
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

Legion Division

Legend says that the "Legion Center Hall" is the place where the greatest hero was born.

Kai was amazed at how heroic and epic the Legion Center Hall was.

A masterpiece of futuristic design seamlessly intertwined with elegant touches of style. This grand chamber is a testament to the union of innovation and sophistication, where cutting-edge technology dances harmoniously with timeless aesthetics, creating an ambiance that leaves visitors in a state of wonder.

The hall stretches out before them, its vastness accentuated by the interplay of light and space. Polished marble floors, cool to the touch, guide their steps across the expanse, leading you deeper into the heart of this architectural marvel. A soft, ambient glow emanates from concealed LED strips embedded in the walls, casting a gentle radiance that highlights the contours of the room.

The ceiling appears as a seemingly endless canvas, an ever-changing tableau of stars, galaxies, and nebulae that shift and swirl in a mesmerizing display. The illusion is so vivid that it evokes the feeling of being suspended beneath an open sky, sparking a sense of both exploration and contemplation.

Sleek, minimalist seating arrangements are scattered strategically throughout the hall, their clean lines and muted tones serving as a canvas to showcase the brilliance of the surrounding design. Each seat is adorned with seamlessly integrated touch panels that allow attendees to control their environment – adjusting lighting, and temperature, even accessing relevant information with a simple touch.

At the center of the hall stands a marvel of art and engineering – an intricately designed holographic monument that seems to float effortlessly in mid-air. This ever-changing sculpture captures the essence of the Legion's values and achievements, a dynamic symbol of progress that evokes awe and inspiration.

Elegance is evident in every detail, from the meticulously crafted wall panels adorned with delicate fractal patterns to the sound-absorbing textiles that line the walls, ensuring that even in this vast space, conversations are carried with clarity and intimacy.

The Legion Center Hall stands not just as a physical space but as a manifestation of a vision – a convergence of forward-thinking design and timeless elegance. It's a place where tradition and innovation coexist, where the future is embraced without sacrificing the grace and splendor of the past. A true masterpiece that embodies the spirit of the Legion itself.

"I have not seen something like this before," Rio mesmerized by the hall's architecture. "It's like you enter a different realm."

"This place is huge," Kai said. "No wonder people wanted to be part of this academy."

[Everyone please take a seat at the nearest chair to you]

The voice of a woman can be heard from the mic.

[We are going to start the welcoming ceremony]

Kai and Rio found the two empty seats beside each other, they decided to take the seat as everyone found their seat as well. Everyone was looking in the same direction at the hall's stage that was a bit far in front of them.

Kai could see there were eleven people on the stage, he suspected that those people were the board member of the Legion Academy. Every board member on the stage has their own perspective throne on the stage.

The man from the middle throne stood up to the middle of the stage. He has the biggest throne among the other thrones.

"Welcome to the Legion Acadamy everyone," The man said. "I believe all of you are already familiar with my name. If you read the email from us you will see my name who signed on the paper."

"My name is Draven Mahendra," Draven said. "I will be the mentor for some of you as well as the headmaster of this academy."

Everyone stayed focused on his words, Headmaster Draven Mahendra. This charismatic middle age leader embodies a seamless fusion of cutting-edge technology and commanding presence, standing as both a visionary educator and a symbol of the era's advanced warfare.

On his chest, a polished emblem of the academy rests – a fusion of traditional heraldry and futuristic geometry. It symbolizes his role as both a guardian of knowledge and a pioneer of technology, bridging the gap between the past and the future.

His voice, modulated by an integrated communication system, possesses a commanding quality that resonates with the weight of authority. Yet, beneath the formidable exterior, a spark of wisdom and warmth emanates. The stern lines of his face soften into a reassuring smile, revealing a leader who understands the significance of mentorship and guidance in an age of rapid change.

"Now, before we officially congratulate you as the future soldier," Daven continued. "We are going to classify you into the different divisions according to your talents."

"But first, Let me introduce you to the other ten board members as well," Headmaster said.

"First," the Headmaster pointed his right arm to the first throne. "We have Mr. Zachary Andreas from the Nanite Sentinels."

With an aura of serene authority, Mr. Zachary embodies the perfect harmony between advanced technology and unwavering wisdom. Clad in a sleek silver uniform adorned with intricate nanite patterns, his piercing eyes reflect the brilliance of a thousand galaxies. As he imparts his knowledge, his voice resonates like a man with passion, inspiring his protégés to harness the power of nanotechnology and become guardians of the future.

