
The five warriors

Long ago in the capital of the Aztec, world five Warriors we're given five Masks that were created by the Aztec gods that gave them the ability To Control fire, wind, water, air, and earth, with each mask the Warriors were given the charge to protect the five realms of the land and kingdom from rivaling tribes or invaders but as the years Grew old two of the warriors had become greedy with power and began an attack on the western region using they powers to bring war famine and death to all that would oppose there rule. But hope would rise from the east and northern region of a land for two of the Warriors jaguar and puma would rise and confront and challenge the two tyrants to a tournament known as Lucha marching with their armies on both sides Jaguar began to yell to his brothers that had forgotten there way give them one last chance to give up this tyrannical movement and restore the region back to peace.

Jaguar." Brothers have you not forgotten why we were given these powers I plead with you one last time give up this futile quest and let us restore the region to peace enough blood has been shed .

Warrior tatanka Looking down at jaguar and began to laugh softness And began to say

Tatanka ." Ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha Do not come to me with this foolishness brother I am the true ruler of these Aztec empire these humans are to be our slave step aside or die .

Jaguar ". You are wrong Tatanka and I can see the darkness has taken over your mind and only madness has remained then I regret to tell you this day you shall die and I will remove that mask from your face .

Puma ". Brother Tatanka we do not wish to claim your life but you forgot why we received these powers if we fight in Lucha you shall lose .

Tatanka " enough of this useless talk prepare for battle for the night I shall feed your bones to my Anaconda and the gods shall redeem your names to ashes that the tournament of the Lucha begin.

With everything at stake puma and jaguar form their battalions behind them up as the square ring it is brought down to the middle with both armies watching as lightning and rain again to come down the first trumpet sounded as the matchup began Puma a jaguar knew everything would depend on this Final battle to restore peace back into the room making their way into the square Ring Tatanka begin to shout to his army " if these two should decide to back away from killing me attack their army . Standing face-to-face Tatanka unleashed his fire fist attack but it was quickly dodged by the wind it's sort suddenly Puma flew back I began to summon a strong wind attacking tatanka with a hail storm attack .

Jaguar " Wind attack

( lighting strikes )

Tatanka " infernal punch

Suddenly a blinding light stood between the warrior Tanaka laying next to a tree blooded and bruised slightly drag him self from the floor and began to shout .

Tatanka " you think this the end Jaguar it only the beginning !

Jaguar ". It is over Tatanka you have lost go with dignity but your mask is mine !

Yet the flame in his eyes began to light up like a volcano Puma new what was about to occur for Tatanka had learn the ability of the anaconda fire grip .

Puma ." Jaguar move out of the way he's about to do anaconda fire grip water blade attack !

With the final blow Tatanka is blown away into a Spike where he slowly bleeds to death whispering his final breath .

Tatanka " . Jaguar vengeance will be mine maybe not today maybe not tomorrow i will return and the world will parish .!

Jaguar". Tatanka you chose your fate now I rip your mask from your face I made your powers in your body be blown into the dust !

With the balance of darkness defeated peace was restored to the region leaving the three warriors knowing the risk of having such power each decided to takeoff his mask and placed him in three secret chest hidden in three realms of the Aztec empire .

Jaguar" . The age of darkness has come to an end ' and we buried the mask of Tatanka deep in the temple may no man ever Open the chest of fire .

With the age of heroes of the Astec world coming to an end a new dawn of prosperity grew within the land and the mask of the forgotten heroes laid within the chest forever until one man would find it but that's another story.