
The hidden chest

After hearing my grandfather tell of the story of the five warriors it was impossible to think that such fables were real since no historical documents or evidence were ever found to prove the myth real . For centuries archaeologists had paved different digs around the old ruins of the Aztec world and found not some say it was only a made up story fathers passed down to there children through generation yet me and my primos would gather around the dinner table and hear our grandpa tell the tail with so many questions I began to ask .

Marco " Abuelo how can this stories be true if no documents have ever been found !

Abuelo ". And it a good thing for that after the battle with Tatanka puma and jaguar ensured that humanity would never find this mask , for only a man that would be worthy of the jaguar mask could be able to put it on !

Marco ". Abuelo if I were to find a mask as this I know the Aztec gods would find me worthy of puma !

Cousin Rudy walks in and beings to make fun of Marco

Cousin Rudy ". Ha ha you will have to lose Wight first Marco you couldn't even make it as a Luchador !

Abuelo ". Ya Basta come sit next to me boys let me show you a picture of my father.!

Abuelo began to show us pictures of his childhood and pictures of our great grandfather that was a legend Luchador in old country of Mexico and told us that all

Abuelo " ! All luchadores come from the bloodline of the five warriors But most follow the path of puma and jaguar and only a pure heart would be chosen by the old Aztec gods to find the hidden chest of Jaguar !

Cousin Rudy " . Forget puma and jaguar I would rather find The for bidden chest of Tatanka the fire king !

Abuelo ". Be careful what you wish for Rudy that chest would bring about a curse in your life the fire king will destroy the soul of the person who opens the chest and he would use his body as a vessel to unleash a new war against the world! .

Being so intrigued by the story of puma and Jaguar I stood up that night looking at the sky when suddenly a strong wind began to blow and a whisper from the trees sounded calling my name

{ wind blow whisper }
