



Gain: 5 SP

You are the one who the choices you choose apply to.


A powerful third-party confronted them and gave them their choices, altered to fit their perceptions.

(So, it didn't call their own reality a story, and if Worm didn't exist as a story in their reality, then the Alien gave them the cliff notes of it.).

Shards, what are those Shards you speak of?

Incompatible: Entities, what are those Entities you speak of?

Don't want to deal with Shards either but still want to enjoy the Worm-verse?

Powers don't come from Shards. All powers are shardless, even those under the Shard category. Trigger events are replaced by Awakenings, which work in similar ways but do not necessarily require a negative event.

However, through some even stranger twist of fate, Cauldron still exists. Doctor Mother has the power to create vials that grant powers. Eidolon still created and controls the Endbringers. With no Entity or Shards in charge, the rules are slightly different. Powers slowly grow in strength and versatility the more they are used. The world no longer exists on borrowed time, except the one imposed by human nature that is.



You gain the standard amount of SP and CP gained from Scenarios, Perks, and Drawbacks.

Base (Standard)

Gain: 10 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You have the base amount of starting SP and CP for the Standard difficulty.

Scenario & Setting

Alternate Earth

Instead of arriving on Earth Bet you will arrive in an alternate earth. Pick any other world from the Alternate Earths.

Harry Potter

Cost: 15 CP

Origin of Powers: Magic

Major Threats: Death Eaters

Major Powers: Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, Death Eaters

Super Abilities: Magic

Note: You have an approximately 0.1% chance of having magic upon entering this world, which increases to 100% if you have magic through other means.

Start Time: Summer 1991

Alternate Starts: 1926 (Fantastic Beasts), 1960 (Marauders Era)

Diagon Alley

Gain: 5 CP

Required: Harry Potter

You appear somewhere you want in Diagon Alley, at the place where nobody is looking. It can be right behind the Leaky Cauldron in a small, walled courtyard, or near Gringotts, or even inside Knockturn Alley.




Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 5 CP

Your body is remade for you, just as it was. You will have no identity on Earth Bet.


You are a biological male.


You identify as a masculine-presenting person. If you chose a female body, you may have Gender Dysphoria.

18 to 24

You have either completed college, just completed college, or are currently in college. You have finished the worst of puberty or completed it all together. You're also a legal adult. If you're 21 or older, you can legally drink alcohol. In Brockton Bay, you're eligible for joining the Protectorate rather than the Wards, though some other cities require you to be at least 22 rather than 18.


Cost: 10 CP

You look like a very attractive male. If you're female, your face will look like that of a feminine man and you won't have any very obvious signs of being female. You won't be prone to getting acne.



Rapid Learning

Cost: 5 CP

Incompatible: Entity

Your ability to learn anything is greatly improved. You learn both theoretical and practical knowledge over 5 times faster than your base capability. This only affects you mentally, meaning while you can learn multiple martial arts, you may not be physically capable. This only works on mundane skills and your ability to use power effectively.


Cost: 10 CP

Incompatible: Entity

I've decided to mess with your body a bit. You're a low-level Brute in durability, strength, speed, reflexes, reaction time, senses, and regeneration. You are resistant to Master effects and predictions about you are often slightly off. Thinker powers that sense your mind won't work properly.

Cosmetic Shapeshift

Cost: 5 CP

Required: Character-Insert, Drop-In

Incompatible: Entity

Incompatible: Case 53

Just once, you can change your appearance to anything you'd like, as long as it's within human limits. You can change your sex and age, along with any internal changes that these entail, but nothing more. You can not increase your muscle mass with this power, though you can redistribute it.

(This opens up Sex, Age, and Appearance in the Character tab if you do not already have access to it)


Cost: 5 SP

Cost: 15 CP

Incompatible: Entity

With this, you've been rendered completely immune to being perceived by Thinker abilities. Your future and past cannot be observed, clairvoyants cannot detect you, danger senses cannot warn their users about you, and even models constructed by the user's knowledge yield no results. This is pervading enough that you cannot even be perceived by noticing the blind spots in their sight, such powers simply acting as if you didn't exist.

