

Not much longer after the trio had caught the Fairy they walk towards the main school to speak to the Headmaster... The school is in complete chaos, monsters succumbing to their instincts and tearing shit apart, beating people up, and burning things.

They ignore all of that however, electing to go straight to the man himself...

Mikogami watches as the double doors are kicked open with three pissed people walking inside. Reima and Nerissa slowly walk up as Moka storms to his desk.

Moka "What is the meaning of this!?!" she growls.

Mikogami smiles at her, "What is the meaning of what?" he asks innocently.

Reima "You unleashing this damn fairy upon the academy?" he asks, holding up the still sobbing fairy who's clutching her mirror.

Mikogami has a drop of sweat trail down his forehead, "I have no idea what you mean Mr Ludvig?"

Reima "Cut the shit or I'm going to have to pummel you again."

Mikogami sighs, "Fine, I had Lillith here try to reveal you and her true forms... Just as insurance incase you ever tried to harm the school or students... But, it seems she went ahead and revealed most of the school's forms while she was at it." he says, sending a harsh look at the fairy.

Moka "Do you know wh-"

Mikogami interrupts him while waving her off, "Now, now Moka-san... Adults are talking."

A vein appears on her forehead as she leans over the desk and tries to punch him in the face... Only for the Headmaster to catch it with ease.

Reima frowns at him and cracks his knuckles, "Alright, I've been wanting to punch you for a while now... But I'll allow Moka here to do it for me." he says, teleporting behind Mikogami before he can unleash his seals and holding him so he can't move. "Go ahead Moka." he says with grin.

Moka sends a similar one back to him and begins pummeling the Headmaster, bruising his face, chest, and stomach with her furious blows. "Seems the Dark Lords aren't all they're cracked up to be." she says, delivering another hard punch to his nose.

Mikogami "Argh, Moka-Chan! I knew your mother, for her sake please stop-Argh!"

Moka "Know your place!" she exclaims, giving a final punch to Mikogami's face which breaks his nose and receives a pitiful groan from him.

Reima drops the limp Mikogami back into his chair, not minding how he's playing dead. "What now?"

Moka sighs, "With the Public Safety Comission destroyed and the Headmaster... Also out of Commission, it falls to us to stop the school from getting anymore damaged than it already is.

Reima groans at the thought of all the effort it'd take, but is persuaded by Nerissa as she holds his hand.

Nerissa "Please Rei?"

Reima's heart melts as he rapidly nods, "Alright, fine!"

With that, the trio leave the Headmasters office and begin tracking down all the transformed guests of the school, beating them up enough to where they were too exhausted to do anything else but sleep.

Most monsters were easy to deal with, them being regular types which allowed Moka to kick the shit out of them, but some like slimes and ghosts didn't allow her to hit them, forcing Reima to deal with them. Haki Infused punches allowed him to knock them unconscious, Nerissa not being able to subdue them without murdering them.

Reima also helped put out the numerous fires that were springing out due to some of the Fire type monsters causing havoc. Dealing with fire was his forte, simply flying above the school and absorbing any fire dealt with the problem quickly.

Eventually, they reached their group again, Ciri standing over a thoroughly beaten Tsurara.

Ciri "You guys find who's causing this?" she asks, foot still on Tsurara's face.

Reima nods, "It was the Headmaster... He wanted to see Rissa's true form and released the fairy. Don't worry though, we gave some payback for the trouble." he says, him and Moka sending grins to one another.

Ciri "So, any ideas on how to fix these guys?" she says, nudging Tsurara with her foot and pointing at the sobbing Yukari, along with the Witches parents who are getting more frisky than before...

Reima slowly nods, "Just beat them up is how we've been doing it." he shrugs.

Ciri "Good enough for me." she says, walking over and slamming her fists into Yukari and her parent's heads, knocking them unconscious.

A couple hours later the group had finally caught every transformed guest, it seemed that the Mirror not only revealed Yokai's true form, but also their feelings. This didn't seem to affect Reima or Ciri because they weren't really monsters... It also might not have affected Nerissa, but it's hard to tell with how expressionless she usually is.

Moka slowly grew weaker and weaker, the mirrors affects wearing off and causing her other personality to start to push its way back to the surface. "It seems it's time for me to sleep again." she says, giving Reima the impression of reluctance but he wasn't certain.

Reima extends his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you other Moka... Continue to take care of Rissa for me, ok?" he says with a smile.

Moka squints at him, "It's her taking care of the other me... You've trained her well, Ludvig-San." she says, fainting as her hair finally turns back to its usual pink.

Ciri looks down with a frown, "But I was the one who trained her." she complains.

Reima laughs, "That's what you're mad about?"

Ciri nods with crossed arms, "Yeah, I'd like some recognition for how well she turned out." she says semi-sarcastically.

Reima pulls her in close with her arms around her hips, "You sure you want it now?" he asks with a smug grin.

Ciri blushes "Well, only if you want to." she says, their faces slowly approaching.

Nerissa walks in between them, "Perverts." she mutters, performing another trademark "Cock-block".

Hope you guys are enjoying this "Mini-arc", the events are the same from teh manga but I hope it varies enough to be interesting!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts