
Elder War

Kai Ishikawa is aiming to be a soldier to pursue his dream, he must study and train at the Jakarta Legion Academy. Along the way, the war between humans against Elder Dragons and Demons can't be stopped, for over thirty years the demons attacked Planet Earth to conquer humanity. Will Kai make it through the test and will Kai stop this Elder war?

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26 Chs

A Gift of Power

Kai was still exhausted after the fight between him and Enlil, he felt soreness and pain all over his body. He still thinks the fight was one of the toughest fights for him. He has fought several opponents in the MMA ring, but none have been as difficult as his fight with Enlil.

Enlil breaks the silence between the two of them by trying to give some surprises to Kai.

"I need to show you something," Enlil broke the silence. "It might excite a bit maybe."

"What is it?" Kai was curious.

Enlil showed himself out of nowhere in front of Kai as he tried to show him something important.

"We tied the Cosmic Contract," Enlil tried to explain. "So with that, I will lend you my power through some equipment."

"Equipment?" Kai locked his eyes on Enlil. "Like what?"

"Let me show you one by one," Enlil said. "First your armor Exodus."

As Kai donned the Exodus armor, a transformation both physical and metaphysical began to unfold. The sleek black and golden-accented armor adhered to his form with seamless grace, as if it were an extension of his very being. The nanotechnology within the armor responded to his presence, adjusting and conforming to his movements as if guided by an unseen cosmic force.

With each piece that settled into place, he could feel the energies of the cosmos intertwining with his own. It was as if the very fabric of the universe was embracing him, infusing him with its harmonies and resonances. The carbon fiber and meteorite materials that composed the armor seemed to sing with latent power, a fusion of earthly strength and celestial energy that pulsed through his veins.

As he fastened the last piece, his gaze shifted to the helmet—an intricate creation that crowned his transformation. The helmet's design was futuristic and sleek, its contours mirroring the lines of his own face. And within its depths, a pair of eyes—glowing with radiant gold—gazed out into the realm with an otherworldly intensity.

As he lowered the helmet onto his head, Kai's perspective shifted. The world around him seemed to take on a new vibrancy as if he were seeing it through the lens of cosmic awareness. The golden eyes of the helmet's visor shimmered with a luminous brilliance, reflecting his own determination and the power he now wielded.

With a thought, he felt the armor respond—a surge of energy flowing through him as the cosmic forces harmonized with his intentions. He could feel the nanotechnology at work, enhancing his strength, agility, and resilience. The armor became an interface between him and the cosmic currents—an amplifier of his purpose, a conductor of his will.

His movements became fluid and seamless, a dance of cosmic energies and earthly grace. With each step, he could feel the armor adapting, aligning with his motions as if it had always been a part of him. It was not just a physical transformation; it was a merging of energies, a union of mortal and cosmic.

As he raised his arms, the golden accents of the armor seemed to shimmer with a life of their own, reflecting the light of distant stars. The very air around him seemed to resonate with the power he now held—the power to protect, to uphold, and to defend cosmic harmony.

Kai's gaze shifted to the reflection of himself on the glass of the closet in his room. The figure looking at him is no longer just a young man—he is the guardian of the cosmic, the guardian of the symphony of the universe. The helmet's golden eyes met his own, and at that moment, he felt the weight of his responsibility and the limitless potential that lay before him.

"This... is..." Kai was speechless. "Amazing."

"The second one is your heavy armor," Enlil continued. "The Whitestar."

As the Exodus quickly faded to the center of his chest glowing with black and gold light, Kai stood before the Darkstar armor, a sense of anticipation pulsed through him, much like the cosmic energies that swirled around his room. Enlil's guidance had led him to this moment, and the enigmatic allure of the armor beckoned him to embrace its power. The armor's color scheme was a striking contrast—a luminous white, adorned with accents of gleaming gold that seemed to shimmer like distant galaxies.

