
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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906 Chs

Mutagen fun..

Reima "So, Rissa, what samples are these anyway?" he asks, looking at the vials containing a variety of different kinds of organic matter.

Nerissa thinks for a moment before pointing at each of them, "Orc, Werewolf, Gorgon, Kraken, Crocodilebeaver...-"

Reima "Crocodilebeaver?" he asks, confused.

She nods, "Crocodile body, Beaver Head..."

Reima "Can we trash this sample now? I doubt it'd be any use anyway..."

Nerissa begins to frown causing Reima to wave his hands, "Ah, nevermind... We'll try since you went through the trouble of getting it..." she nods and continues.

Nerissa points to another, "Ogre, Gold Sheep-"

Quelina "Gold sheep?"

Nerissa shrugs, "Gold Fleece Goat?"

Reima "Gold Fleece? Like the thing in those old Greek stories?"

Nerissa nods, "Talked a lot, removed head." she explains bluntly, and moves on, "Spider... Woman?" she asks, glancing at Quelina for a moment.

Quelina "Someone like me and my sister?"

Nerissa shakes her head, "Ugly."

Quelina smiles, "Oh, thank you."

Reima "Is that all of them then?"

Nerissa "No..." she points at the end, "Yoko."

Reima "The hell is a Yoko?"

Nerissa "Fire fox?"

Reima "Fire fox?... Seems like that'll be interesting. Shall we get started then?" he asks, the others nodding at him.

Reima begins, taking the various organs samples from each vial and mixing them with his hair, skin, muscle, blood, and sperm... Of course, he had to restrain his internal temperature enough so that they wouldn't melt through the vials, or destroy the samples.

The results were aggravating but also completely expected...

Ogre samples all had no effect whatsoever, Reima had thought some of its strength would have been transferred but it seemed that Reima was completely above whatever an Ogre could accomplish.

The only thing the Orc sample did was turn Reima's skin sample into weak-looking bone armor, when Reima subjected forced to it he found it was way, way, way weaker than even his own regular skin. The sample was a failure.

Next was the Werewolf sample, and as you would expect for a usually contagious virus, the sample attempts to encroach onto all of own samples. Of course, it wasn't able to due to how his body and organic matter functioned, but it made clear that the sample was ineffective or problematic at best.

One Reima was very interested in was the Gorgon sample, however, ones his organic matter was introduced to them the vial itself began turning to stone...

Quelina "Is that good or bad?" she wonders aloud.

Reima "Bad, it'd basically mean everything around me would constantly be turning to stone... I mean, if I was going to be cursed like that at least make it the Hand of Midas or something..."

They moved on to the next sample, the Kraken...

Reima looks down at the sample, "Yeah... No... No chance in hell I'm using that." he states as he watches his own samples morph into some kind of Hentai Tentical monster...

The Crocodilebeaver sample was no better, causing some parts of his skin samples to grow scales while others grew hair... It seemed completely random, and if taken would probably turn Reima into man-bear-pig or something similar.

Reima begins the process for the "Spider Woman" samples with a sigh, everything thus far having been a failure. "Reckon I'll start shooting web outta my hands after this one?" he asks jokingly.

Quelina "No... Web is annoying to produce." she mutters, blushing slightly.

Reima ignores whatever she just said and looks closer at the samples, discovering that many eyes are large fangs had begun to sprout from the skin samples... The worst was his sperm sample, large disgusting looking eggs seemingly beginning to grow from them. "Fuck this." he states after witnessing this abomination.

Quelina "There's one left..."


The three of them look at the sample, wondering if it'd turn out like the rest of them...

Reima "Maybe the creatures in that world just aren't able to be made into viable Mutagens?" he mutters.

Nerissa grabs the Yoko sample and starts the preparations herself, feeling like she'd failed somehow due to how all the samples had ended up.

The group watches anxiously as Reima's samples are introduced... Almost immediately all of the samples begin glowing golden in a similar manner to how Kuyo had in his ultimate form. A second after the vials containing them melt, letting molten glass drip to the floor.

Reima telekinetically floats the samples and examines them a bit closer, using reinforced glass to have a look under a microscope... Somehow, nothing had physically changed aside from the samples emitting serious amounts of heat and glowing mysteriously... Magically? They seem to have become a conduit for fire attributed ambient magic.

Reima "It seems to be fine, but I don't know how I feel about look like Naruto..."

Nerissa "Naruto?" she asks, curious.

Reima shakes his head, "Its a cartoon you haven't seen yet... Well, let's go try and use it then, not in the lab obviously as I don't wanna destroy all the equipment." he says, opening a portal to the Igni Bonfire next to the Chaos Temple.

The bonfire is surrounded by a lake of lava and seriously hot, but both Nerissa and Quelina have a good degree of fire resistance, or, at least enough to not burn to death.

Reima stands on the small island surrounded by lava as Quelina and Nerissa watch from the other side, in his hand is a titanate reinforced syringe with the Yoko Mutagen inside, "Fingers crossed I don't turn into a furry!" he exclaims, jabbing the needle into his thigh and storing it in his Folded Space.



Nerissa and Quelina watch intently, but nothing seems to be happening... "Did it not work?" the latter asks.

Reima frowns, "I guess it was useless the-ARGGHH! he groans, dropping to his knees as bubble begin forming underneath his skin, painfully stretching and bulging outwards in an ugly display. "I-Hurrrghh, HAD TO OPEN MY MOUTH!" he shouts, vomiting blood that melts the stone beneath him.

Most of you have been asking for Mutagens, so here ya go... I think most would be incompatible for Reima now, his body not even vaguely resembling Human or Witcher genetics. He's a god and not much would be able to improve his body over what he has now.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts