
Effortless: One punch man

Yami a once innocent cute loving little boy watched as his family was killed one by one until even he himself was murdered. Of course if that wasn't bad enough the killer was his close and first friend marika... Confusion sadness and despair clouded his thoughts before a knife cut through his neck spraying blood everywhere along with words he would remember forever. " Hahaha... my poor little Yami why did you have to say no?.. hmm? oh right your dieing. well whatever I don't care anymore now that you've suffered the same, Ill forgive you and even send you off together with me" Even though the pain he felt was agony Yami still remember every word she said. In all of his life he had never had such feelings of hatred and disgust of another to the point that even when she brought a gun behind his head and kissed his bloody lips instead of fear for death he thought. " I'll come back to hunt you, witch where ever you go..I'll be their to rip out your organs and feed them to you." *BANG!* confusion sadness and fear left him along with his mortal body leaving only darkness and hate as his soul was bounded to his killer destined to follow and torture her wherever she goes for eternity. It just so happened that the next world the witch would be born into was the one punch man universe. ** (Hello their procrastinating author here, I would like to tell you Yami x Saitama will be third focus of this story meaning they get together near the end. bye bye) Disclaimers: Mc is gay I do not own anything besides my oc including cover art.

Deadauthor · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Yamis beginnings 1/30 Arc 1


He the one who witnessed the slow and gruesome death of each and every member of his family, tortured mercilessly like pigs.

Fingers plucked, skin ripped, organs pulled out, butchered was only way to describe it.

Yet he could do nothing as he stared at their killer paralyzed by laced food.

Just hours earlier they were having a dinner with an old family friend, he was a fool Indeed had he just noticed the look deep within her eyes things might have changed.

Throughout the meal there where many laughs, cheerful bickering and even minor talks of a hopeful future.

Again... what a fool he was for the destined day had arrived and he had done nothing

Whatever she gave the three of them must of been alot for she took all the time in the world to slice and dice both his mother and farther before moving on to him.

She slowly walked over leaving her special tools behind, unlike before she neither smiled nor spoke.

When she looked at him a slight glimmer spread across her eyes maybe it was the lost past or just guilt she didn't deserve to feel but that didn't matter in the end everyone here would die even herself.

Marika this witch actually had the gall to speak to him

" This agony you feel now... it's worse then any physical pain one could come up with isn't it?... Still though such emotions are nothing compared to the soul crushing helplessness you once left me, I killed those that i loved to be with you for gods sake yet two words was all it took for everything i had sacrificed in this life to be deemed worthless... Sigh* why did you have to be gay?"

Her voice grew quite towards the end while the knife in her hand pointed at his heart, without hesitation she pierced through it.

No scream or yell could escape his mouth, only the sound of cut flesh was heard at all.

Right before the light faded from his eyes Mirica pulled out the knife stabbing herself the exact same way.

She didn't die soundlessly but instead left him one final message seemingly immune to the pain she must be feeling.

"Hehehe but don't worry I don't give up so easily ~ I'll follow you wherever you go for eternity "

Her loving words disgusted and out right infuriated him, she just admitted of taking away everything simply because of his preference?

Raw hatred went unfiltered throughout his body as every ounce of will was used to speak his final words to her.

" You pathetic bitch ill... cough* kill.. you then!"

His words did nothing to Mirica if anything his proclamation made her smile as the both of them where claimed by death.




What a terrible way to go he thought as he dreamt of the future he should've had.

Yami just wanted a normal life filled with love and fun had it all gone according to plan he would have gotten married to his husband in the next couple of years, he yearned to grow old with that person cherishing every second with each other...

Too bad

Life was a fickle thing never his own really from beginning to end yet even such a life was taken cause of her.

If given one wish only one

He would crawl to whatever dimension she went to next take out her heart and feed it to her, he wouldn't stop at just that though.

Ruthlessly he would demolish all she'd care for no Matter who or what it may be so long as she liked it that existence was evil.

And then as his thoughts ceased something on a scale far greater then can be imagined...

He woke up

Layed on the cemented ground a youth was surrounded by three men his eyes swelled with tears of fear but nothing would change for him dispite this, he was to be raped and captured.

