
A pouch full of water


Amongst the twenty or so trainees left, where four that was holding themselves in a one on one against the fully-grown warriors. All four wielded elements and had no armor at all, Ace recognized one of them as the kid he saw just before he entered the red tent.

The pale looking kid had lighting arcing all around him, and his opponent seemed to be in great pain every time their weapons met. Lighting washed over the warrior and made him spasm, it wasn't even a fight, but a cruel game to the kid.

The same scene happened with the other three hunters, as they slowly wounded the warriors more and more like a cat playing with a mouse.

The other trainees had ganged together and fought the remaining four warriors in groups of three or four, but the warriors still held the upper hand, and kept reducing their numbers. Ace had grouped together with three other trainees against a skinny but tall warrior. He didn't seem to be a hunter, but he was still much stronger than a trainee.

At first, they had tried to go at him blindly and with numbers, but when that only seemed to make them all die quicker, they went with a hit and run tactic. It was Ace's idea, and the others had automatically started to follow his commands.

Most of these trainees where used to fighting alone, and with brute strength, they had never worried about tactics before, so when ace started taking the role of leader, they all accepted without pause.

"remember to keep applying the poison whenever you find a chance, he is going to start feeling the effects any minute and when he does, we strike"

His teammates all held a bag each of Aces poison, he didn't hesitate for a second before handing them out to his allies, they might have been valuable to ace, but staying alive was much more important.

Sheens of dark and obnoxious colors all ran down the weapons of his allies' weapons, and the same color could be seen several places on the warrior's superficial wounds.

Without the poison, this fight should have been a complete slaughter, as Ace and his gang had not even caused a single decent wound on the warrior, but that was more than enough for the poison to seep in, and take effect.

Strange things was happening to the warrior, and even Ace was in the dark on what would happen when you mixed all the poisons together.

He was swinging about the air like he was fighting something invisible, while also having his eyes closed and mouth wide open, it was the weakness Ace's teammates had been waiting for and they all rushed in, not waiting for Ace to give a signal.

Ace didn't like them attacking the delusional warrior yet, he still couldn't figure out how conscious their opponent really was. The answer very conscious, as the warrior spun around in a circle the moment the trainees closed in, and decapitated two of them instantly.

Heads flying in the air and blood spurting out gave the last one a shock and he jumped back, then the warrior stopped moving, and stood perfectly still like was pretending to be a tree.

Ace looked curiously at the delusional warrior and was about to grab his bow from behind his back, when the ground shook and he almost fell to the ground. It was the sound of a Warhammer hitting a trainee so hard, it went through him and made a crater in the ground.

That was the last trainee in the group who had been fighting the Warhammer wielding warrior, and now the warrior looked right at Ace.

He was small compared to the other warriors, and he only looked smaller with the Warhammer that was as long as himself. At first he spotted Ace who looked like a small bear, and then he saw his friend standing with raised arms and on one leg. The delusional warrior still stood with his mouth wide open, but no sound was coming out, like a silent scream.

The small warrior was dumbfounded but it quickly became anger, as he rushed towards Ace with Warhammer in both hands. The other trainee had gone completely pale like he was a corpse already. Ace couldn't judge him for it, as he knew they were both dead the moment the warrior reached them.

Fighting one warrior and winning was incredible enough but fighting two was impossible, especially with just two trainees. He was just about to surrender his fate, when he remembered his final weapon, without thinking he grabbed the last pouch hanging in his belt, and threw it towards the warrior.

Seeing something come flying towards him made the warrior react with a "snort" of mockery as he raised the Warhammer in front like a shield. The pouch landed on the hammer and the "water" poured out all over both the hammer, as well as the warrior, it annoyed him and he sniffed it to see if it was something disgusting, but it didn't smell of anything.

Moments later came a burning arrow towards the warrior, and he raised his hammer once again to shield himself, but the moment the arrow made contact with the hammer, came a feeling of dread to the warrior.

Ace was more than ten meters from the warrior, but the explosion was massive, and Ace was swept up and flung backwards.

The once chaotic battlefield had gone silent as people tried to stand back up again, the force had been huge and many trainees as well as warriors had been tossed to the ground, along with Joshua who had finished dealing with the warriors blocking his path.

On the other side of the battlefield, stood two people with fissures and craters all around them, they were Grail and Nyra.

Nyra was wounded and she could barely manipulate ether anymore, she had a sword in one hand and a spear in the other. Grail was much worse off ,and a big hole in his stomach kept gushing out blood.

"lets end this once and for all Nyra"

Grail said as he pummeled his fists together and punched out, pressure of air shot out towards Nyra who nimbly dodged the air bullets, and appeared in front of Grail.

"I am ending this now Grail"

Nyra said in a cold voice, before she pierced through Grails chest with both sword and spear. The weapons went in, but stopped abruptly and Nyra tried to react, but she was too late as Grail seized the opportunity, to punch her face and stomach in quick succession.

It was his last attack that he had put his life on the line for, Nyra fell to the ground with blood spurting from her face, and curled up like a ball.

The fight was finished as Grail fell over on the ground, he had fallen in the most honorable way he could think off, protecting his clan and defeating an enemy commander.

As the darkness took hold he smiled and thought of how even Sky would have to respect his final fight.