
Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII

Lux's POV

February 26

I woke in a beautiful mid-night I think It's four in the morning so I better start my morning jog this morning I prepared myself to head out as I casually got out I was blocked by the guards.

"Where are you going Mercenary?" He asked.

"Doing my morning jog and work out outside the castle," I said to him.

"You can use our Training grounds for your training." He said in a straight face.

"But I thought it's only for knights and court mage," I explained.

"Everyone that the king invites in this castle can use the training grounds of this Castle," he said with authority.

"Thank you for informing me off I go then." I waved at him and head straight to the training grounds. When I arrived I saw some soldiers are there too so I joined in with them.

I trained alongside them and we even talk about their experiences on the battlefield So I tried my best to list down what are do's and don't on the battlefield.

While we are talking we saw a noble enter the training ground with one butler behind him. "He's late again. I'm sure he'll get a beating from his instructor." The soldiers said while they all shrug their heads and cover their faces.

"So there you are Zephiel?" The Instructor walks towards him with a smile.

"Sorry, I'm late again." He said while scratching his head.

"It looks norm---" I ate my word when the instructor smack down the head of the noble so hard that he fell on the ground.

"That's expected." The soldier sigh.

"Every day you're becoming your dad when he was young." He said as he try to calm himself down.

He sat on the ground while scratching his head. "It's in my blood what can I do?" He said in a joke.

"Agh... I don't know what to do with you." He sighs out of stress, he looks at the butler. "You may go now, I'll take care of him."

The butler nod and leave the training ground. The instructor looks at him with blazing eyes with a terrifying smile. "Please have mercy on me?" He softly said.

The charm didn't work and he was trained to death. They are still training when we left the training ground but I can see the dedication in that Nobel eye. I know he wants to fight too, he's just lazy that's all.

When I went back I saw Blue eating breakfast so I joined them and have a little chit-chat as we enjoy our breakfast. Most mercenaries and royal knights are marching towards the border while we are told to stay for a special errand by the king.

We don't seem to know what's the errand but I hope we'll manage to pull off what the king has ordered. failing his task will only lead to loss of morale or the worst-case scenario, death. I'm just speculating so my judgment wont is the description of the king but I hope I'm wrong.

Someone barge in the door and it's the butler I saw earlier. "greetings young adventurers or should I rephrase young mercenaries, I'm here today to pass this message from his Majesty." he reveals the scroll and Opened it.

"Dear Young Mercenaries,

I would like you to give an escort to my son Zephiel, The heir of my throne. He would accompany you alongside a few Royal Elite Knights. I pick your group because you are the only one whose fit to be with the prince since you are on the same generation of adventurers, I also heard about the city you saved from the invaders so I was convinced that all of you will be able to protect the Prince.

From the Royal Palace,


He cleared his throat. "Are you ready to take on this job?"

We all gave him a salute to show him that we accept the offer.

"Good, I'm going to introduce you to the prince." he steps to the side. "Here's Prince Zephiel." He introduced the prince that slowly walk inside.

The moment he stopped he makes a pose that makes everyone in this room facepalm even the butler joined us. His pose was like a knight and shining armor that's standing chin up, chest out while his hands are on his waist, and he does it with utmost confidence that makes us facepalm ourselves.

\"Why does anyone do that when I do that?" He said in confusion. "I look at it in the mirror and it looks decent to me."

"Anyways, young mercenaries I pray for your safe travel. See you sometime soon." the butler left the room, leaving us with the prince.

"So I guess we wait for the order of dispatch then," I said and go back to clean my weapon and my heirloom, The sword that's snapped in half.

"Hmm... Why are you still keeping that broken sword?" Zephiel Sat beside me.

I stare at him and finally recognize his face. "Are you the one being tortured by the Instructor this morning?" I asked.

"Ow, you saw that huh?" He holds his chin. "yeah... I just overslept all the time hehe." he scratches the back of his head. "That's Mister Markus, or should I say, Grand Collar Knight, the right-hand man of my father and also a friend of his."

"If he's the king's father why the rough treatment," I asked.

He stared at the sidewall with a goofy face. "Both of them are ruthless like that when it comes to training they have trained a lot of the Imperial Elite Knight."

What is the ranking system here at the palace I can't get seem to get ahold of it." I asked him

"Well, of course, the Royal noble the King of this kingdom then the First Class which is the Dukes who served as his advisor in management and peace talks for the other nations or cities, next with the same power of dukes are the Grand Collar Knight, Mister Markus, he serves as the king's tactician in the battlefield expert in combat warfare, The Second Class the Commander in Stars or Grand Commander they are separated by different weapon classes: The star of Hercules, Who manage the Footman, Knights and the Royal Elite knights. The star of Pegasus, who manage the Cavaliers or Horsemen, knights who maneuver horses in battle with their lances as their main weapon. The star of Hydra, Who manages Court mages whether support or destructive type of magic. The star of Centaurus, who manages tank knights those who always wear heavy thick armor even magic can't scratch them only the strongest such as the commander in star can beat them they are often near the king's side or mine, and lastly the Star of Sagittarius who manage those archers and hunters of then becomes the guard up in the walls." he explained.

"It's more complicated than I imagine," I said with a sigh.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it eventually." He laughs. "If we add whole nations ranking I think it'll be more confusing so let's leave it like that."

"That be much better," I said in a sigh.

"By the can I take a look at the broken sword?" He pleads. "I know it's an heirloom but I just want to take a closer look at it.

"Sure why not." I handed him the blade.

The moment he grips at the handle his eyes widen and let loose of the blade. Everyone in the room looks in our direction so I pick up the sword and look at him. "Are you okay?"

"How can you casually hold such ominous sword. Touching it makes me shiver in fear." He said as he was stunned in his place.

"Is it that bad?" I said and laugh. "Seems pretty normal to me," I said as I put it back in its sheath.

"I'm sorry I drop that. I didn't mean to." He apologies.

"Problem it's all good." I gave him a genuine smile.

A knight enters the room. "Your Carriages and horses are ready."

We all stood up and pack our things. It's time for us to go to the battlefield. When we arrived at the location we were shocked to see horses and carriages.

"We can have our horses?" Jessica with sparkling eyes.

"Of course I requested it because it looks cool," Zepheil said with a smile. "Now of I go." he tried to hop on the horse but he's having a hard time so we helped him sat on it. "So... how do we move this?" Zepheil asked.

We once again facepalm ourselves in his idiocy. "we thought you already know since you requested it?" Blue said in disappointment.

"Thought it'll be easy..." He said as he smirk.

"How about trying to encourage it to walk?" Jessica said.

He whipped it with the horse leather handle but it knock him off his back.

He stood up and disappointedly walk towards the carriage. "Fine, I'll go here."

Blue excited tried riding one too but ended up being kicked off like Zephiel so he joined the prince inside. Rachel, Rose, and Jerimiah Immediately enter the carriage. I think they can't do it too.

The twin Zach and Zeke tried to but ended the same fate as the two so they decided to enter another carriage. Gina tried it too and she successfully did it but she just 'It's easy" But he can't control the horse smoothly but at least she has dedication. Me, Gina, Shan, and Jessica rode the horses.

"Let's Head Out Everyone!" I cheerfully said and went out to go on a journey.
