
That’s Unfortunate

(A/N: Last chapter + R-18 will be released in the morning)

"You really woke up today and took a series of actions that would get you killed, isn't fate beautiful?"

I raised my head and saw…him.

the snow white hair, blood red eyes accentuated with a cold look, only to countered by the playfulness of his smile.

Wearing the cross earring, the emblem of his family name only proves his identity.

Eden Kaos

i can see Shizuka behind him…thank god.

/Eden POV\

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The pure rage coursing through my veins is unreal.

I had to calm myself down because of the dickhead from earlier when he mentioned Aya, my omnipresence is only on around my future girls so i know they're safe, so hearing that i wanted to kill him then and there, but i calmed myself.

I envy mortals, you can rage as much as you want and the worst that happens is you break something or hurt someone.

But if i rage i run the risk of destroying everything to ever exist, i may be strong but i've only been in this position for a few months, my powers are unstable if i'm unstable.

Luckily i could direct my hate towards the person, unluckily it still leaked and the girls felt it to.

Following the girls around i started to notice something felt off, i very quickly realized this is going to go downhill.

Before the girls arrived to the store they were heading to i had Miu, Mikan, Saeko, Shizuka, Peko, Aya, and Clementine load into the RV and we sped there quicker than the other girls got there.

I had Miu put the RV in invisible mode and we sat there and waited.

Soon i saw the vehicles of the girls come over and they hopped out.

I noticed a very slight flicker of killing intent leak out when John hopped out, and based on the sheer power i could tell it came from Aya, i guess she also heard what the guy said earlier since she follows her sisters and protects them too and she notices his plans for her and future sisters.

Aya has never had a family before besides me, and neither have I, so having them being threatened does not make her very happy.

"Calm down, Aya, soon." i rubbed her head to make her feel better.

Everything started going downhill as i predicted.

Before everything ended i pulled out a sleek black with gold trims pistol and fired a few shots towards the men.

The distance i shot from with basically no time to steady my shot, there no way i would hit anything, but who needs logic when you're a god?

Headshot all 5 zombies and kept walking.

"You really woke up today and took a series of actions that would get you killed, isn't fate beautiful?" She probably could be.

"Oh! the kid lives, even those girls are still alive! listen kid how about you hand over-"

"Yeah yeah, nobody cares enough to sit here and listen to you scramble on and on about your generic villain speech. i'd kill you myself but it looks like my little Aya wants to have fun, i can't even kill you friends because the other ladies want to, that's unfortunate."

After that the girls went to work and i went to Saya and Rei.

"Takashi didn't even care…he s-sent me here with a bunch of guys and didn't even bother to come with" Rei is in the middle of crying, let's go talk to Saya…

"My dad! first he doesn't even come to look for me and second that idiot ordered me to leave with this man and this happened!" And so is Saya… damn they have had a shitty day.

"Calm down, while i'm with you i won't let anything happen to you, i promise. you can stay with me at my place from now on, okay?" i embraced them both and caressed their heads to keep them calm.

"Do you promise?" they asked at the same exact time and in the same tone of voice, that's creepy.

"Yes, we still have to go back to get Alice and let your mom know where you're going."

They both looked at each other and then simultaneously kissed me on the ends of my lips.


"Muuu… did you forget about Kyoko already?" holy shit i did…oh well she doesn't need to know that.

"H-Hey uh don't you have to go make sure your friend is alright?" i still have to cure Rika before she dies on me.

"Rika!! hang in there, Mikan-san Please help her!"

"Hey…*cough* don't worry i was….already bitten… just keep yourself safe… okay?"

"No, Mikan can save you! you can't die on me like that, you have to keep the promise we made when we were younger…you said we'd grow up and marry the same man so we can be sisters forever and ever…i finally found the best man for the both of us, and he can even cure you. please don't give up on me like that"

Wow, a bit dramatic considering she can be healed but well done then.

Mikan ran over and gave the cure to Rika, making her go to sleep while her body adjusts to the changes.

"Alright… it's been a long day for you girls, let's go back to the Takagi estate and bring Alice back.

The girls agreed and i carried Rika as we made our way back to the RV.