takes on two worlds and their challenges, proving that no matter where he is, he's always the one who's in control – and not just of his world, but his destiny too! Buckle up, because Kayden's adventures are about to take you on a wild ride like no other!

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29 Chs

Chapter : 6 A New Companion

Kayden perched upon one of the gnarled roots emerging from the rift's wall, his gaze focused below on a man concealed behind a cluster of rocks. Nearby, a white wolf-like beast closed in, catching Kayden's attention.

"This beast is a bit different from the one I encountered," Kayden observed. While it bore a resemblance to the previous one he had slain, it sported two horns instead of one.

The beast, already aware of the man's presence, advanced menacingly toward its prey.

"Maybe I should lend a hand; he could prove valuable," Kayden contemplated as he observed the beast closing in on the man.

The man, too, realized the dire situation he was in. As the beast lunged over the rock, the man swiftly evaded, brandishing his sword while trembling with fear. "Don't come any closer. Even if I die, I'll take you with me," the man defiantly declared.

"Hmm, a death battle. It would be intriguing to watch, but I can't allow him to die," Kayden decided. He stood poised on the root, ready to act.

The man gripped his sword tightly, yet his trembling body betrayed his fear. As the beast lunged, poised to strike, a sudden impact knocked it flat on the ground, with Kayden now standing triumphantly upon it.

Gazing down at the fallen creature beneath his feet, Kayden remarked, "So, you're not dead yet," a smirk playing across his face. With a swift movement, he raised one leg slightly and then slammed it back down onto the beast, creating a deafening impact that sent shockwaves through the ground. Electric sparks crackled in the air as a massive crater formed around the defeated creature.

"Now, it's truly dead," Kayden declared, as smoke coming out from the burned beast .

As Kayden turned his attention to the man in front of him, they appeared to be of the same height, both standing at five feet seven inches. The man was dressed in a fabric that resembled a shirt, tied around his waist with a cloth rope. He wore loose, baggy trousers and had a piece of cloth covering his hair, tied around his head.

The man's clothes were visibly torn in several places. "Hey, are you okay?" Kayden asked as he dismounted from the beast and approached the man.

The man stood there, clearly shocked by what he had just witnessed. "He killed the twin-horned wolf with such ease," he thought, still in a daze.

Kayden tilted his head slightly, observing the man's face. "Hey, why aren't you talking?"

Finally coming back to his senses, the man took two steps back and bowed in front of Kayden. "I am really thankful for saving me, My benefactor."

"Whoa, calm down and get up," Kayden said as the man stood up but continued to express his gratitude.

"My name is Li Wei. I got separated from my guild members and ended up here," Li Wei said with a hint of sadness.

Kayden, however, only seemed to pay attention to his name, dismissing the other details as unnecessary. "Look, I didn't save you out of kindness. I want something in return for it."

"You can ask for anything since you're my benefactor. Even if it's my life, I will gladly give it to you," Li Wei replied earnestly.

"Is this guy mentally ill?" Kayden wondered to himself. "I don't want your life. All I want is to get out of this forest and find a city, so just tell me the way," Kayden said.

As Kayden spoke, Li Wei pointed towards the right. "If you go straight ahead, the forest will end, and you'll enter the desert. After crossing the desert, which might take around one and a half days, you will reach a small village. From there, you can find a path to the city of your choice."

Kayden was shocked by the information he received. He couldn't fathom where he was. Still lost in thought.

"I could've guided you out myself as you're my benefactor, but I still have some work here," Li Wei explained apologetically.

"Wait, so you don't live here?" Kayden inquired.

"What? This is the Beast's Forest, and no human lives here," Li Wei clarified.

"Beast Forest?" Kayden was unaware of the name.

Both men exchanged clueless glances. "Wait, you don't know what this place is?" Li Wei asked, his expression revealing his surprise. Kayden's nod confirmed his lack of knowledge.

The confusion continued to grow with each passing moment. "So you don't know this place, but you are here?" Li Wei questioned.

"I don't know," Kayden admitted.

Li Wei shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "He killed that beast so easily; maybe he's some wanderer Cultivator who lost his way here, but he's so young."

"By the way, you didn't tell me your name," Li Wei said.

Kayden paused before responding, "Kayden Break."

"What kind of name is that?" Li Wei thought, shaking his head to dispel his doubts.

"So why don't you accompany me for a while? I just need to pick some herbs, and then we can leave together," Li Wei suggested.

"I guess I should just follow because I have a really weird feeling about this place," Kayden thought, confirming his decision to accompany Li Wei.