"Next we have Mr. David Putra from Cybernetic Exo-Gladiator" the headmaster continued.

With cybernetic enhancements seamlessly integrated into his form, Mr. David emanates an air of indomitable strength and strategic brilliance. His cybernetic eye glows with a faint blue luminescence, scanning the battlefield with unwavering precision. Clad in a fusion of advanced exo-armor and traditional insignias, Mentor David commands respect and admiration as he imparts his battle-hardened wisdom to his proteges, forging them into formidable warriors of the future.

"We have Ms. Calista Dewi as the Psionic Warlords," the Headmaster continued.

Calista, the enigmatic guide of the Psionic Warlords. Her presence exudes an ethereal aura, a testament to her mastery over psychic forces. With eyes that shimmer like pools of inner light, she wears robes that seem to ripple with unseen energy. Her voice resonates with a soothing yet authoritative cadence, as she nurtures and refines her proteges' psionic abilities, teaching them to harness the power of the mind and shape destiny itself.

"I introduced our next mentor," the Headmaster pointed to the fourth throne. "Mr. Henry Klausman."

Dressed in sleek armor that hums with contained power, Mr. Henry embodies the fusion of energy and discipline. His gaze, sharp and focused, mirrors the precision of his energy lance strikes. With a voice like thunder, Mr. Henry imparts his tactical genius, molding his protégés into adept wielders of futuristic weaponry, capable of unleashing devastating energy beams upon the battlefield.

"Next we have Ms. Lyra Winata as our Holographic Illusionist," the Headmaster introduced her with pride.

Adorned in flowing garments that seem to shift like the very holograms she manipulates, Ms. Lyra exudes an aura of mystique and intrigue. Her eyes gleam with an inner spark, reflecting the artistry of her illusions. With a voice as melodic as a symphony, Ms. Lyra teaches her proteges the art of deception and misdirection, showing them how to wield the power of light and illusion to shape reality itself.

"Allow me to introduce Mr. Valen Von Boer as the mentor of Nanobot Medics," the Headmaster continued.

Mentor Valen, the compassionate leader of the Nanobot Medics. Draped in a pristine white uniform adorned with subtle nanobot motifs, he radiates an air of healing serenity. His eyes, filled with empathy, seem to hold the secrets of rejuvenation. With a soothing voice that carries the promise of restoration, Mr. Valen imparts his profound medical expertise, guiding his proteges in the art of harnessing nanotechnology to mend wounds and safeguard lives.

"Meet Kaine Bastian, the head behind the Drone Commander." The headmaster introduced Mr. Kaine.

Mr. Kaine, the strategic mastermind behind the Drone Commanders. Adorned in tactical attire interwoven with intricate circuitry, he exudes an air of calculated authority. His gaze, analytical and unyielding, mirrors his command over the skies. With a voice that resonates like a command center, Mentor Kaine imparts his expertise in drone warfare, teaching his proteges how to orchestrate synchronized drone assaults and wield technological supremacy on the battlefield.

"We have Mr. Kevin Chandra as your mentor in Plasma Jaggernauts," The headmaster pointed his index fingers at Mr. Kevin.

Mentor Kevin, the indomitable leader of the Plasma Juggernauts. Clad in imposing, plasma-resistant armor, he radiates an air of unstoppable strength. His eyes, fierce and unyielding, mirror the power of his plasma-infused weaponry. With a voice like roaring thunder, Mr. Kevin imparts his expertise in harnessing plasma energy, molding his proteges into juggernauts of destruction, capable of unleashing devastating plasma attacks that melt through enemy defenses with precision.

"Meet Ms. Selene andinata as your guidance for the Gravity Manipulator," The headmaster continued.

Mr. Selene, the gravity-defying guide of the Gravity Manipulators. Clad in a sleek uniform adorned with celestial patterns, she exudes an air of weightless confidence. Her eyes, sparkling with cosmic insight, mirror her mastery over gravitational forces. With a voice that carries the resonance of stars, Ms. Selene imparts her expertise in manipulating gravity, teaching her proteges to bend the laws of physics and reshape the battlefield with their unprecedented control over the very fabric of space.

"We proudly introduced you to one of our members of the international vanguard squads and the mentor of Stealth Nanoshifter." The headmaster introduced. "Nyx."

Nyx, the enigmatic leader of the Stealth Nanoshifters. Cloaked in attire that seamlessly blends with the shadows, she emanates an air of elusive mastery. Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, mirror her command over the art of invisibility. With a voice that drifts like a whisper on the wind, Mentor Nyx imparts her expertise in stealth and subterfuge, guiding her proteges in the delicate dance of becoming shadows that navigate unseen and strike with precision.

"Last but not least," The headmaster lowered his voice a bit.

A transformation of awe-inspiring elegance and power unfolds. Headmaster Draven Mahendra, the esteemed leader of the Legion Academy, stands at the epicenter of the stage's hall. His presence, though commanding, is bathed in a sense of tranquility as he prepares to invoke his formidable battle armor.

As his determined gaze fixates upon a holographic console before him, his hands hover over the controls. With a sequence of intricate gestures, the room comes alive with soft, pulsating luminescence. The air hums with latent energy as a radiant field envelops the headmaster, casting an ethereal glow upon his features.

With each calculated movement, the air around Headmaster Draven begins to ripple and distort, as if the very fabric of time and space is bending to his will. The subtle interplay of light and shadow forms a swirling vortex that encircles his form, growing in intensity with every passing moment.

From the heart of this luminous whirlpool, a cascade of shimmering black and gold nano-armor materializes. They emerge like tiny stars, converging upon Headmaster Draven's body with delicate precision. Each nano-armor melds seamlessly with his form, adhering to his skin and garments like an intricate second skin.

As the nano-armor settles, a breathtaking metamorphosis takes place. Headmaster Draven's attire undergoes a graceful evolution, transforming from the traditional robes of academia to an awe-inspiring suit of battle armor. The nano-armor forms intricate patterns across the surface of his armor, creating an otherworldly fusion of technology and elegance.

The armor itself is a masterpiece of design – a sleek, dark expanse adorned with luminous gold lines that pulse with energy. Intricate circuitry weaves across the surface, serving both as decoration and functional augmentation. The armor's components assemble with precision, encompassing his entire form from head to toe.

His helmet materializes last, a masterpiece of engineering that covers his head while allowing a clear view of his intense gaze. The visor, almost like a window to the cosmos, flickers to life, overlaying tactical data and holographic displays that only he can perceive.

With the completion of the transformation, Headmaster Draven Mahendra stands as the embodiment of the Legion Academy's power and legacy. His presence radiates with an aura of both resolute determination and boundless potential. The once-unassuming headmaster is now a living embodiment of time's grandeur, poised to defend and shape the destiny of the academy and beyond.

" I introduce myself as The Chronostriders mentor for you." Mr. Draven said after the transformation.

Everyone was amazed by all of them, each mentor was exceeded in their own skills. Kai was so amazed with The headmaster as he was so inspired to be mentored by the headmaster.

"All of them look so cool," Rio said. "I wonder which class I will be."

"I hope I can be in the place that suits my skills and personality," Kai wished. "But I am hoping I can be one of the headmasters students."

"There is nothing wrong with that," Rio said. "But looks like I will be under Mr. Kevin."

The voice of the headmaster can be heard again.

"We are going to choose your class on this 'Neuro-Bio Scanner'." The headmaster showed the device right in front of where he stood on the stage.

the "Neuro-Bio Scanner," a groundbreaking piece of futuristic technology that transcends the boundaries of human understanding. This cutting-edge device seamlessly combines advanced neuroimaging and biomechanical analysis to instantly and accurately assess both intellectual capabilities and physical prowess with unprecedented precision.

The Neuro-Bio Scanner consists of a sleek, handheld device with a multifunctional touchscreen interface. Encased in a lightweight, durable material, it features a comfortable grip and ergonomic design, making it easy to handle and operate. The device's surface is embedded with an array of nanosensors, each capable of capturing an array of neural and physiological data.

"To assess IQ, the individual simply places their fingertips on the designated sensor pads, initiating a non-invasive neuroimaging process. The scanner utilizes a combination of quantum neural mapping and advanced neural network analysis to create a comprehensive profile of the individual's cognitive abilities. This data is then instantaneously processed, and a numerical IQ score is displayed on the device's screen." The headmaster explained

"For assessing physical power, the individual places their palm over another sensor area. The device employs a combination of bioelectrical impedance analysis and advanced force measurement algorithms. By analyzing muscle contractions, neural signals, and biometric data, the scanner calculates an accurate measurement of the individual's physical strength, agility, and endurance. This data is also presented in real-time on the device's screen." The headmaster continued explaining how the device worked.

