
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

Lunar_Zone · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

Headmaster's Apprentice

In the aftermath of the intense battle, the energy in the stadium began to shift. The deafening cheers had quieted, replaced by a sense of relief and camaraderie. Amidst this backdrop, Alethea stood in the Stadium hall, her eyes fixed on the entrance as she awaited Kai's approach.

And then, as if on cue, her gaze locked onto Kai, who was making his way towards her. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and she raised her hand in a friendly wave. Kai's heart skipped a beat as he saw her acknowledging him, and he quickened his pace to close the distance between them.

"Congratulations, Kai," Alethea greeted warmly as he drew nearer.

Kai's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, a mix of embarrassment and pride washing over him. "Thank you, Alethea," he managed to reply, his voice a touch shy.

Alethea's eyes twinkled with genuine admiration. "You were amazing out there. That was quite a fight."

Kai scratched the back of his head, still feeling a bit self-conscious under her gaze. "I... I just did what I could."

Her smile remained bright. "Well, whatever you did, it worked. You showed a lot of strength and determination."

A small grin played on Kai's lips. "It means a lot coming from you."

As their conversation continued, Kai found himself relaxing in Alethea's presence. They exchanged a few stories and shared some laughs, the tension from the battle slowly fading away. And just as they were engrossed in their conversation, a familiar figure approached them.

"Hey, Kai!" Rio's boisterous voice broke into their discussion.

Kai turned to see Rio, a mixture of excitement and pride emanating from him. "Hey, Rio," Kai greeted with a grin.

Rio's eyes were sparkling as he clapped Kai on the back. "You did it, man! You really showed them."

Kai chuckled, appreciating his friend's enthusiasm. "Thanks, Rio."

Alethea joined in, her smile warm. "Kai, you have a great friend here. He was cheering for you like crazy."

Rio grinned and shrugged. "Of course!"

As the trio shared a light-hearted moment, the connection between them felt palpable. The echoes of the battle were still ringing in their ears, but in that moment, it was the bond they had forged that stood out the most.

As the conversation flowed, Rio's curiosity got the best of him. He leaned in slightly, his eyes narrowing playfully. "Okay, spill the beans, Kai. How did you manage to take on Kyle like that? It's not every day a freshman shows up and goes toe-to-toe with the academy's strongest."

Kai chuckled, his gaze shifting momentarily as if recalling the intensity of the battle. "Well, I just had to be smart about it. Kyle's definitely strong, but everyone has their weaknesses."

Rio arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Smart, huh? But come on, man, it's gotta be more than just being smart. You were like a force out there."

Kai grinned, appreciating Rio's interest. "Okay, I'll let you in on a little secret." He paused for effect before continuing, "I had some help."

Rio's eyes widened with genuine surprise. "Help? From who?"

Kai's expression turned thoughtful as he recounted the moments leading up to the fight. "I managed to get Cosmic Contract."

Rio's jaw dropped, and he leaned back slightly. "A cosmic spirit? Seriously? Dude, how did you do that?! We still learning about it."

Kai chuckled again, nodding. "Yeah, it was unexpected for me too. But Enlil's guidance and the weapons he provided, like the Excalibur and the fortitude shield, played a big role in giving me the edge."

Rio and Alethea were so curious about Enlil that Kai mentioned it. "Enlil? Who is that?"

A subtle shift in the atmosphere caught Alethea and Rio's attention. Their eyes widened as a figure materialized in front of them – Enlil, the cosmic spirit who had played a pivotal role in Kai's journey. Enlil's presence exuded an air of ancient wisdom and power, and both Alethea and Rio found themselves momentarily speechless.

Enlil's eyes, with their otherworldly glow, turned toward Alethea and Rio, and he offered a polite and gentle smile. "Greetings, to both of you. I am Enlil, the cosmic spirit who has been with our friend Kai here."

Alethea blinked in surprise, her thoughts racing to comprehend the surreal situation. "Enlil? Cosmic spirit?" Her voice held a mixture of awe and disbelief.

Rio's jaw hung slightly open, his usual confidence momentarily replaced by amazement. "Wait, so you're the one who's been helping Kai all this time?"

Enlil nodded, his gaze moving between the two of them. "Indeed, I am. Kai's dedication and potential caught my attention, and I believed in his ability to rise to the challenges that awaited him."

Kai, watching Alethea and Rio's reactions, chimed in with a small grin. "Surprise, huh? Enlil's been quite the mentor."

Alethea recovered from her initial shock and looked at Kai with an amused smile. "Kai, you really know how to keep things interesting."

Enlil's presence seemed to fill the air with a sense of serenity, and he spoke with a reassuring tone. "Fear not, Alethea and Rio. Kai's progress is a testament to his determination and potential. He's taken strides in a short time, and I'm confident in his growth."

Rio's amazement slowly transformed into curiosity. "So, Enlil, what exactly are cosmic spirits? And how did Kai connect with you?"

Enlil's gaze turned thoughtful as if pondering the best way to explain. "Cosmic spirits are ancient beings, manifestations of cosmic energies that transcend time and space. We can forge connections with individuals who show promise and resonance with our energies."

Alethea's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "And Kai was one of those individuals?"

Enlil nodded, a faint smile on his lips. "Indeed. Kai's potential was like a beacon in the cosmic currents, drawing me to guide him."

Rio looked between Kai and Enlil, a mixture of admiration and fascination in his expression. "Well, Kai, I gotta say, you've really stepped into some extraordinary territory here."

Kai chuckled a hint of humility in his demeanor. "Yeah, it's been quite the journey."

Enlil's presence radiated a sense of warmth and encouragement as he addressed Alethea and Rio once more. "I must take my leave soon, but remember that the paths you walk are filled with potential and discovery. Embrace the challenges that come your way."

As Enlil's form began to fade, Kai offered a grateful smile to his cosmic spirits. "Thanks, Enlil."

Enlil's voice echoed gently in their minds as his presence dissipated. "It's nice to meet both of you."

As the sensation of Enlil's presence faded, Alethea and Rio exchanged amazed glances. The encounter had left an indelible mark on them, opening their minds to the boundless possibilities that existed beyond the ordinary.

Rio looked amazed and then playfully elbowed Kai. "Man, you really know how to keep secrets! You could've told me earlier."

Kai grinned, rubbing the spot where Rio had elbowed him. "Sorry, Rio. It was all a bit overwhelming, and I wasn't sure how to explain it."

Rio chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and admiration. "No worries, man. You've definitely earned the right to keep some secrets after that performance."

Just as they were sharing a lighthearted moment, Alethea's curiosity got the better of her, and she chimed in with a teasing smile. "So, Kai, you were hiding some pretty powerful tricks up your sleeve, huh?"

Kai laughed, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through him. "I guess you could say that, Alethea."

Rio joined in with a playful grin. "Well, I need to practice more to be on the same level as you now."

The air seemed to stir once more as Master Nyx, a figure of dark elegance, approached the group. Her presence carried a weight of authority and knowledge that demanded attention.

"Kai," Nyx's voice was steady and incisive, "I couldn't help but notice the power you wielded during the battle. It carries the signature of one of the strongest cosmic spirits."

Kai's gaze met Nyx's, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. "Strongest Spirit?"

Nyx's eyes held a depth of wisdom as she nodded, her voice resonating with an understanding that reached beyond the mundane. "Yes, the energy is unmistakable. And that ring on your finger," her gaze shifted to the Aetherium ring that adorned Kai's hand, "it's a conduit for that cosmic power."

Kai's fingers instinctively brushed against the ring, a sense of responsibility settling over him. "This... ring?"

Nyx's expression softened, her tone carrying a hint of encouragement. "Such power is both a gift and a responsibility. The cosmic spirits do not choose their vessels lightly. It means that you have the potential to become a formidable force against the forces of darkness."

Kai's brow furrowed slightly as he absorbed Nyx's words. The weight of his newfound role was sinking in, and he knew that he stood at a crossroads of immense significance.

Nyx's gaze held unwavering as she continued, her voice a steady guide. "Protecting this world from the demons is a duty that carries great weight. You possess a weapon that can tip the scales in our favor."

Kai nodded, a solemn determination settling in his expression. "I understand. I'll do my best to live up to that responsibility."

Nyx's lips curved into a small, approving smile. "Good. Remember that power can be both a source of strength and a test of character. It's the choices you make that will define your path."

Alethea and Rio stood nearby, listening to Nyx's words with a mix of reverence and respect. The magnitude of Kai's journey was beginning to take shape before them.

As Nyx prepared to depart, her words held a sense of finality and hope. "I am looking forward to seeing your progress in the future. It was a good fight from you Kid."

After Nyx's departure, the atmosphere began to settle. As Alethea, Rio, and Kai found themselves once again engaged in conversation, a new figure approached them, catching their attention.