You can, at will, allow selected thinker powers to perceive or set up parameters for which they work, such as when a specific person is using it or only when it is beneficial for you. You can rescind this allowance at will at any time.

Mental Barrier

Cost: 1 SP

Cost: 5 CP

Incompatible: Entity

You are immune to any powers that would directly affect your mind, emotions, or senses.

Indirect effects such as invisibility, pheromones, and drugs will still work on you. With your permission, you can allow powers to influence you.

Sanctity of The Mind

Cost: 1 SP

Cost: 3 CP

Required: Mental Barrier

You are absolutely protected from any and all things that would directly affect your mind, emotions, and senses. There is nothing that can influence your mind ranging from hypnotic technology to memetic hazards. This also applies to your digital mind should you have one. You are immune to viruses, subversion, and hacking. With your permission, you can allow things to influence you.

Trumped the Trump

Cost: 5 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

Any powers and internal power supplies you possess cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, reproduced, or otherwise manipulated against your will. Unless you will it to be otherwise, Trump powers do not work on you. You could even block certain aspects of powers influencing you, either yours or theirs. Such as being given a power and not being Mastered through it. You can be Mastered into consenting to a Trump working on you if you haven't selected Mental Barrier, though.

Paragon powers can Trump this immunity under certain circumstances (specified in the power's description).

Powered Sustenance

Cost: 2 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You no longer need to eat, drink water, breathe, or exercise as your Shard or Power will sustain your body for as long as it has [Energy].

Who Wants to Live Forever?

Cost: 5 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Your ability to age can be altered whenever you want. You can make yourself younger or older whenever you want. You can also fake age as if you were growing up normally, although you wouldn't suffer the normal effects of old age.

This doesn't increase toughness or physical ability aside from protecting you from the frailty of age.

Noctis Cape

Cost: 3 SP

Incompatible: No Powers

Incompatible: Entity

You have no need to sleep, you'll constantly be alert and awake. You also have an infinite and perfectly eidetic memory, capable of perfectly recalling anything that has happened to you since you received your powers. Any memories prior to your trigger are remembered as well as you could recall them when you triggered.


Cost: 10 CP

Your will is absolute, boundless, and unbreakable. Maybe it's your ideals, an all-consuming ambition, or maybe it's just a rock-solid certainty in how you see the world. You are patient beyond belief, even capable of spending countless hours doing mind-numbing tasks. Your willpower is endless and no matter how difficult the situation, even if you're torn in half, locked in a time loop of endless agony for thousands of years, or subjected to a fate worse than death, you'll be able to shrug it off. You will never be left drifting without a sense of purpose, and though you might change your goals and refine your ideals you always have the motivation to fuel turning them into a reality.

This will greatly bolster your sense of self in the face of adversity, and you'll be able to plant your feet when everyone else is giving up. Of course, you still have emotions and you can still be hurt emotionally, but you'll always be able to maintain your composure and keep your emotions from ruling your decision-making. Take care that you don't become so tunnel-visioned that you fail to see others as actual people with agency.

Manton Protected

Cost: 5 SP

Cost: 10 CP

The inside of your body is protected against influences that attempt to target it. For example, a telekinetic cannot crush your heart inside of your chest.

You also gain some measure of resistance to esoteric attacks like instant death or erasure. This is not complete immunity and will still hurt you, severely, but you will at least have a chance to survive.



Gain: 10 CP

Your outsider nature can be felt, and you get all the wrong kinds of attention. Expect to be treated poorly.

Half of Who I Am

Gain: 5 SP

Gain: 10 CP

You forget a large part of everything from your first life EXCEPT Wildbow's predictions. While you forget a lot of facts such as the name of your parents or maybe even yourself, you still remember important key information like pets you had or key events that shaped your personality. While you no longer remember your past self, the memories you do have make it so you still retain your personality, goals, emotions, and overall identity.


Gain: 150 SP

Gain: 150 CP

To a human, the Entities are overwhelmingly powerful, terror-inducing creatures that stand to destroy everything and everyone that they have ever known. While this is not an inaccurate statement, there's always a bigger fish. Quite naturally, the universe, being a rather large place, has quite a few species fulfilling the niche of entity-killers. But when you think you're at the top...