He couldn't blame anyone either for a man with special characteristics like his he was far too gulibal.

Suddenly however the youth eyes changed no longer did they hold innocence, kindness or fear but a straight forward intent to kill without reason or logic behind them they just hungered for bloody release.

Swiftly he reached in his pocket pulling out pepper spray left behind by the former owner of this body.

Unexpected and fast as it was he manged to blind one of them but his aim wasn't to run away why would he do that?

He wanted to kill

Using the rapists own knife he slit through his throat in one motion, the others were shocked so he took the opportunity to kill another this time jabbing the whole blade into his neck.

A cute little smile formed on yamis face from the sight of pain he just inflicted on another, yami raised his petite hand and slender fingers waving at the dieing fool.

" Bye bye~"

One should never play with their food that would be rude best to finish quickly he thought wickedly.

Chasing after the last one among them he soon realized catching the man was impossible, he didn't want to let him go however so as close as he possibly could get he threw the knife at his back.

Auuhgg the man screamed unable to countinue running he tripped over his leg, the knife fell out from his hard fall.

He groaned in pain and blood for awhile until he heard soft little steps that made him shudder.

S-stay away he yelled unable to stand up as yami got closer step by step.

As if this was a playful situation yami let out a laugh even he found charming before asking innocently.

" But... didn't you want to f##k me? "

He grabbed the knife as he saw the man's wood hardened. In disdain he ignored his pleas ruthlessly slashing him over and over till he bled out.

Sat still on the dead corpse below him his creepy smile disappeared while the absurd all encompassing hate slowly vanished replaced by rationality, humanity and the real him.

" What.. have I done?"

He didn't scream no he didn't even feel remorseful yami simply felt disgust with himself because of one simple reason.

That witch! how dare he lose to his pathetic emotions like that abomination.

Standing up he looked down at the dead body when a thought that made him giggle arose.

If he killed everyone what was the point? wouldn't it be oh so much better to raise heroic fame then publicly mass genocide at once hahah he could see it already the witches face of this world contorted in helpless despair.

Such heavenly prospects would have to wait however for even if he was in a world with many advantages right now he is weak. Even someone like momen rider would easily be able too overpower him and at best that man was at the level of a intermediate athlete.

Much less the true monsters if not for the cheat all had access too here he would be screwed but lucky him god littualy gave out powers like candy you just needed to want it enough.

He very much wanted it

Unfortunately the amount of hatred he gathered to no avail manifested nothing so after awhile he gave up thinking of possible opportunities as he looked around for a hidden spot.

Finished he exclaimed with glee huffing from strainuous effort. Done with dragging the dead bodies behind an out of sight abandon dumpster he mentally prepared himself for a gruesome death.

This was worst case scenario the options that lay before him now are only two for the memories of his current body left with its soul.

He could

Recklessly search for monster's to fight, somehow survive through the encounter and... do it again with an injured body and miraculously grow stronger from it.

Tch* yeah right

The other wasn't much better

simple and repeated training

sounded great and safe but the cost was there. At the price of safety came no promise for the future even the godlike berus couldn't escape from this he too for all his talent was killed gruesomely by the fist of an ordinary man.

For sure the main character of this place was an oddity he wouldn't even question that but so was he and the people here...


The sound of skin smacking against skin bounced of the walls echoing off outside the dark alley.

" That's it! if training is limited and near death fights are almost impossible to acquire without instently dieing by a random beast far above whatever level i would be at, then why not a combination of both?"

Train like a beast with the aid of god then break the bounds of mortal flesh against monsters Haha at worst what could happen be mauled to death or fail so what? if neither worked his knowledge of the world will eventually bring him in contact with this places version of her anyway.

So it is decided then.

Off to training he went completely unaware of where he was or a signal care for it in the first place.

Yami couldn't read the native language here so for now he could only find a dark corner to learn and grow, good thing his phone wasn't locked otherwise he would have a massive problem on his hands not that he didn't have any he kinda doesn't have a charger with him and he doubted his ability to learn a written language in a matter of hours like child emperor probably could.

Stupidly he would wonder in and out of stores forgetting the body he inhabited gesturing here and there until he found one with the charger he needed, a rare smile blossomed upon his cute vibrant red lips slightly stunning those around him but little did he know the trouble this little incident will cause for the future him.

