
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

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26 Chs

Annunaki: A Realm Beyond Chrono Realm

Draven prepared to impart profound teaching to Kai —the technique of Astral Projection. With the weight of ancient knowledge in their gaze, they began to share the secrets of this ethereal practice.

"To begin," the Headmaster instructed, "find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing yourself to relax. Picture a calming light surrounding you, enveloping you in a cocoon of serenity."

Kai followed the instructions, his breathing slowing down as he created an inner sanctuary of tranquility.

"Next," the Headmaster's guidance continued, "imagine yourself becoming weightless as if your physical body is growing lighter and lighter. Feel the sensation of detachment, as if you are gradually separating from the confines of your form."

Kai's imagination complied, and he felt a subtle shift—an intangible sensation of being freed from the constraints of his body.

"Now," the Headmaster's voice carried an encouraging tone, "envision your consciousness as a shimmering light—a core essence that is separate from your physical self. This light is what will venture forth in the realm of Astral Projection."

With the visualization taking root in his mind, Kai felt a sense of wonder—of being on the verge of exploring the uncharted territory of his own consciousness.

"Release any fears or doubts," the Headmaster's words were like a soothing balm, "and with intention, visualize yourself gently rising from your physical body. Feel the pull of this newfound freedom as you ascend into the realm of your mind."

Kai felt a subtle shift in his awareness as if he was suspended between worlds—the tangible and the intangible.

"As you venture into this state," the Headmaster's voice carried an aura of wisdom, "you can explore the boundaries of your inner world and even venture beyond it. Imagine yourself traversing landscapes of thought and memory, or even reaching towards the cosmic expanse of the Chrono Realm."

Kai's consciousness expanded, embracing the notion of exploring the vastness of the mind's canvas.

"When the time comes to return," the Headmaster's guidance remained steady, "simply focus your intention on reuniting with your physical body. Allow yourself to gently descend, feeling the sensation of reconnection."

As Kai followed the guidance, he felt the pull of his physical body gradually strengthening—a sensation of coming home.

"That was quite an excitement headmaster," Kai said after reconnecting with his body.

"Remember," the Headmaster's voice held a final note of reassurance, "Astral Projection is a skill that develops with practice. Be patient with yourself, and with each attempt, you will become more attuned to the intricacies of this art."

As the teaching concluded, Kai's heart swelled with a blend of excitement and reverence.

With the culmination of the profound lesson on Astral Projection, the Headmaster's presence held a sense of calm fulfillment. Turning their attention to Kai Ishikawa, they addressed him with a gentle smile.

"The exploration we've undertaken today has been substantial. It's now time to let the lessons settle within you." The headmaster's voice carried a soothing quality.

Kai nodded, his mind still immersed in the teachings he had received.

"Thank you for the lesson master," Gratitude welled up within Kai as he regarded the Headmaster's guidance.

"Rest well, Kai." the Headmaster's voice held an air of kind encouragement.

With those parting words, Draven Mahendra showed a little smile as he turned his back and went out of the room. Draven was amazed at Kai's talent and potential.

"Kai's energy," He whispered to himself, "resonates with the cosmic flow. His talent, I have never seen something like that before. I can totally convince he can be a protege in this Academy."

As the Headmaster's contemplative thoughts wove a tapestry of recognition, a subtle shift occurred within the chamber. The air seemed to shimmer with otherworldly energy, and a presence emerged—a radiant form that took the shape of a majestic lion, its ethereal mane flowing like cosmic currents. This was the Cosmic Spirit, the embodiment of universal energy and wisdom.

"Draven," The lion's voice resounded like a harmonious melody, carrying the weight of ages and the resonance of the cosmos, "I sense your thoughts, your musings on the young soul, Kai Ishikawa."

The Headmaster met the lion's gaze, a sense of reverence coloring their expression. The presence of the Cosmic Spirit was always a profound reminder of the unity that bound all things.

"Yes," the headmaster replied within the shared realm of thought, "Kai possesses a unique energy, a hunger for knowledge, and an openness to the mysteries of existence."

The lion's eyes gleamed, reflecting a deep understanding. "He is a vessel of potential, I must say he can be the greatest one when I sense his energy and power."

"I agree with you Leo," Draven agreed as he called the name of the lion.

"Kai," Leo continued, "has the essence of a true Chronostrider—an embodiment of balance, determination, and a connection to the cosmic currents."

The Headmaster nodded, a sense of purpose threading through their thoughts. "I sense it too—the potential for greatness that lies within him."

Leo's gaze held a deep knowing. "Kai has the capacity to be the greatest of Chronostriders, I believe you can sense it too."

As Leo's words echoed in the chamber of thought, the Headmaster felt a renewed sense of dedication—to guide Kai, to nurture his potential, and to help him navigate the uncharted territories that lay ahead.

"You, Draven," Leo's voice was a gentle reminder, "hold the key to unlocking his potential, to guiding him along the path that leads to the cosmic tapestry."

With a silent affirmation, Draven kept on walking back to his headmaster's room.


In his room, Kai continued his training. His room, a fusion of futuristic aesthetics adorned in black and gold, seemed to cocoon him in an ambiance of focus and determination. The design exuded a sense of strength, making him more comfortable to train the astral projection.

Kai repeated the procedure to explore his mind with his soul.

"I need to do this, once again." Kai motivated himself. "I need to be strong."

With the lessons of the Headmaster echoing in his mind, Kai tentatively released his awareness from the anchor of his body. He felt a gentle detachment, like a subtle tug that separated his consciousness from his physical form. As he hovered on the threshold, a sense of anticipation stirred within him—a blend of excitement and reverence.

With a resolute thought, Kai allowed himself to drift, to venture into the realms of his own mind. He saw landscapes of thought, memory, and imagination unfurl before him, like a tapestry woven from the threads of his consciousness.

The room around him seemed to dissolve, replaced by the chrono realm itself. Kai, once again, saw the six circles in front of him. Without any hesitation, Kai sat in the middle circle.

As he sat in the circle, all the other circles began to radiate with their unique colors. The circle of power shined with the red color, adjacent to the power, the circle of wisdom was glowing with the purple color. The gold color radiated as a symbol of energy, and the same blue represented determination and orange with knowledge.

Kai started to close his eyes slowly, the chrono realm shifted into the place he had never been before. In this realm, Kai sensed the presence of beings—entities of light and consciousness that seemed to move in harmony with the cosmic currents. The realm materialized as a place that defied earthly conventions, a landscape of cosmic wonders and celestial harmonies.

Vibrant energies swirled around him—a symphony of colors that transcended the visible spectrum. Hues he had never before imagined danced in radiant patterns, weaving together to create an otherworldly palette. Glimpses of celestial blues, ethereal purples, and shimmering golds formed an ever-changing backdrop that pulsed with the heartbeat of the cosmos.

The ground beneath Kai's ethereal form felt solid yet translucent, like a bridge between worlds. As he moved, his steps left ripples in the energies that responded to his presence, a reminder that he was navigating a reality defined by different rules.

Above, the skies were a canvas of swirling energies, akin to the northern lights on Earth, but with hues that were both familiar and alien. Streams of luminescence crisscrossed the expanse, tracing intricate patterns as if they were messages from distant constellations.

Kai caught glimpses of structures that seemed to merge seamlessly with the landscape. These structures, unlike anything he had seen on Earth, possessed a graceful fusion of organic and architectural elements. They spiraled upward, their forms echoing the sacred geometry that seemed to underpin the very fabric of this realm.

"I see, you have a gut to enter my place," the being's voice echoed within Kai's mind, a melody that carried the echoes of stars and galaxies. "You have ventured into realms beyond your chrono realm, crossing thresholds that few people dare to tread."

Kai's heartbeat was with a mixture of awe and reverence as he felt the weight of the being's words—the realization that he was in the presence of an entity that transcended time and space.

"Who are you!?" Kai asked the voice. "Where am I?"

"You are in the Annunaki realm," The voice said. "I believe you are Kai..."

Suddenly, a portal formed like a circle with a galaxy aura inside the portal shown in front of Kai. A figure came out from the portal, Kai took a step behind to protect himself from it. Kai saw the figure with an aura that blended ancient mystique with futuristic grandeur.

"I am Enlil," His voice carried an air of gentle guidance. "And you are... in my realm."

His attire bore the marks of advanced technology intricately woven with symbols reminiscent of Sumerian culture. The fabric itself seemed to be a material unknown to Earth—an iridescent fabric that shifted hues as if mirroring the celestial motions. Embedded within the fabric were subtle threads of light, forming intricate patterns that seemed to ripple and change in response to Enlil's thoughts.

