
Elda Ghoul System

Emily's life changes in an instant when she dies and wakes up to a notification. [Congratulations you have been granted the Elda Ghoul System!] She's now a part of a hidden society of supernaturals, and her life is about to get a whole lot more complicated. Emily soon finds herself intertwined with hunters and other supernaturals, all while trying to navigate her new identity as a ghoul. She's forced to learn the rules of the supernatural world quickly, or she won't survive. Emily's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She learns to embrace her new powers and abilities, and she lean on friends who support her along the way. But she also faces danger and betrayal, and she must learn to trust her instincts if she wants to stay alive. In the end, Emily must decide where she belongs in the supernatural world. She must also decide whether to use her powers to help others or to protect herself. Her choices will have far-reaching consequences for both herself and the supernatural world as a whole.

Saint_goodness · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

700 MQ

Pierre still hadn't let go of Salle's hand, so the high school girl let out a scream. Unfortunately, the loud music from the karaoke was indeed overbearing, drowning out her loud shrieking cry. Even if there had been no music, Salle doubted anyone would come to help them and not just because the room seemed to be pretty soundproof.

'This is a public karaoke place, right? There has to be a camera in here or something!' The high schooler desperately looked around, and that's when she noticed that the camera in the corner of the room had at some point been turned around to face the wall.

'These guys… I should have known when they brought out the drugs. They must be in cahoots with someone from this place and seem to have planned this from the very beginning. Oh Stacy, what kind of mess did you get us into…'

No matter how much Salle thought about it, she didn't see any way out of here. It seemed impossible for two normal high school girls to overpower three bigger and older young men. Even now as she tried to wiggle her arm free, she could feel Pierre just tightening his grip to the point she couldn't move it at all.

"Hey!" Hawk shouted from the other side of the room. He then held up a comm, yet it didn't look like the one he had been using, instead it was one with a pink case. Now that she took a closer look, she recognised it as Stacy's.

Her best friend's make-up was completely ruined by now. Tears and snot were all over her face. Stacy felt the worst out of everyone there. Not only had her internet boyfriend turned out to be a complete and total douche, but he had hurt not only her but also Salle. She had never wanted to drag her best friend into any of this.

"I'm sorry." Stacy cried. "I'm sorry Salle, I'm so sorry!" She continued to sob, yet Hawk seemed to have had it with her. At this point, he swung his hand, slapping her right across the face. It was clear that he hadn't held back either as Stacy's face had gone bright red in a moment, leaving an imprint of the guy's hand.

Stacy fell into a silence after this, her eyes wide open. She had gone into shock and didn't know quite what to do anymore. The high schooler looked at Salle, unsure what to do, but the next moment, her hair got pulled up, making her scream out in pain once more.

"Shut the f*ck up, will you?!" Hawk shouted at her as he pulled her up to his eye level before letting go of her. "You two, make sure to confiscate the other slut's comm. We don't want them to call the police on us!"

Following the order, Pierre used one hand to pull Amy's arm out of her pocket, restraining her while Ben came over, searching for the comm in her pocket. As he did that, he made sure to press his body quite a bit up against hers.

'This…is so disgusting! What are they going to do with us?!' Salle thought, as hundreds of thoughts were running through her head. She already had a very bad idea about 'what' they were going to do to the two of them, the real question was what would the three do to them, to make sure the girls wouldn't go to the police right after.

She had heard cases of where they would be filmed, and the videos would be shared around if they were to tell anyone.

"Sh*t! The bitch seems to have already messaged someone. Someone called Emily!" Ben reported, after checking the messages. Although the comm was locked, they could see the preview of the reply from Emily, claiming she would be there in a second.

"Who did you message?" Hawk asked. "Tell me!"

Salle didn't answer him, trying to think of the best response in this situation. Hawk took that as a sign of defiance, so he decided to make her talk. Instead of going after Salle, he grabbed Stacy by the back of her head, pulling at her hair causing her to scream out once again.

"Ahh it hurts! Please stop, it hurts!!!" The high schooler cried out. 

"Did you not hear me? I told you to shut up!" Hawk shouted, as he pushed her head, banging it across onto the table. Everyone in the room could hear the teenager's skull hit the table. Her teeth had pierced her lips causing a small amount of blood to fill the table.

Pierre and Ben looked at each other, despite being high, even they began to question their actions. Hawk, however, didn't stop there and continued to apply force, swinging Stacy's face against the table.

"I can do this all day! I won't stop until you tell us who that is!" Hawk looked at Salle, hitting Stacy once more to stress his point.

"DON'T! EMILY'S MY SISTER!" Amy confessed straight away.

The two boys, Pierre and Ben laughed after hearing this. They had already asked her about her, so they knew she was just some random nobody going to a no name high school. Even if she were to come, what was she going to do? Hawk, giving the thumbs up, it looked like they had permission to do as they wished.

"Feel free guys!" Hawk said, as he started to unbuckle his belt, and the two boys next to Salle were about to do the same.

'No…they can't! I have to get out of here, I have to save myself!' Salle thought.

Her arms were still being held up by Pierre. She had considered kicking him between his legs, but the high school girl was afraid he might see it coming, so she used the only body part she could at the moment. Opening her mouth, she bit down hard on Pierre's arm. He immediately let go, and without looking back Salle ran for the door.

Alas, before she could get far away enough, Ben, his trousers already dropped, grabbed the back of her hair pulling her back in.

"It looks like you need to feel some pain as well!" Ben shouted as he pushed her up against the table. Her thighs hit the edge, but next she felt a large force hit the back of her head, and she soon could see it being banged against the table.

She could feel a shooting pain in her face, not quite knowing what happened, her eyesight slightly blurred, but desperate to get out of the situation, she kicked behind her, hoping to hit the shin of Ben.

"Just stop trying to resist!" Ben shouted, and now he held her head as well. He banged it against the table, not once, but twice, and continued to, but Salle didn't give up struggling, still kicking and moving every part of her body, by the second her eyesight was getting more blurry and she was wondering if she was about to pass out or not.

"SALLLLLE!" A voice shouted. The three guys could see a white haired girl suddenly enter the room.

'Emily…but why…are you alone…' Was Salle's thought before completely passing out.

Ben lifted her face up, and Emily could see her sister's face banged up, bloody and bruised. Her younger sister, her family that she had promised to protect…

The others laughed, seeing the young teenager enter the room and walk towards them on her own. They could see she was far smaller than them, making them even less afraid of her. Even if she could fight a bit, there were three of them and just one of her.

Not saying anything, Emily made a fist, and swung it towards Ben's face. It was too fast for Ben to react and hit him right across the face, causing his neck to break. In that second she grabbed Salle before she could fall to the ground, and now she could see Salle in her hands.

Her whole body was shaking, Emily's body was shaking from head to toe.

"What the f*ck did you do to my sister?!" Emily shouted.

[You are heavily enraged]

[You have exceeded 700 MQ]

[Partial transformation has begun]

Her eyes narrowed, her teeth and fingernails started to sharpen, the rage had taken over Emily completely.