As yami found a comfy fairly sheltered home in the out skirts of the city in a place not to safe yet not to dangerous far away from him

his only biological parent was in the middle of making a scene.

"What do you mean can't do anything about it!? he was kidnapped hours ago just send out a search party you dumb f##k!"

She was beyond beautiful yet her hysterical screaming ruined that for the on lookers in the lobby, she didn't care not at all the police who should be the protectors of the people turned her down even when she reported in person.

The officer at the desk remained silent the entire time with acational glances at her out of pity. He was a man who once had a dream of a fair world yet even saving a mother is out of his power now.

The best thing he could do is to wait for that man's arrival.

Fifteen minutes of unbearable curses pass by before a tall red haired handsome figure clothed in formal attire slowly approached the beautiful woman with a deceitful ensuring smile.

" Calm down.. Don't worry your son is perfectly safe infact we've already found him he is being questioned as we speak."

Like the devils welcome he smoothly opened the heavy door leading to the investigation room while he sent a hidden signal to the officer who couldn't help but let his emotions show a little.

" Poor girl you don't deserve.."


He shut off the cameras as ordered directly sending the woman to her doom.

She was too focused on her son failing to notice the obvious cues simply, she walked behind the polite man.

where here he abruptly voiced aloud making her flinch in the process, even if she didn't know her flesh grew tense.

And who would the man be if he failed to notice at such proximity?

" No need to be scared.. no. need. at. all.

I'm just gunna well you know... rip both of your arms off!"

Blitzing behind her far beyond her perception the man grabbed hold of her wrists pulling outwards in opposite directions gruesomely tearing them away from her body while just before she could react he pushed her into the sealed room following with a sadistic smile.

wailing around in her own blood unable to get up from the floor she screamed her heart out.

Others might find this tragic but to him this was wonderful music to his enhanced ears, he really just loved the sound lower humans made when they squeal truly worthy to be toys.

" Lower humans sure are tender little one's too bad I can't savor your death I do need some very important information from you after all. "

Pointing towards her two flames manifested sent to burn both major wounds shut.

Due to the pain she fell unconscious sadly this would not last for long he grew bored.

There was no pain filled screeching anymore only the sickening crunch noise of the womans bones breaking by the man's light pinches.

Mid process she woke up but again she remained silent with her once red lips pale and her sea like eyes dull barely reacting at all.

So dramatic

"Death is the last thing you'll experience with me, see look I have all the blood you could ever need just your type too trust me I checked wink* "

In a calm but erratic voice he spoke as he periced her seared artery open with his finger before connecting it with a tube tethered to a hundred bags of blood.

She will die a long mournless death for none was left in the world to care, this is of certainty the fate Bara shall suffer through by the hands of kaen the so called heroic flame wielder.

Several hours later right outside of his special torture Room he pulled out his phone to call someone. It rang for awhile with each second making him more uneasy until the other side picked up.

" C- 250 did you find him?"

He wasn't even properly named but instead of anger he tried not to stutter out of fear for who this person was.

" Yes "

The one on the otherside simply hummed before hanging up. Kean knew what this meant within the next 96 hours if he doesn't fix the hiccup he will become the clients slave inplace of the human product.

He will not let this happen

Even though those three good for nothing's messed up the boss always implanted a device in his subordinates. It tracked both heart rate and location, he too was not an exception to this.

So he atleast knew where he was but the odd thing was the three were found dead hidden uselessly behind a dumpster. This was quite odd for a number of reasons mainly being two.

They deviated from their drop off point first and foremost this being very strictly forbidden, but the real problem was the information on the kid it did not fit one who could do such things.

This made him smile.

Is he like me? he thought before being disgusted at such realization.

How could a lower human ever be like him? at best he was merely a mimic already found out by his higher self.

Outloud in a eerily voice he playfully whispered you can't hide from me~

Kean might not know where he is but this would not last, far too many Camra's exist in this day and age before long he will be found.

Weekly release every Wednesday starting next week.

Very slow upload schedule especially for this garbage writing quality but whatever it'll add up over time.

This story's plot is at the least 300 chapters.

Deadauthorcreators' thoughts