The Whitestar armor's design was a testament to the merging of cosmic essence and advanced technology. Its complexity mirrored the intricate symphonies of the universe itself, each line and contour a representation of cosmic order. Unlike the Exodus armor's streamlined form, the Darkstar armor exuded a more elaborate aesthetic, hinting at the arcane forces it harnessed.

The nanotechnology within the armor responded to Kai's presence, its intricate components shifting and adjusting as if guided by cosmic intelligence. The armor embraced his body with careful precision, each piece settling into place with a sense of purpose. The Annunaki metallic steel that composed the armor was a material of mystery and power, its composition resonating with the very essence of the cosmic forces.

As Kai fastened the final component, his gaze turned to the helmet—a fusion of mystery and futurism. Unlike a traditional helmet, the Darkstar helmet covered only his mouth, leaving his eyes exposed to the world. Its design was both elegant and enigmatic, its contours embodying the balance between concealment and revelation.

As he donned the helmet, he felt a surge of energy—a connection with the arcane currents that flowed through the armor. The metallic steel seemed to hum with latent power, resonating with the mysteries of the cosmos. Kai's gaze met his reflection in the chamber's surfaces, and he could sense the transformation that had taken place.

With a thought, he felt the armor come alive—a surge of energy coursing through him as the cosmic forces intertwined with his own essence. The armor was not just a physical shell; it was a conduit for energies that transcended the boundaries of time and space. It resonated with his intentions, amplifying his power and allowing him to tap into cosmic forces beyond his comprehension.

His movements take on a new fluidity, each step a dance of cosmic energy and ancient wisdom. The white surface of the armor seemed to glow with subtle brilliance, reflecting the golden accents that decorated it. As he moved his body, he could feel the intricate components of the armor adjusting, aligned with his intentions as if guided by cosmic intelligence.

The mask-like helmet covered his mouth, and he felt a sense of enigma—an aura of power and mystery that shrouded his presence. His eyes remained exposed, gazing out into the world with a clarity that belied the cosmic forces that surged within him.

With each movement, he could feel the armor's resonance—a symphony of cosmic harmonies that echoed through his being. The Annunaki metallic steel pulsed with power, a testament to the ancient energies that had been channeled into its creation. Kai's transformation was more than just physical; it was a fusion of his mortal essence with the cosmic forces that had shaped the universe.

"This thing is crazy," Kai amazed by the Whitestar. "But why did you give me two armors?"

"Exodus is for speed and power, it is best to go against demons" Enlil revealed the function of the armors. "Whitestar is for the heaviest opponent with great power like Elder Dragons, it is very tough armor to protect you against the impact from their attack in case."

Kai was back in his normal form, just like the Exodus, the armor faded quickly to his chest. This time the light glitter with white and gold colors.

"The other equipment will be your weapons," Enlil showed a ring on his right palm. "This is the ring of Aetherium."

Enlil extended his hand toward Kai, revealing a ring of profound significance—the Ring of Aetherium. As Kai's gaze fixed upon it, he could sense the weight of ancient energies and cosmic harmonies that this small, unassuming object held within it. The ring's color was a deep, enchanting black—shiny and polished, reflecting the light like a portal into the depths of the cosmos.

The ring's shape was a masterpiece of symbolism—a delicate and intricate infinity logo that seemed to twist and turn, creating an unbroken loop that defied the boundaries of time and space. It was as if the very essence of eternity had been distilled into this emblem, a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the perpetual dance of cosmic forces.

As Enlil placed the Ring of Aetherium into Kai's left ring finger, he could feel a gentle resonance—a subtle thrum of energy that seemed to awaken something deep within him. The weight of the ring was both tangible and metaphysical as if it carried the wisdom of ages and the symphonies of the universe itself.

Enlil's voice, resonating with cosmic wisdom, echoed in the room. "The Aetherium ring is a channel of cosmic unity," he explained. "This ring can summon many spirits under my power, to be more specific, you can summon thousands of mystical spirits from Greek, Roman, Norse, Egypt, and Seven Princes of Hell. I will instruct you which spirit type you will use as you fight soon or later."

"That is a lot," Kai shocked. "This will make me a bit more powerful compared to the others."

"You are already way more powerful than any people in this entire Legion Academy around the world." Enlil smiled at him. "You will know about me more when the time is right."

As Kai stared at the ring, the infinity logo seemed to shimmer and dance with a life of its own. The black surface absorbed and reflected the surrounding light, almost as if it were a window into the boundless cosmos. With each movement, he could feel the ring's energy resonating with his own—the cosmic currents interweaving with his intentions.

"The last one will be your weapons against your opponents," Enlil said. "It consists of Six swords, one gun, and one shield."

"Do I need that a lot?" Kai confused.

"I will explain it." Enlil showed the five swords that floated in circle movements around Kai's body.

Enlil's gift was not only a physical one but also a testament to the cosmic symphonies that flowed through the universe. Five legendary katanas stood before Kai, each blade representing a unique power and ability, a reflection of the cosmic forces they embodied.

"The first katana, Dojigiri, radiated an aura of primal strength and unyielding determination. Its blade was adorned with intricate engravings that depicted fierce beasts in mid-stride—a tribute to its power of raw might. When wielded, Dojigiri channeled the essence of the wild, granting you enhanced physical prowess. Its strikes were as swift as the wind and as fierce as a storm, embodying the untamed forces of the natural world.

Mikazuki, the second katana, exuded an aura of elegance and grace. Its blade bore the crescent moon etched into its surface, signifying its connection to the celestial realm. When drawn, Mikazuki bestowed upon you the power of precision and finesse. Each swing of the blade seemed guided by the moon's gentle radiance, allowing you to strike with pinpoint accuracy, find the weaknesses in his opponents, and move with an otherworldly fluidity.

Onimaru, the third katana, emanated an aura of valor and courage. Its hilt was adorned with a fierce demon's face—an emblem of its power to confront and overcome adversity. When wielded, Onimaru granted you the courage to face even the most daunting challenges. The katana infused you with unwavering resolve, allowing you to overcome fear and press forward, regardless of the odds stacked against you.

The fourth katana, Odenta, exuded an aura of lightning-like swiftness. Its blade shimmered with electrical patterns, embodying its power over speed and agility. When drawn, Odenta granted you the ability to move with supernatural speed, to strike and evade in the blink of an eye. Its slashes left trails of energy in their wake, a testament to the swift and precise strikes it allowed him to execute.

The final katana, Juzumaru, radiated an aura of wisdom and insight. Its blade was etched with intricate patterns resembling ancient scrolls—a symbol of its connection to ancient knowledge. When wielded, Juzumaru granted you the power of insight and foresight. Its strikes seemed to predict the movements of his opponents, allowing him to anticipate attacks and counter with unparalleled accuracy." Enlil explained Every Katana to Kai.

As Kai reached out to touch each katana, he could feel the resonance of their powers—a symphony of cosmic energies that awaited his command.

"The last sword is Excalibur." Enlil showed the sword.

As the blade materialized before Kai, its form was both ethereal and majestic—a testament to the cosmic forces that had crafted it.

Excalibur's blade glowed with a radiant light, its edge honed to a perfection that defied mortal craftsmanship. The blade itself seemed to be forged from starlight and stardust, its surface shimmering with a brilliance that mirrored the very cosmos. The steel of Excalibur was infused with celestial energy, resonating with the harmonies of the universe and carrying the echoes of cosmic truths.

The hilt of Excalibur was an embodiment of regal elegance, adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to tell the tales of knights and heroes from ages past. At its pommel, a gemstone sparkled—an embodiment of the very heart of the universe, a symbol of the cosmic power that flowed through the blade. Its grip fit Kai's hand as if it had been designed for him, the connection between sword and wielder a fusion of mortal intent and cosmic destiny.

As Kai reached out to grasp Excalibur, he could feel a surge of energy—a connection that transcended the physical and reached into the depths of his soul. The sword's presence seemed to resonate with the cosmic power he had embraced, a reflection of his commitment to protect the balance of existence.