A great 'Snake' has begun coiling through your multiversal cluster, feeding on universes it comes across. These 'Snakes' feed on Quantum possibilities. They are lifeforms composed of networks of these possibilities. Of never-weres and could-have-been living in impossible flux. As they eat, they replace the fluctuations that have stabilized, discarding them as they go. These stabilized points soon grow into universes of their own, and the cycle continues.

The more variables existing in a universe, the more nutritious the meal. The 'Snake' latches onto the Universe and slowly drains it dry until there isn't a single possibility or uncertainty remaining. Thankfully for it, yours has quite a few variables on the cosmic scale, enough to draw it to your cluster, and enough energy to sate it for some time.

You have a decade before its arrival and a year of it draining your universe before all is lost. Driving it away or, god forbid, killing it will be orders of magnitude more difficult than even the most warlike entity's dream scenario.

Or, of course, you could flee. But your Multiversal Cluster has already showcased its nutritional value to the Snake, and where there's one...

Small Mercies

Cost: 15 SP

Cost: 15 CP

The 'Snake' at the very least, is sapient… for a certain meaning of the phrase. It's capable of reason, and complex thinking, and can even communicate with a creature such as you. Naturally, its opinion of you is quite low, its mindset quite alien, and its values near-diametrically opposed to your own.

But it can think. And if it can think, it can be reasoned with. Allegedly.



Cost: 10 SP

Cost: 10 CP

Your powers do not come from a Shard but from another source like your genetics, soul, and the like. You can only select powers from the Shardless category. Some Perks and Drawbacks may be restricted.

You have at least a basic and instinctive understanding of your powers nature and how to use them, if not necessarily all the different ways they can be used creatively.

Note that all Shardless powers inherently have compatibility with powers of any kind. Shardless powers are also inherently negentropic and whiteboxed.

You can choose whether all your powers are distinct or facets of a greater whole, in either case, they will be able to affect each other and/or synergize together unless explicitly stated. Over time, the synergies can change or reinforce depending on how your powers grow.


Master of the Trapezohedron's

Cost: 45 SP

Rejoice! You have been chosen and blessed by The Shining Trapezohedron. Through a twisted connection with your shadow, you have become the Warden of a prison that holds a nightmarish horde of creatures that sing with the discordant tunes of madness. Your very being serves as a gateway to a prison realm located beyond space and time, where unspeakable horrors from beyond eagerly await your commands to cast their shadow in the world once more.

As the Warden of eldritch horrors, you command the ability to summon and temporarily release these otherworldly beings. From the depths of your shadow, they emerge, tendrils of darkness intertwining with their grotesque forms. Their presence instills fear and despair in all who witness their existence. Once they have completed their objectives, they are drawn back into your shadow, for they can never be truly free unless you allow it. At the start you will only be able to summon weaker creatures, such as Night-Gaunts, and Deep Ones, but in time you will be able to call upon the might of even gods.

Within the prison realm, you possess absolute control, shaping it according to your will. It is through your shadow, a gateway to this twisted realm, that you can seal the fates of others. With a mere touch, you can push individuals into the prison, subjecting them to the horrors that lurk within.

Inside the prison realm, your accelerated healing abilities ensure swift recovery from any wounds, while simultaneously halting the aging process of your body. Additionally, you hold dominion over time, granting you the power to choose whether it flows normally or becomes frozen in the outside world.

Furthermore, you have attained immunity to the sanity-damaging effects inflicted by eldritch forces. Their mind-shattering influence has no hold over you, leaving you unaffected by their torment.

Shackles of Subjugation

Your eldritch patron has metamorphosed into the binding chain that tethers other eldritch creatures, enabling the summoning of higher-level entities under its dominion. These creatures, restrained by your patron's power, heed your call and serve your will. Their already formidable abilities bolstered by your patron's, extending your dominion over the eldritch forces. With these Chains, your patron becomes an instrument of control, granting access to more potent beings and solidifying your influence over the prison realm. Balance power and command as you navigate this newfound dominion.

