
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs


The soft murmur of conversation surrounded them as Kai and Rio found a moment of solitude within the Legion Academy's courtyard. The sun's warm glow creates a serene backdrop for their conversation.

"Kai, I understand your ideals and your commitment to standing up for what's right," Rio began, his voice a mixture of concern and reason. "But challenging Kyle, especially now, might not be the wisest decision."

Kai's gaze remained steady, his resolve unshaken. "I can't just stand by, Rio. His arrogance needs to be put in check."

Rio sighed softly, his expression pensive. "You have to understand, Kyle is not just anyone. He's the strongest among all the students—the champion of the academy, a strong contender for the vanguard position this year."

Kai's brows furrowed, his determination unwavering. "That doesn't make his actions right."

"I'm not saying they're right," Rio clarified, his tone gentle. "But challenging him could lead to consequences beyond just the duel. If you defeat him, you might earn respect, but there is a bigger chance you will not win against him."

Kai's lips pressed into a thin line, and his thoughts conflicted. "So, I should just let his cockiness go unchecked?"

"No," Rio said, his voice firm but understanding. "But perhaps there's a better way to approach this. Instead of a direct confrontation, maybe you could find a way to make your point without further escalating tensions."

Kai sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I don't know, I think it's too late for that."

"I know," Rio acknowledged a supportive glint in his eyes. "And your ideals are worth fighting for. But sometimes, choosing the right battle is just as important as fighting it."

Kai's resolve remained unyielding, despite Rio's counsel. His gaze met Rio's, determination evident in his eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Rio, but it's too late to back down now."

Rio's expression reflected a mix of worry and understanding. "Kai, I know you're passionate about your ideals, but challenging Kyle—especially given his position—could have serious consequences."

Kai's jaw set, his voice steady. "I understand the risks, Rio. But I can't let his arrogance go unchecked. If I back down now, it'll only encourage him further."

Rio's gaze held a trace of frustration, his concern for his friend evident. "I'm just worried about what could happen if things escalate. You know Kyle's reputation and his abilities."

Kai's shoulders squared, his resolve unshaken. "I can't base my decisions on fear, Rio. I believe in standing up for what's right, even if it means facing someone stronger."

Rio's sigh was a mixture of exasperation and camaraderie. "You're incredibly stubborn, you know that?"

A small smile tugged at Kai's lips. "Stubbornness can be a strength when it's fueled by conviction."

The two friends shared a moment of understanding, their bond woven through shared experiences and ideals. Kai's determination remained unwavering, a testament to his commitment as a Chronostrider.

"I'll be there to support you, no matter what," Rio finally conceded, his voice tinged with both frustration and loyalty.

Kai's expression softened, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Rio. I know it won't be easy, but sometimes we have to challenge the status quo to bring about change."

"Anyway," Rio changed the topic. "I will go to the library to study a bit. I will see you soon dude."

"Alright," Kai nodded. "I will see you later."

As they parted ways, Enlil's presence seemed to envelop him, and a voice echoed within Kai's mind—a voice that was both authoritative and comforting.

"Forgive my intrusion," Enlil's voice carried a weight that demanded respect. "But I must interject."

Kai's surprise was evident, his mental voice responding. "Enlil? What's happening?"

Enlil's voice continued, his tone measured. "Kyle, despite his demeanor, is not an ordinary student. He possesses remarkable strength and potential. Among The Legion students worldwide, he is recognized as a protege candidate."

Kai's mental voice conveyed a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Protege candidate? Can you explain?"

Enlil's mental presence felt reassuring as he explained further. "Protege candidates are individuals of extraordinary talent and promise. They are identified by The Legion Academy as potential future leaders and defenders of Vanguard. Kyle's strength has gained recognition far beyond the Legion Academy."

Understanding began to dawn on Kai. "So, his reputation is more than just arrogance—it's earned respect."

"Kai," Enlil's words carried a sense of conviction, "I believe that you have the capability to overcome Kyle."

Kai's mental response was a blend of surprise and gratitude. "You think I can defeat him?"

Enlil's voice conveyed unwavering confidence. "You were able to hit me with one punch, Do you think you are weak?"

A sense of determination welled up within Kai, a renewed fire ignited by Enlil's belief in him. "Thanks, Enlil, I won't back down. I'll give it everything I've got."

"Just try not to destroy everything surrounding you while you fight him." Enlil reminded Kai.


As the tension between Kai and Kyle escalated, their rivalry seemed to cast a shadow over the entire Legion Academy. Whispers of the impending duel echoed through the corridors, and students and even the board members couldn't help but sense the impending clash.

"Friends and colleagues," the headmaster's voice carried a weight of authority, commanding the attention of those present. "I am aware of the situation between Kyle and Kai. While I understand the concerns surrounding their rivalry, I have decided to allow their duel to proceed."

The other board members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Zachary Anderson spoke up, voicing the collective sentiment. "Headmaster, is it wise to let this conflict escalate?"

The headmaster's gaze held a mixture of understanding and determination. "I acknowledge the potential consequences, but I believe that in this instance, it is crucial to allow this confrontation. Kyle's behavior has become outrageous, he's arrogance is already heard everywhere."

Kaine Bastian chimed in, skepticism was evident in their tone. "And what of Kai? He is still a freshman."

The headmaster's response was measured, his conviction unwavering. "Kai is different. He possesses a depth of potential that goes beyond mere power. I see in him the potential to be a protege— he has not learned anything and is already brave enough to face Kyle. Don't you think it is interesting?"

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of the headmaster's words hanging in the air. It was clear that the headmaster's insight was grounded in a deep understanding of the students under his care.

"I trust in Kai's capabilities," the headmaster continued, his gaze steady. "This duel could be an opportunity for both of them to demonstrate not just strength but also leadership."

"Headmaster, I understand your reasons for allowing the duel between Kyle and Kai," Nyx's tone was respectful but fervent. "But I fear that if we proceed, it might lead to Kai's humiliation."

The headmaster regarded Nyx with a thoughtful expression, his gaze meeting hers. "Nyx, I appreciate your concern. However, I believe that both Kyle and Kai have their own lessons to learn from this situation."

Nyx's brows furrowed, her concern unabated. "If he is defeated by Kyle in front of the entire academy, it might discourage him."

The headmaster's response was measured, his tone calm and empathetic. "Nyx, I understand your worry. But sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from facing challenges and setbacks."

Nyx's expression softened as she absorbed the headmaster's words. "I know Kai has immense potential, but Kyle's arrogance could be overwhelming."

The headmaster nodded, his gaze holding a depth of understanding. "It's a risk we must take. Besides, all the students were anticipating this duel."

Nyx's uncertainty remained, but she acknowledged the headmaster's wisdom. "I trust your judgment, Headmaster. I just hope that Kai will not be discouraged after the fight."

With a final nod, the headmaster concluded the discussion. "Let the duel proceed. We shall watch and assess. In the end, it will be the ultimate judge of their actions."