The Neuro-Bio Scanner's interface is intuitive, offering clear visualizations and easy-to-understand graphics that present the results in a user-friendly manner. The device can also provide personalized recommendations for cognitive enhancement or physical training based on the gathered data.

"Before we proceed to it, I want you to listen to Aria, the AI who will explain each class to help you understand why you will be in the perspective of your class later on." The headmaster back to his seat.

[Hello everyone, I am Aria, your information guide through the Legion Academy]

The voice was so calm and relaxing, the clarity of the pronunciation was clear. It made the freshmen understand clearly for each explanation that Aria tried to explain.

[Here are the different types of knights and soldiers, each with their own unique skills and roles:

1. Nanite Sentinels: These elite soldiers are equipped with advanced nanotechnology integrated into their suits of armor. These nanites provide enhanced strength, speed, and self-healing capabilities. Their suits can morph to adapt to different combat situations, from creating shields to forming powerful melee weapons.

2. Cybernetic Exo-Gladiators: Combining humans and machines, these formidable knights sport cybernetic enhancements that grant them enhanced reflexes and strength. Their armored exoskeletons are equipped with built-in energy weapons and deployable force fields, making them walking arsenals on the battlefield.

3. Psionic Warlords: Gifted with psychic abilities, these knights harness the power of the mind to manipulate energy, control objects, and even influence the thoughts of enemies. Clad in sleek neural-enhancing suits, they wield psionic blades and generate energy barriers for protection.

4. Energy Lancers: These futuristic knights wield energy-powered lances that can emit devastating beams of light. Their armor is equipped with kinetic energy converters, allowing them to absorb and redirect enemy attacks. With agility-enhancing thrusters, they dance across the battlefield, striking down foes with precision.

5. Holographic Illusionists: Specializing in deception and misdirection, these soldiers utilize advanced holographic technology to create illusions and decoys on the battlefield. They wear light-refracting suits that can blend seamlessly into their surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye.

6. Nanobot Medics: These medics are equipped with medical nanobots that can rapidly heal wounds and injuries on the battlefield. Their suits are equipped with portable medical bays that can deploy protective barriers and create sterile environments for emergency surgeries.

7. Drone Commanders: These knights lead from the rear, controlling an array of combat drones that carry out their orders. Their suits are equipped with sophisticated communication arrays and drone control interfaces, allowing them to coordinate attacks, gather intelligence, and provide support to their fellow soldiers.

8. Plasma Juggernauts: Clad in heavy plasma-resistant armor, these soldiers wield massive plasma-infused weaponry that can melt through enemy defenses. Their suits are equipped with energy-absorbing systems that convert incoming plasma attacks into stored energy for their own use.

9. Gravity Manipulators: These knights have mastered the manipulation of gravitational forces, allowing them to create localized gravitational fields that can alter the trajectories of projectiles or immobilize enemies. Their suits are equipped with gravitic emitters that amplify their abilities and allow them to soar effortlessly through the air.

10. Stealth Nanoshifters: Utilizing advanced nanotechnology, these soldiers can manipulate their molecular structure to become nearly invisible to the naked eye. Their suits are equipped with sound dampeners and adaptive camouflage systems, enabling them to slip behind enemy lines undetected.

11. The Chronostriders: As elite warriors of the future, possess a unique set of skills that make them masters of temporal manipulation. They can accelerate or slow down time within localized fields, granting them unparalleled control over the battlefield's pace. With swift reflexes and strategic insight, they excel at disrupting enemy formations, predicting adversary movements, and seizing critical opportunities. The Chronostriders' role is to be the vanguard of strategic warfare, altering the flow of time to their advantage and guiding their allies to victory through precise, calculated actions.

These are the eleven different classifications with their own role and skills, congratulations to all of you, and Welcome to the Jakarta Legion Academy. ]

"Each role is important," Kai said. "It is like without one of the class the squad will be fragile."

"More like this will be a squad production for the future," Rio said. "Like we will be matching with the people that have the same vision and mission."

"That would be a total of eleven people in the squad," Kai thought. "That is a lot."

"Maybe that is how strong the Demon and Monster out there." Rio gave some light theory.

"It might sound so scary, but it will not stop us from being the best." Kai was so determined.