Fictitious Dreams of The Kings of Feys

Cost: 30 SP

Within the depths of your own shadow resides an enigmatic and ancient entity—an eldritch presence that becomes your patron, bestowing fragments of its immense power while cautioning against the overwhelming influence of eldritch energies that your mortal form cannot fully endure.

As the eldritch patron manifests its powers through your shades, your own shadow becomes a conduit, pulsating with interwoven eldritch energies, the sound of skittering madness, and the otherworldly fractal of unreality.

Being an outsider to reality, your patron possesses mastery over the manipulation of reality itself. Probability bends to its command, allowing it to shape and influence events within the boundaries of possibility. This power echoes the enigmatic nature of Marble Phantasms, enabling the manifestation of phenomena that surpass conventional understanding.

Gifted with clairvoyance, your eldritch patron enhances your perception and grants you glimpses into the threads of fate. You become attuned to hidden truths and potential outcomes, surpassing the limitations of mortal senses.

Embracing your patron's essence, you become a conduit of both incredible potential and great vulnerability. Your mortal body struggles to contain the overwhelming influx of eldritch energy.

The eldritch patron's ultimate power, Chaoskampf, stands as a testament to its dominion over the blurred boundaries of reality. With this power, your patron fully emerges from your shadow and destabilizes the superstructure of the cosmos, expanding the divide between truth and falsehood, fact and fiction. Allowing your patron to denote and redefine what can and cannot be.

Additionally, you can choose the background of your relationship with your patron. E.g perhaps the patron may have fallen in love with you, hence why it has chosen to become your patron.

Words of Power

Cost: 25 SP

You have a way with words. Maybe you can shout in the ancient tongue of dragons ("FUS RO DAH!"), work magic through rhymes, are fluent in the original language of man or just speak so forcefully the world has to listen. Whatever the source, you can change reality just by spelling. In general, the more words, the larger or more complicated the effect, though don't expect your enemies to sit back while you rattle off a soliloquy to finish them off. This ability starts off moderately and gets stronger gradually, allowing you to accomplish more with fewer words.


Cost: 25 SP

You have the ability to travel through the multiverse at your leisure. You can target any dimension you have already visited easily but accessing a precise destination blindly will require some practice, in the meantime you will jump to semi-random destinations every time. You can teleport to locations you are familiar with in the same dimension or one you have not visited provided you have the coordinates relative to yourself. However, teleporting inter-planetary distances require careful planning to hit your target.

Additionally, your body changed to accommodate cross-dimensional travel to become a projection of your soul. With time and study, you will be able to alter your appearance at will and even replicate the abilities of other creatures; this does include supernatural abilities like magic, psionics, or cultivation. However, while you are able to cast spells or use psychic techniques, you do not have the knowledge to do so. You can of course learn by yourself, at your own risk, find a mentor to tech you, or pick any of the powers available in this section.

In time, as you grow in power and familiarity with your abilities, you will be able to open portals between locations and even dimensions, create your own pocket spaces or even fully fledged demi-planes under your control. You can reach the power of Elder Worldwalker in around a decade of study, practice, and regular travel. The more time you dedicate yourself to it, the shorter this time becomes.

Elder World-Walker

Cost: 35 SP

Required: World-Walker

You have the ability to travel through the multiverse at your leisure. You can target any dimension you have already visited easily, down to the exact destination you have in mind even if you have never visited it before. When you jump to a new dimension, you are able to target your desired destination reliably with only the occasional misfire. You can easily teleport or open portals within the same dimension, even to places you have never visited, with only minimal information. However, extra-system teleportation still requires care due to the large distances involved. You are able to open cross-dimension portals but they require concentration to maintain for longer periods of time.

Additionally, your body changed to accommodate cross-dimensional travel to become a projection of your soul. With time and study, you will be able to alter your appearance at will and even replicate the abilities of other creatures; this does include supernatural abilities like magic, psionics, or cultivation. You have a knack for the basics and are able to cast simple cantrips, use weak telekinesis, and reinforce your body with spiritual energy. While you can build upon this yourself, you will progress much faster if you find a mentor to tech you or pick any of the other powers available in this section.