"Just how many weapons you will prepare to give me?" Kai gave Enlil a confused look on his face.

"Second to the last one is," Enlil paused a bit. "A gun... say hello to Havoc Kai."

As the gun materialized before Kai, its form seemed to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown, the tangible and the ethereal.

Havoc's sleek design was a marvel of aesthetics and functionality. Its body was crafted from a material that seemed to shift and shimmer, reflecting the ambient light in a play of cosmic hues. The gun's contours were smooth and elegant, a symphony of curves and edges that spoke of precision and purpose. Its grip fit Kai's hand as if it had been designed for him alone, the connection between gun and wielder an intimate fusion of mortal touch and cosmic intention.

The gun's barrel glowed with a soft luminance, its energy reservoirs radiating a faint cosmic glow that seemed to echo the stars themselves. A series of intricate runes and patterns adorned the gun's surface, each symbol a reflection of the cosmic forces that resonated within it. At the heart of Havoc, a gemstone pulsed—a reservoir of energy that symbolized the power it held.

As Kai reached out to take hold of Havoc, he could feel a gentle hum—a vibration that seemed to resonate with his very core. The gun's presence felt both familiar and alien, an embodiment of the cosmic knowledge he had embraced and the technology that had been harnessed in its creation. Its touch was cool and inviting, a reminder of the cosmic currents that flowed through all things.

"I love this Enlil!" Kai was so in love with Havoc. "I think this will be useful for me."

"I bet it will Kai." Enlil smiled at Kai. "Last is your shield."

As the shield materialized before Kai, its form evoked a sense of unwavering strength and cosmic protection, a barrier between mortal existence and the cosmic forces that shaped it.

Fortitude's design was both futuristic and rugged, a fusion of form and function. Its surface was composed of a material that gleamed with a metallic luster, reflecting the light like a mirror to the cosmos. The shield's edges were adorned with intricate patterns, a visual echo of cosmic currents and symphonies that flowed through the universe. Its grip, designed to fit Kai's hand perfectly, spoke of a connection that transcended the physical—a harmony between shield and guardian.

The shield's surface emitted a subtle, pulsating glow—a radiant energy that seemed to resonate with the fortitude and determination that it represented. Embedded within the shield, a gemstone pulsed with cosmic energy, a reservoir of power that symbolized its protective capabilities.

As Kai gripped Fortitude, he could feel the shield's energy pulse—an echo of the cosmic symphonies that it held within its form. The shield's presence was both reassuring and empowering, a reminder of the guardian's role in preserving the balance of existence.

"This thing is heavy," Kai was feeling the weight of Fortitude. "I can't move quickly with this."

"This thing is a shield Kai," Enlil annoyed with Kai's reaction. "You can use it if something huge or big attacks you."

"I hope you used it wisely under my guidance," Enlil reminded Kai. "Let us see how worthy are you when you use my gift of power in the future."

"Thanks, Enlil, I am sure this will be useful to me." Kai showed the gratitude to Enlil.

All the weapons that floated in front of Kai, disappear into Kai's Chest altogether. Kai felt so powerful and confident with the challenge that lay ahead of him, somehow he could feel that his power increased quickly as he received all the equipment from Enlil.


Suddenly Kai heard a knocking sound from the door. Someone called his name.

[Kai? Are you there?]

They looked at the door for a second, "Go ahead check it out, Kai." Enlil said.

"Who's there?" Kai asked with a bit of suspicious feeling.

"Who else dude?" Kai was familiar with his voice. "It's me, Rio."

Kai looked at the time on his phone on the table beside his bed. The time was shown at nine o'clock in the evening.

"What is Rio doing at this time?" Kai talked to himself.

[Uhm... Kai?]

Rio asked Kai from outside his room, his voice sounded dull because kai heard it from inside.

"Yeah... yeah," Kai approached the door. "I am coming, wait."