


GracefullyCutesy · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Out Of Your Comfort Zone

"Ugh! Finally, that was over!" I faceplanted into the bed, getting comfortable as I stretch my spine from all the sitting, I did.

Having to hear my mom talk about those vampires is quite tiring... I sighed, putting my hand to my stomach and close my eyes from the tiredness.

"Ugh. I don't think I can sleep yet. I still have to do those other things that the president of that club asked me to do...." I grunted, before stomping my feet over to my computer.

They wanted help with the promotional video right. I should probably get going or I'll lose sleep over this again... I have school tomorrow so I should do this very quickly.

I took a deep breath as I sat down on my chair and opened the video software I use to create all those videos I did back then. Honestly, I'm studying Business Management but I'm doing all these extracurricular things all the time.

RING RING RING. The phone beside me started to ring. "What is that now?" I reached over to answer it without looking who was calling.

"Hello?" I asked as the phone was placed on my ears.

"BITCH! Why did you take so long to pick up." My nagging friend Yuri shouted.

"What do you want? Also, I'm just doing some promotional video for a club or something." I responded timidly to him.

"Nothing. Just dropping by to tell you that I'm cute and you ain't." He chuckled. "Just kidding. I'm just thinking of moving out of this house. Having to hear this dog downstairs bark all night long making me not able to sleep is such hell ESPECIALLY HIS OWNER THAT SNORE LIKE A LITERAL BLOODHOUND. I mean come on!" He ranted over to me with his problems. We usually do that with each other.

"Sounds hard..." I spoke up as I'm checking the video, the club sent me so I can edit it... ugh...

"By the way! How about we go ahead and drink in the weekends! I found this good cafe down the streets with cats and I would totally love to try that out with you. I'll also invite Penelope if she wants to join." He offers me to go.

"I... I would love to but I doubt I could attend... I'm a bit in a tight spot right now. I got a lot of things to do... especially since I got asked to do something earlier." I humbly declined his offer with got him a bit annoyed. Typical of him.

"Why are you doing the video again? It's not even a required thing for you to do..."

"Um.. cause I was asked. That's why." I replied sarcastically.

"Dumb. I mean why are you doing that. You clearly don't want to do it and yet you still do it. Reeks of being a doormat. Ew." He playfully lectured me, switching back and forth into a scolding and a disgusted tone of speaking.

"I know... but like... I can't okay? I mean they asked me directly. I can't exactly say no." I responded.

"GIRL... If someone were to tell you to do something that you didn't want to do then say No. It's not really a bad thing. Tell them that you don't want to do it. You're just being taken advantage again like what happened during high school." He scolds me. Making me laugh a little bit before realizing my problem.

I know that I've had the problem of not being able to say no to certain people. I've always had that even during high school. So I'm really not sure how to finish this.

"I... I guess I will try telling them next time that I'm busy so that I won't be able to do this." I told him. Making him silent before speaking in a condescending manner.

"Bullshit. I already know you damn well. That when you say "you will" it usually means YOU WON'T and I'm already used to it girl so don't even bother" He scoffed me off from even speaking. Making me speechless for a moment.

"By the way... what are you doing right now?" I asked him to change the topic. I'm pretty sure I don't want to talk about how I'm a doormat for the next hour.

"Just trying to look for where to be an intern at. Have you looked for a place where you'll be an intern at or are you still busy doing "videos" and such?" He snobbishly asked me.

"Oh... um.. ya.. I'm still doing the promotional video. So I can't exactly look for a company to intern at..."

"DUMB HOE!" He shouted before thinking of a compromise."Actually, since I'm cute and so lovable. I found both of us a company to apply to. Penelope's ass can join us too. I doubt that bitch found a company to apply at." He offered to me so enthusiastically.

"What company though? Depends really..." I got a bit curious and I asked him for more details. I can't exactly just go applying to be an intern in some sketchy place.

"Don't worry! Based on my connections, they told me that I should probably apply for this company. Apparently, they are looking for quite a lot of potential interns! We can even go to the interviews together!

"What's the company name? I wanna see it first though..." I told him.

"UGH FINE. Geez! It's called Montresor Industries." He responded nonchalantly. Just hearing those words makes my eyes just widen. WHAT IN THE WORLD?! ISN'T THAT THE COMPANY WITH FIVE STAR HOTELS AND BARS?!


"Come on! Let's do it! I mean, it'll just be a trial anyway. If we don't get in then that'll be fine right? Life is about learning from your past mistakes!" He tries to encourage me to go but that just made me even more reluctant to join... I don't really wanna fail greatly and humiliate myself...

"Eeh..." I start to back out of it. Ugh.. I don't wanna do it but I am looking for an internship... I'm able to get experience from a company like that.. then it'll be a good one to put in my resume...