
Reaching the border


The following days went in mostly silence as the wounded group marched towards the border, they weren't as confident in battle as before, and they kept a sharp lookout for enemy tribes, ready to flee at a moment's notice.

The woods spread all the way right to the border that separated the wilderness and the open fields of the Necron kingdom, as Ace and the group reached the border they were met with a massive wall made of wood and stone.

It was at least three times taller than the one around their own tribes, and on top walked people clad in boiled leather armor from top to toe, they made the warriors of the wilderness look like savages in comparison. Ace sucked in a breath of air as he saw the massive wall and suddenly felt very small and weak.

In front was a gate with five guards also clad in boiled leather and large blue banners depicting a dead tree on each side of the gate.

As they neared the soldiers one of the men started to walk towards them, he didn't seem to be alert at all. When Joshua and the soldier got close they both stopped and so did the group as well.

"which tribe am I talking to?"

Said the soldier in an uninterested voice, in his hand was an orb made of glass with grey smoke floating around. Joshua seemed nervous when he stood in front of the Necronian soldier and answered with a shaky voice.

"the, the cloud weaving tribe sir"

When the soldier heard the tribes name, he looked around the group in surprise.

"I thought I knew all the commanders of the cloud weaving tribe, they are all quite famous in the wilderness. Are you a new commander?"

When the soldier spoke about commanders it made Joshua redden his eyes, and he said in a low growl.

"we ran into an ambush and commander Grail fell in battle…"

The soldier looked like he finally understood the situation, and the kids wearing armor usually only seen on warriors, also made much more sense to him. He held the orb up to his face and began speaking into it.

"this is sergeant Miles reporting, the cloud weaving tribe has arrived at the gate and wants permission to enter"

The gate started to open with a loud creaking sound, and a voice came out of the orb.

"permission granted sergeant, the gate is opening"

Miles walked to the side for Joshua and the rest of his weary group to pass by, ace was in awe of the mysterious orb that could talk, and he couldn't stop looking at it as they passed Miles.

He told himself that as soon he got the chance, he would get one of those orbs himself.

Miles felt very uncomfortable about the strange kid dressed like a bear, who kept starring at him as the group passed. Even when they reached the gate opening, and was passing through did he see the kid starring at him.

"spooky kid…"

The gate closed with a loud "boom" and miles walked back to the rest of the soldiers to resume his position, while he shook his head. Meeting all these savages day in and day out was wearing Miles out, he had been sent to border patrol after an argument with a superior officer.

"sergeant dipshit, this is captain Morn how is the the other side of the border, haha!"

The voice came from the orb and it sent chills down Miles spine as he clenched his fists in anger, he knew Morn all too well since he was the one that send him to this hellhole. He tried to calm himself so Morn wouldn't hear the anger in his voice when he answered.

"Hello captain Morn, the wilderness is wonderful just wonderful sir. Never been to a more beautiful place in my entire life! So what can I do for you sir, anything you need?"

Silence followed and Miles just assumed Morn had left, until it started speaking again, but the enthusiasm from before was gone.

"your punishment is almost over Miles, soon you will be back to the capital. The next shift will include you buddy"

Miles looked bitterly at the orb, the next shift was in six months…