The woman's presence was commanding, her posture exuding confidence and authority. Sherry Audia Melina, the secretary of the headmaster, was a striking figure with a captivating appearance. Her beauty was undeniable, accentuated by her confident demeanor.

Sherry's eyes met Kai's, her gaze carrying a sense of purpose as she introduced herself. "Kai Ishikawa," she addressed him with a warm but formal tone. "I am Sherry Audia Melina, the secretary of the headmaster. The headmaster would like to meet with you immediately in his office."

Kai's eyebrows lifted slightly in surprise at the unexpected summons. The urgency in Sherry's words implied that the matter at hand was of great importance. He exchanged a quick glance with Alethea and Rio, their curiosity mirroring his own.

"Of course," Kai responded, his voice steady despite the intrigue he felt. "I'll head to the headmaster's office right away."

Sherry nodded, her demeanor professional yet approachable. "Very well. Follow me, please."

As Sherry led the way, Kai couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. The prospect of meeting with the headmaster directly was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. He exchanged a brief glance with Alethea and Rio, their expressions a mixture of support and encouragement.

"I will see you guys after this," Kai told them.

"Good luck, Kai," Alethea whispered softly, her eyes conveying her genuine support.

With a nod and a reassuring smile, Kai followed Sherry into the headmaster's office, ready to uncover the purpose behind this unexpected summons.

Walking through the corridors of the academy, Kai's mind raced with questions. What could the headmaster want to discuss? Was it related to his performance in the duel, or was there something else at play? The thoughts swirled in his mind, each step bringing him closer to the answers he sought.

Finally, they reached the door to the headmaster's office, a place that held an air of mystery and significance. Sherry gestured for Kai to enter, her presence reassuring in this unfamiliar territory.

As Kai stepped into the headmaster's office, he was immediately struck by the futuristic elegance of the room. The color scheme of white and sea blue created a sense of calm and sophistication, while the sleek design elements gave the space a modern and cutting-edge feel.

The room was spacious, its layout designed with precision and purpose. The center of attention was a large desk made from a seamless fusion of polished metal and pristine white surfaces. Behind the desk, a high-tech computer terminal displayed holographic images and data, evidence of the headmaster's engagement with the latest advancements.

The walls were adorned with tasteful artworks that blended seamlessly with the room's aesthetic. The choice of artwork was eclectic, ranging from abstract sculptures to intricate paintings that showcased a fusion of ancient and futuristic themes.

But what truly captured Kai's attention was the expansive window that stretched across one entire side of the room. The window provided a breathtaking view of the city skyline below, a panorama that spanned out as far as the eye could see. The office's location on the highest floor of the building ensured an unobstructed vantage point, making it a sight to behold, especially during the transitioning hues of dawn or the mesmerizing glow of dusk.

The window itself was a masterpiece of engineering, featuring advanced smart glass technology that allowed the transparency to be adjusted at will. With a simple command, the view could be transformed from crystal-clear clarity to a more private, frosted appearance.

The furniture in the room matched the contemporary design, with minimalist chairs upholstered in a deep blue hue arranged around a low coffee table. The lighting was soft and adjustable, illuminating the room with a warm radiance that created an inviting atmosphere.

At the far end of the room, Kai could see the headmaster's personal workspace. A collection of books, holographic tablets, and various gadgets adorned the shelves, a testament to the headmaster's intellect and eclectic interests.

Overall, the headmaster's office was a blend of technology, art, and elegance, a reflection of the academy's commitment to both tradition and innovation. As Kai took in the sight before him, he felt a mixture of awe and excitement, realizing that he was about to engage in a significant conversation that could potentially shape his future.

"Welcome, Kai," Headmaster Draven greeted as Kai entered the room, his voice carrying a tone of warmth and authority. He gestured toward a plush couch situated in a comfortable corner of the room. "Please, have a seat."

Kai nodded respectfully and took a seat on the couch, his attention now focused on the headmaster as the conversation began.

Draven leaned back in his own chair, his expression thoughtful as he began to ask questions. "I must admit, Kai, your performance in the duel was nothing short of remarkable. You displayed a level of skill and power that is truly extraordinary for someone of your age and experience."

The headmaster's words were both a compliment and a statement of fact, emphasizing the unique nature of Kai's abilities. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze intent as he continued, "I'm curious about the weapons and powers you demonstrated during the fight. The Excalibur sword and the Fortitude shield—where did you obtain them?"