Enlil's robe flowed with a grace that defied the constraints of earthly physics. It bore the symbols of stars and constellations as if his very presence was a map to the cosmic pathways. The robe's colors shifted, transitioning from deep cosmic blues to ethereal purples, evoking a sense of the vast expanse beyond the horizon.

Around his neck, a pendant hung—a luminous gem that pulsed with a rhythmic glow, in tune with the rhythms of the universe. Its light cast a soft illumination on Enlil's features, revealing eyes that held the weight of eons, reflecting the mysteries of forgotten ages.

His attire extended to his wrists, where intricately designed cuffs glimmered with patterns that seemed to dance with the light. Each movement sent ripples of energy through the cuffs, a testament to the symbiosis of form and function, tradition and innovation.

On his feet, boots of a material foreign to Earth's understanding supported him as he traversed the realms of existence. They glowed with an iridescent sheen, matching the shifting colors of his attire—an embodiment of his connection to the cosmic currents that flowed through the Annunaki Realm.

As he moved, his attire seemed to ripple like the surface of a cosmic sea, embodying the currents of time and space. Every detail of his attire bore the weight of history, the pulse of the present, and the dreams of the future.

"I didn't mean to bother you, Sir," Kai stood on his fighting form just in case Enlil attacked him. "I don't have any intention to fight."

"Tell me, Kai," Enlil stared at him. "Do you think I would let you in without my permission into my realm?"

"What do you mean?" Kai watched him with intense lock-on eyes.

"I brought you here," Enlil said. "I am interested in your tremendous will of power."

"You..." Kai was a bit confused as he changed his stance into a stand-up position. "You invited me here..."

Enlil showed a little smile as he stared at Kai to observe him carefully.

"Through time to time," Enlil began to speak, "I have watched as civilizations rose and fell, as cosmic entities delved into the mysteries that lay hidden beyond the veil. And now, I extend to you an offer—one that carries with it the essence of the cosmic currents that flow through all things."

"What offer?" Kai's thoughts swirled with a mixture of wonder and curiosity.

"I offer you my power as a cosmic spirit—a power that resonates with the energies of the universe, a power that can bridge the realms of thought and action." Enlil's gaze held an intensity that seemed to touch Kai's very soul.

Questions swirled within Kai's mind, like constellations seeking alignment. Who is Enlil? What kind of power he offered? Kai did not know the man in front of him, he felt suspicious about him.

Enlil's patient gaze held a depth that seemed to acknowledge Kai's internal struggle—a recognition of the weight that rested upon Kai's shoulders.

"Cosmic spirits chose the worthy people who can carry the power for the greater good," Enlil explained. "As I observed your mind, heart, and will of power, I am convinced that you will be the first person who will hold my power."

"The first person?" Kai was confused. "Nobody tried to tie the contract with you?"

"No one," Enlil answered. "No one was worthy of my power before."

"Why?" Kai confused. "Is there no one stronger before? Look, Mr. Enlil, I am just a student at Jakarta Legion Academy and I think you asked the wrong person."

"I never doubt my thought and calculation," Enlil confirmed to Kai. "No one as pure as your heart and intention young one."

"Is that how you chose me?" Kai was in awe for a moment. "Because of my intention?"

"The confusion you feel," Enlil's voice held compassion that resonated deep within Kai. "A king always recognizes another king, I can see in the future you will be the greatest Chronostrider. Thus, here I am interested in giving you my power to protect you against the evil."

Enlil's words were a lifeline, offering clarity in the midst of Kai's inner tempest. The doubt he felt suddenly faded away, as Enlil's words convinced him enough.

With a deep breath, Kai's resolve strengthened. He turned his gaze back to Enlil, his expression a reflection of newfound determination. The cosmic power that Enlil offered was not just a gift—it was a challenge, an invitation, and a promise.

"So, how do we start?" Kai took a few steps closer to Enlil.

With an exciting smile, Enlil stared at Kai's eyes.

Enlil's presence shifted from one of the patient's invitations to an unexpected assertion of power. With a swift motion of his right hand, a force emanated—a force that cascaded towards Kai like a current of cosmic energy.

Caught off guard, Kai staggered backward as the force from Enlil's hand collided with his form. The impact was not just physical—it resonated through the depths of his being, a sensation that hinted at the vast reservoirs of power that Enlil possessed. The force pushed against Kai's resolve, testing his stability and resilience.

"How do we start?" Enlil put his hand down slowly and gave Kai an intense look at him. "Let me test you to convince myself one last time."