
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs


At the heart of a bustling gathering, a majestic tree stood, encircled by a diverse array of races: elves, dwarves, fairies, giants, witches, mortals, immortals, vampires, various animals, and lurking in secret, demons and devils from all corners of the world. Tonight marked the birth of a new queen, an event eagerly anticipated by many, filling the place to its limits with anticipation.

Laughter, conversation, and excitement filled the air until, suddenly, the ground trembled beneath their feet. A hush fell over the entire gathering, as if all presence had vanished from the surroundings. The stars lost their twinkle, the once radiant moon vanished, and an ominous darkness enveloped the sky. Each race's heart quivered with a shared unease, a foreboding sense that something was amiss.

The entire place was now consumed by an impenetrable darkness, obscuring even the sight of one's own hand. Restlessness spread among the different races as the seconds ticked by. Abruptly, flames erupted from the tree, casting a crimson hue upon their astonished faces. They watched in wide-eyed horror as the once majestic tree became a conflagration, and scorching lava flowed from it in every direction. Unfortunately, a dwarf at the forefront remained oblivious to the creeping danger, until the molten lava seared his feet. His anguished screams echoed through the air as his body was consumed by the relentless blaze, until nothing but whispers remained, not even a trace of ash.

Silence settled over the devastated scene, but it was quickly shattered by an unknown voice screaming in terror. Panic ensued as the assembled races scattered, desperately seeking safety away from the infernal tree and its cascading lava. Amidst the chaos, a devil stood silently, his gaze fixed upon the burning tree and the fleeing races. A sinister smile crept across his handsome face, his true intentions hidden within.

"My Lord, should we make our move?" a demon asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Proceed," came the chilling reply.

The dark races slinked away unnoticed, their departure concealed by the pandemonium.

Meanwhile, in another part of the realm, the queen anxiously questioned the maid kneeling before her. "Have they found her?"

"No, Your Majesty. We departed as soon as the queen was born," the maid replied.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief. "Excellent. Keep a close watch over her. We must ensure the dark races never lay hands on her."

"As you command, Your Majesty," the maid affirmed, her voice filled with loyalty and determination.


Take Note: Any words that are italic and underlined means: I'm not quite sure about the word supposed I should use. It can be anything, spelling, grammar, unreliable information, etc. There's the high possibility that this will change.

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