Kai took a deep breath before responding, understanding the significance of the conversation. "Headmaster, the Excalibur sword and Fortitude shield were gifts granted to me by cosmic spirits. The Excalibur and Fortitude shield were bestowed upon me by Enlil, a cosmic spirit."

Kai's revelation about the cosmic spirit Enlil seemed to trigger a surprising reaction from the headmaster. Draven's eyes widened slightly, his expression a mix of curiosity and realization. "Enlil, you say?" he mused, his tone contemplative. "That name is not one that is commonly heard, especially in recent times."

Kai's curiosity was piqued, and he listened attentively as the headmaster began to share an intriguing tale. "Enlil, the cosmic spirit you mentioned, has a history that dates back many years. He is not a name that is often spoken of, but his power is legendary." Draven leaned forward, his gaze focused on Kai as he continued to speak.

"It is said that Enlil was once in contact with a powerful warrior and the founder of the Chronostrider order, Randy Putra Dewa," Draven explained. "Randy was bestowed with a temporary portion of Enlil's cosmic power to combat a great threat—Asura, the demon lord who sought to bring chaos to the world. With Enlil's aid, Randy was able to defeat Asura and restore balance to the world."

Kai's eyes widened with astonishment as he listened to the headmaster's words. The history of Enlil and his connection to the founder of the Chronostrider order was a revelation that shed new light on the significance of the powers he now possessed.

"Asura's defeat marked a turning point in history," Draven continued. "But the powers that were granted to Randy, including the Exodus armor you wielded in the duel, as well as the Excalibur sword and Fortitude shield, gradually faded into myth and legend over the years. They became artifacts of a time long past, their true potential largely forgotten."

Kai's mind raced as he processed this information. The Exodus armor, Excalibur sword, and Fortitude shield were not just powerful tools, but relics with a storied history. He was humbled to be carrying on a legacy that was intimately tied to the founding of the Chronostrider order.

"As you can imagine, the reappearance of these artifacts and the connection to Enlil has taken us all by surprise," the headmaster admitted. "Your possession of them signifies a unique destiny, Kai. It's clear that the cosmic spirits have chosen you for a purpose, just as they chose Randy all those years ago."

Suddenly, Leo the headmaster Cosmic spirit introduced himself to Kai. "You possess a very strong will of power, young man."

Kai's eyes widened with the appearance of Leo, and the headmaster directly introduced Leo to Kai. "This is Leo, he is my cosmic spirit, the king of the mythical beast."

"Kai," Leo nodded to Kai, "It's nice to meet a talented student like you."

Kai nodded back showing gratitude to Leo. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Leo."

As Enlil's presence suddenly manifested in the room, a sense of awe and reverence filled the air. Headmaster Draven, Leo, and Kai all turned their attention to the cosmic spirit that had appeared before them. Leo, the magnificent lion-like cosmic spirit, regarded Enlil with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

"You must be... Enlil," Leo rumbled in a deep, resonant voice, acknowledging the appearance of the cosmic spirit with a dignified nod.

Enlil's form exuded a regal air as he gazed at Leo, the two cosmic spirits sharing a silent exchange of recognition that spoke volumes about their cosmic nature. Then, Enlil's gaze shifted toward Headmaster Draven and Kai, his expression carrying a blend of wisdom and insight.

"You know the history so well," Enlil began, his voice carrying a tone that seemed to resonate with the cosmos itself. "It is not surprising that you are aware of the connection between myself and Randy Putra Dewa."

The headmaster's eyes widened in astonishment, a mixture of respect and curiosity evident in his expression. "Enlil, you are aware of our history? Of Randy's role in wielding your power?"

Enlil's form seemed to radiate a gentle, otherworldly light as he continued to address them. "Indeed, Draven. The cosmic spirits exist beyond the boundaries of time and space, and our knowledge extends far beyond the realm of mortals. Randy's partnership with me was a pivotal moment in the chronicles of the universe."

Kai listened intently, awestruck by the conversation between the two cosmic spirits and the headmaster. It was as if he was witnessing a convergence of cosmic forces and ancient history right before his eyes.

"Kai," Enlil's gaze turned to him, and Kai felt a profound sense of connection to the cosmic spirit's presence. "Your journey is intertwined with the legacy of the past, and the legacy you now carry will shape the course of the future. The powers you wield, the artifacts you possess—they are a bridge between ages, a bridge between destinies."

Kai nodded, feeling both humbled and inspired by Enlil's words. The weight of his responsibilities and the significance of his role as a Chronostrider felt more profound than ever before.

"Enlil, what does this all mean?" Headmaster Draven inquired, a mixture of curiosity and reverence in his voice.

Enlil's form seemed to shimmer with cosmic energy as he replied, "It means that the cosmic spirits have chosen Kai as a conduit, a vessel through which our power can be harnessed for the betterment of the world. The trials he faces, the challenges he overcomes—they are all part of a larger tapestry that weaves together the threads of destiny."

"Enlil," Leo's deep voice resonated with curiosity, "why did you choose Kai? What is the reason behind your connection with him?"

Enlil's form seemed to shimmer with a mixture of ethereal light and cosmic energy as he regarded Leo. "Leo, my choice was not made lightly, nor was it based solely on the present circumstances. The tapestry of destiny is intricate, woven with threads of potential and possibility. Kai possesses qualities that transcend time, a spirit that resonates with the essence of a true Chronostrider."

Kai listened with rapt attention, eager to understand the reasoning behind Enlil's selection of him.

Enlil continued, his voice carrying a weight of profound wisdom. "Kai's courage and determination are evident in his actions. His humility and willingness to learn mirror the qualities of those who have come before him. But beyond that, there is a spark within him—a spark of hope, of unyielding spirit, and the capacity to embrace the cosmic energies that flow through the universe."

Kai felt a surge of emotion as Enlil's words touched upon the core of his being. It was as if Enlil had seen into his very soul and recognized the potential that he himself had yet to fully comprehend.

"Our choice is not arbitrary, Leo," Enlil continued. "Kai's journey is destined to intersect with the forces that shape the fate of worlds. He carries within him the essence of change, a force that can tip the balance between light and darkness."

Leo's gaze remained fixed on Enlil, a mixture of understanding and acceptance in his expression. "Then we shall guide him, support him, and ensure that his path remains steadfast."

Enlil nodded, his form radiating a sense of assurance and unity. "Indeed, Leo. Our cosmic energies will be his shield, his guide, and his source of strength. As Chronostriders, he will be responsible as the world protector, entrusted with preserving the delicate equilibrium that sustains existence."

Kai felt a profound sense of purpose settling over him, the weight of his role as a Chronostrider now clearer than ever before. The words spoken by Enlil and Leo resonated within him, igniting a determination to embrace his destiny and stand against the forces that sought to disrupt the world balance.

"Kai," Headmaster Draven's voice was resolute, "it is clear that your path is intertwined with cosmic destiny. Enlil and Leo have spoken, and I concur with their judgment. You shall be my direct apprentice and one day, you will assume the mantle of leadership just as I have."

Kai's heart raced as the weight of those words settled upon him. The notion of becoming a leader, a figure of authority and responsibility, felt both exhilarating and daunting. He looked from Enlil to Leo, seeing their affirmation in their cosmic forms.

"But...," Kai hesitated, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I am still so far from being great. I have much to learn, much to prove."

Headmaster Draven's eyes bore into Kai's, a mix of encouragement and unwavering belief evident in his gaze. "That is precisely why the Legion Academy exists, Kai. It is a crucible for honing the skills, character, and strength of individuals who carry the potential to shape the future. You have shown remarkable growth in a short time, and that is a testament to your determination and spirit."

Enlil's presence seemed to envelop Kai, his cosmic energy imbuing the room with a sense of purpose. "Kai, as a Chronostrider, your journey will be one of continuous evolution. Your training will be relentless, your challenges formidable, but remember that you are not alone. You have me, fellow students, and the legacy of those who came before you to guide and support you."

Leo's deep voice joined the conversation, his words resonating with assurance. "Kai, the mantle of leadership is not thrust upon you immediately. It is a role that you will grow into, step by step, experience by experience. The potential you hold is great, and it is matched only by your willingness to learn and your capacity to lead with integrity."

Kai's gaze shifted from one cosmic spirit to the other, a mixture of determination and humility building within him. He realized that this was a calling, a purpose that extended far beyond himself.

"I... I will do my best," Kai said, his voice steady. "I will work hard for it."

Headmaster Draven smiled, a mix of pride and hope in his expression. "That is all we ask, Kai. There is so much more to learn, from now on, I will not go easy on you."

Kai's heart swelled with a newfound sense of purpose. He realized that his path was not only about personal growth but about shouldering a responsibility that extended beyond his own existence. With Enlil by his side and the support of the Legion Academy, he was determined to rise to the challenge and become the great Chronostrider he was meant to be.