


GracefullyCutesy · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Hot and Rich Boyfriend

Ugh... I sighed to myself as I remained quickly typing on a laptop I borrowed from someone. This homework is just a little too much for me in my opinion. Why is this professor giving us so much homework like it's out bloodline or something?

As I continued to type on the keyboard with my eyes slowly open and close from the drowsiness of not getting eight hours of sleep. I was interrupted by a voice soft and sultry voice in the distance to give me a greeting.

"Hey, Grace! What are you doing?" She turns her head over to look at my laptop with Yuri behind her rolling his eyes as he walked towards me holding a milk-tea drink.

"Are you like stuck being Jake's bitch again?" Yuri jokingly asked me, placing his drink on the table beside me as he sat down.

"Not really.. just finishing up the homework that our professor gave us," I responded to both of them.

They both shook their head in confusion. "Isn't that like due next week or something.. why are you already doing that?"

"It's cause I'm pretty sure Jake is going to ask me to do something for our club again. I mean he always relied on me on multiple occasions so I guess I'll have to expect that you know?" I sighed, giving them the reason why I'm doing my works early...

"There you go sucking Jake's dick again like usual. Geez.. when are you going to learn to say no Grace. I'm one hundred percent sure that if someone asked you to do anything. You would just agree with them." Yuri scolded me harshly.

"Hey! Language!" Penelope turned to Yuri and tells him off which gave her a disapproving look from him.

"Fine. I'LL GLADLY correct me. What I meant was.. stop being a fake bitch to his face. Keep it real." Yuri rephrased his sentence which did not appear more pleasant than the last one to Penelope's face.

"LANGUAGE!" Penelope shouted once again.

"Geez. Are we like five. I can curse whenever the hell I want." Yuri rolled his eyes before taking a sip from his milk-tea. "Which reminds me, I guess from a view standpoint. It's good that Jake likes you. I mean that guy is the son of the principal so that guy has to be loaded right?"

"I mean I'm pretty sure he is... I've seen him driving around in very expensive cars.." Penelope added.

I guess I noticed that too... I mean Jake isn't necessarily bad looking. He's actually most decent for the most part and I don't really have a problem with him. Except for the fact that he depends on me way too much which can get annoying in a bit.

"So that's why that guy is surrounded by those hoes. Figure." Yuri chuckled. "Those girls who THINK they looking like their shit don't stink is approaching him and shit.. and I'M PRETTY SURE.. they are looking at his wallet."

"Not really!" Penelope denied what Yuri stated. "Actually he's actually kind of good-looking. I actually like him so I'm pretty sure people are attracted to him cause he's hot and rich." She attempted to rephrase Yuri's biased statement. Making Yuri a bit irritated.

"OH MY GOD... I can spot fake bitches from a mile away and those bitches that approach him and try to act chummy with him are kind of bitches. No offense or anything." Yuri replied, scratching the back of his head before taking a sip again on his drink.

"I guess.. that's the case... I mean. I've noticed that it was always a girl's dream to have a rich and a hot boyfriend. So I guess they are just trying to get that fantasy of theirs. It's always in the novels I read where the poor girl meets this rich guy and her life changes. Something like that." I spoke my opinion about the matter.

I was just keeping silent since I was focusing on my homework but this conversation is kind of intriguing... I want to say a lot of things but I don't think I have the courage to even do so...

"Remember that time when that guy confessed to you, Grace? Why didn't you agree to his confession?! I heard he was pretty rich and he was actually pretty good looking." Penelope turned over the subject to ask me a question.

"Ew.. love is so ew.. get that thing off me." Yuri puts his earplugs to not hear us from talking about love. He tends to be bitter about that sort of thing for some reason. I guess it's because he's aromantic and he can't love...

"I mean.. I guess he was pretty good-looking but I wouldn't really approve of just going out with someone during this time. I mean relationships can be quite a distraction. So I'm pretty sure, I'd stay away from those first so I can study really well!" I told her my answer, making her face somewhat squeamish.

"Well said, Grace. I can't imagine thinking about love during college. YOU COME HERE TO GO AND WORK AND LEARN BY THE WAY! WHY do you have your attention towards getting a boyfriend." Yuri took off his earplugs to speak again. Making Penelope pout because of the answer.

"Wow... you two are so not fun..." Penelope jokingly laughs. "Having boyfriends are fun! I mean imagine getting a rich handsome CEO to come after you like in one of those novels! It might be a fantasy but I want that to happen to me you know!" She started to fantasize heavily, smiling to herself.

"Girl you just proved me today that you are way dumber than I thought you were." Yuri clenched his jaw, giving Penelope the stink eye before changing the subject. "Anyways bitches. Speaking of HOT CEOs. How about we all try getting on an interview on the Montresor Industries! Since you bitches LOVE LOVE LOVE hot rich men so much, how about try working for one!"

Oh great... Yuri brought up the conversation we had yesterday...