
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

The Strongest Force

Nervous anticipation tingled through Kai Ishikawa's veins as he crossed the threshold into the futuristic classroom of the Legion Academy. The sleek lines and advanced technology that adorned the space were a stark contrast to the historical grandeur he had imagined. His steps echoed softly on the polished floor as he took in the holographic displays, interactive panels, and hovering desks that filled the room.

Yet, an eerie stillness hung in the air, and Kai's excitement was tinged with a sense of bewilderment. The seats remained unoccupied, and the usual hum of chatter and camaraderie was conspicuously absent.

His gaze was drawn to the front of the room, where the headmaster's sleek desk stood. A figure was seated behind it, their presence exuding an air of wisdom and authority. It was the headmaster, a guiding force in this advanced world of knowledge.

"You are here," the headmaster's voice greeted him, resonating with a blend of warmth and technological sophistication.

"Good morning headmaster," Kai gave a salutation gesture before he sat on his chair.

Headmaster smiled as he saw Kai dressed in the sleek and distinguished uniform of the Chronostrider division at Legion Academy, a proud smile graced the headmaster's lips. His eyes gleamed with approval as they took in Kai's transformed appearance, a testament to the young student's commitment and dedication.

The Legion Academy uniform was a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, a reflection of the Chronostrider division's unique role in preserving history across the ages. The fabric flowed gracefully around Kai's form, tailored to perfection. The deep, rich tones of the uniform's fabric seemed to absorb and reflect the ambient light, creating an aura of understated elegance.

The jacket bore intricate designs that traced the contours of his body, emphasizing his shoulders and adding a touch of authority to his presence. Embroidered emblems of the Chronostrider division adorned the lapels, a mark of honor that signified his role in safeguarding the fabric of time itself.

Beneath the jacket, a crisp shirt added a layer of refinement, its collar standing tall as a symbol of discipline and dedication. The emblem of the Legion Academy was emblazoned on the breast pocket, a badge of honor that Kai wore with pride.

His pants, tailored to perfection, flowed seamlessly downward, creating clean lines that elongated his silhouette. The fabric whispered softly with each step, a reminder of the tradition and history that he now embodied.

Kai's footwear was a fusion of style and functionality, sleek boots that offered both comfort and versatility. They grounded him, a reminder that he was part of a legacy that spanned centuries.

Completing the ensemble was a finely crafted belt, its design an intricate dance of form and function. It held a pouch that would carry the tools and artifacts essential to his role as a Chronostrider – a tangible connection to the past he was sworn to protect.

But it wasn't just the uniform itself that radiated a sense of purpose and dignity. It was the way Kai wore it, his posture straightened, his gaze focused, and his spirit unwavering. The uniform seemed to imbue him with an air of confidence and determination, transforming him into a figure of both elegance and strength.

As the headmaster's proud gaze met Kai's, a silent understanding passed between them. The uniform was more than just clothing; it was a symbol of the responsibilities Kai had chosen to bear, a mark of his commitment to safeguarding history and preserving the tapestry of time. With a nod of approval and a glint of pride in his eyes, the headmaster acknowledged Kai's transformation and readiness to embrace his role as a Chronostrider, a guardian of the past and a protector of the future.

"I believe you carry the pride of Chronostrider," The headmaster admired his fresh look of him.

"Thank you," Kai appreciated the compliment from the headmaster. "It is an honor to me."

With a commanding presence, the headmaster stepped forward, his gaze fixed upon Kai Ishikawa, the eager and determined student before him. The classroom seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of anticipation, a testament to the profound lesson about to unfold.

"Kai," the headmaster's voice resonated, a rich tapestry of authority and wisdom woven into each word, "today, we delve into the essence of what it truly means to be a Chronostrider. Beyond the uniforms and the artifacts, lies a fundamental understanding of the forces that shape the very fabric of existence."

Kai's attention was rapt, his eyes locked onto the headmaster as he hung on to every syllable.

"The Force," the headmaster began, his words imbued with a weight that resonated through the ages, "is the primal energy that flows through the cosmos, binding all things together. This is the essence that empowers us as Chronostriders to fight enemies by manipulating energy to a single point in our hands."

As the headmaster spoke, a holographic projection materialized before them – a swirling vortex of energy that pulsed with vibrant hues. It was a visual representation of the Force, a mesmerizing display that seemed to reach out and touch the very edges of reality.

"Kai," the headmaster's voice echoed with an air of guidance, "to truly master the Force, you must learn the art of convergence – the ability to bring the energies that surround you into a singular focal point."

Kai's gaze remained fixed on the headmaster, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

"Feel the energy that flows through the cosmos," the headmaster continued, his words a guiding thread through the tapestry of understanding. "It is a symphony of vibrations, a dance of particles and waves that interweave with every breath you take."

As the headmaster spoke, the holographic projection shifted once more, depicting a field of shimmering energy particles that danced and swirled in a mesmerizing display.

"Extend your hand," the headmaster instructed, his tone imbued with a calm assurance. "Visualize a convergence point at your palm, a destination where all the energy lines will converge."

Kai followed the instruction, extending his hand before him and closing his eyes.

Kai's brow furrowed in concentration as he extended his left hand before him, attempting to replicate the process the headmaster had described. He closed his eyes, envisioning the convergence point, a radiant beacon that would draw the energies toward it. With a deep breath, he focused his intent, imagining his hand as a magnet pulling the threads of energy closer.

But despite his best efforts, the energies remained elusive, like wisps of smoke slipping through his grasp. He could sense their presence, a tantalizing dance at the edges of his awareness, but they resisted his attempts to gather them into a singular point.

Frustration pricked at Kai's determination, his brow furrowing as his hand remained empty, the envisioned convergence point remaining stubbornly absent. He could feel the sweat forming on his brow, a testament to the intensity of his concentration.

His eyes flickered open, and he gazed at his still-empty hand, disappointment gnawing at the edges of his resolve. He had been eager, ready to prove himself, but the energies had eluded him, slipping through his fingers like sand.

The headmaster's voice cut through the quiet of the room, soothing and understanding. "It is alright, Kai. Mastery comes not from immediate success but from the persistence to learn and improve."

Kai met the headmaster's gaze, his frustration gradually giving way to a determination that burned anew. He nodded, his resolve unshaken. "I will try again master."

The headmaster's smile was reassuring, a beacon of encouragement in the face of Kai's initial setback. "Kai. Remember, failure is a stepping stone to success. Embrace the challenge, learn from it, and let it propel you further on your journey."

With renewed determination, Kai took a deep breath and closed his eyes once more. He visualized the convergence point, feeling the energy threads as they danced around him. This time, he approached the task with a patient and steady focus, determined to grasp the essence of the Force.

Kai Ishikawa continued his practice, his focus honed on the task at hand. He closed his eyes, shutting out the distractions of the world around him, and delved deep within himself. He visualized the convergence point, a beacon of light that would draw the energies toward it.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, Kai began to sense a shift in the air around him. It was as if the very atmosphere responded to his intent, a subtle current of energy that began to gather around his outstretched hand. He could feel the threads of the Force, like delicate tendrils, responding to his call.

His brow furrowed in concentration, Kai's breathing steady and measured. With each passing moment, the invisible energies coalesced, forming an intangible ball of energy that hovered just above his palm. It pulsed with a gentle luminescence, a manifestation of the cosmic forces that he was learning to command.

The ball of energy began to spin, a vortex of unseen power that stirred the air around it. Kai could feel the sensation of movement, a subtle yet profound shift in the very fabric of reality. It was as if he had tapped into a wellspring of potential, a reservoir of energy that flowed through the tapestry of existence.

The headmaster observed in silence. His eyes shone with a mixture of pride and amazement, a recognition of Kai's exceptional prowess. The energy Kai commanded was formidable, Its power was so huge that it even exceeded the strength of the previous Chronostrider.

As Kai's concentration deepened, the vortex of energy grew more pronounced, its luminous presence casting an ethereal glow in the room. The headmaster's voice, a blend of admiration and affirmation, cut through the silence.

"Kai Ishikawa, your relationship with the Force is a testament to your dedication and potential. Your command of his energy is very tough, even surpassing my own energy."

Kai's eyes fluttered open, his gaze locking onto the vortex he had conjured. He could feel the energy humming beneath his skin, a current that flowed through him, connecting him to the very heart of the universe.

"You possess a strength that is rare, even among the Chronostriders who have come before," the headmaster continued, his words a blend of encouragement and acknowledgment.

Kai nodded, his eyes never leaving the vortex of energy. With every passing second, he felt a deeper connection to the forces that bound the universe together. He had taken a monumental step on the path of a Chronostrider, and as he stood there, a sense of wonder and anticipation filled his heart – the promise of greater revelations and challenges that awaited him on his journey through the realms of time and destiny.