

"Geez... just where am I...?" "Hey! You're awake!" "Holy cornflakes!!" A quirky and wonderful adventure where Emma Robinson gets reincarnated into the magical world of Eddiphere. There she meets the three biggest idiots of the century. Not only that, she finds herself falling for one of those idiots. What a plot twist. However, she discovers that this fun-filled world is about to get destroyed. Can she and her new friends help save it and complete her roller-coaster of a love story at the same time?

Lynn_Lastair_553 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated

Sighing, Emma Robinson massaged her wrist as she trudged down the cool pavement of New York on a Friday evening. She'd just finished school for the day and was making her way to the bus stop so she could head home. Man... professor really had to give us a 7000 word essay, she grimaced at the sight of her throbbing hand.

Emma Robinson was a 15 year old high schooler that just happens to go to Davidson Academy. With her wavy, bold auburn hair and stunning bluebell eyes, she quite easily became one among the school's heartthrobs. Her most prominent features is, however: her smile.

The redhead let out a breath of frustration as she readjusted the sling bag dangling from her shoulder. She took a glance at her wristwatch, almost 8 o' clock. I've to hurry up.

She decided to pick up her pace, but an odd gut feeling stopped her. She felt as if there was something, or someone, behind her. Cautiously, she whipped around and scanned the area. There was no one around. Weird, she frowned. The glowing orb in the sky was already starting to sink, signaling the coming of night.

Ignoring her previous encounter with whatever that was, she quickly hurried her way across the road after glancing around for any signs of vehicles.

The ginger was already halfway across when a sudden 'honk' made her snap her head towards the road. A car was bolting her way and showed no signs of stopping even at the sight of her. The driver must be drunk! Emmie panicked, suddenly rooted to her spot. I need to run... Why can't I move my legs?! Bloody move it!

Yet her legs remained stubborn, she was in too much pressure and shock that her body showed no response. The car was advancing on her, the headlights blinding her, is this the end of me?

"Hey, what out!"


The car collided with her just moments after she heard a shout of warning. Her head spun as she felt blood gushing out of her leg and chest. A surging pain ran through her entire body, she felt paralyzed. The vehicle had ran over her completely, and she was sure that this was her death day.

Memories went through her mind, when she was at her 5th birthday party... when she was with her family... her friends... she felt herself getting tired, her eyes going heavy. The man who had shouted the warning rushed to her side, his phone in his hand, perhaps he'd just called for help.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, tapping her face wildly, "Stay with me! The ambulance's coming!"

Emma's head got lighter and lighter as she managed out, "I'm tired... can I sleep...?"

The man shook his head wildly, "Help's coming! You've got to stay awake until they come!"

Her breath hitched when she felt blood rushing down her throat, I don't want to die... I really don't want to die... but I'm so tired... The flashing of red and blue lights, and the sirens from a police car was the last thing Emmie saw, before her eyes fluttered shut, never to be opened again.

Or do they?

A groan escaped the redhead's lips as she rose up from where she laid. A pounding headache... brilliant, just what I needed. She rubbed the side of her head, ruffling up her hair, then she paused. Something hit her. Quite literally and figuratively.

A twig from somewhere in the bushes had decided to target her, as well as the thought that she'd just died! Emma blinked rapidly as she scanned her surroundings.

She was in a clearing, with lush bushes and flowers dotted all over the place, the brightly colored butterflies especially eye boggling. The place was rather dim, with only a small patch of sunlight showering down on a certain spot. She gulped, did I die or did I lose my mind? This doesn't look like anywhere in the US... And who or what was the cause of the twig-throwing?

Her hand subconsciously went to her neck as her mind recalled back to the sickening amount of blood that had flowed through there, have I been reincarnated? As who? Or, what, in this case. She looked down at herself, she didn't change much, if you don't include the grunge looking outfit that had seemingly magicked itself onto her.

Her teal sweater had been replaced with an army green cropped jacket that topped over her black sleeveless crop top. And her usual blue ripped jeans were now army green baggy cargo pants. Her shoes remained unchanged, still her favourite converse red sneakers. Her long, wavy blood red hair that used to reach her hips, now stopped just above her shoulder, and the waves formed a big volume at the bottom.

Her eyes widened in astonishment, I look like myself, but I have an entirely new look!

Puzzled and slightly scared, she decided to look around, I wonder if I'm still in my country... and if I'm dead or alive, exactly.

The ginger female ventured around the clearing, not daring to go into the darker areas as it looks like the sun's about to set as well. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, she chose to test her nerves, and placed a foot into the shadowed spot, her eyes squeezed shut as her mind chanted, please be safe, please be safe, please be safe!

A minute passed and she found her foot injury-free and still intact. Sighing with relief, Emma placed another foot into the dark side and soon found herself wandering around like a lost puppy.

Time ticked by, and she still found nothing other than a few colorful mushrooms that looked too colorful to be real and some birds. Crossing her arms, she mumbled to herself, irritated, "Geez... just where am I...?"

"Hey! You're awake!"

"Holy cornflakes!!" she shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air defensively. Her bluebell orbs quivered anxiously as the mysterious person walked into sight. Her mouth gradually dropped when she could finally see the person clearly.

He was a fairly tall man with pale skin and cyan eyes. He had bright yellow hair with red streaks that was unruly and long. His black t-shirt and pale blue ripped jeans looked like they've been through... something. A white jacket was tied around his waist and there was a silver choker around his neck. Emma couldn't help but notice that he had small black earrings as well.

However, as much of a sunshine as he looked, the latter looked extremely beaten up. His nose was slightly bleeding, and he was covered in dust and leaves. There was even a twig in his ridiculous long hair. Not to mention, he was holding onto a black, bloody baseball bat. The female redhead narrowed her eyes suspiciously, although she had to admit, he looked pretty cool.

A grin as bright as his hair formed on the stranger's beaten up face, "How're you feeling?"

"Umm... good..." she muttered cautiously, still doubtful at the male.

He must've noticed that she was uncomfortable, as he let out a bark of laughter, "No need to be so hostile towards us, after all, you're probably gonna be here for a while."

The bluebell eyed female paused, "'Us'? And what do you mean by 'going to be here for a while'?" Smile unwavering, the carefree-looking male waved his hands about, simply saying, "I have a few companions, so us. And you're probably gonna be here for a while, because there's no way back."

"No way back?" She questioned, "You aren't from here?"

"Do I look like I'm from here?" he shot back, emphasizing the word 'look', obviously offended by her question. Emma sniggered, "Whatever. But how'd you get here?"

"It's funny how we didn't say our names first," the stranger mumbled, scratching his chin, "but I got here after getting lost while hiking."

"Lost while hiking..." The female ginger frowned. Her new companion went on, not noticing her sudden change in emotions, "Anyway, my name's Asher, nice to meet ya." Blinking as she looked up, she added, "I'm Emma, nice to meet you too. And I have a lot of questions, can I?"


"Your companions, where are they?"

"I thought you'd enjoy my company considering I helped you," he pouted childishly, "But well, they're out hunting for food, I was supposed to look after you."

"Wait, you were the one that saved me?" she asked, bewildered.

"Why so surprised?" his lips curled into a smirk. The blue eyed female shook her head wildly, "And... umm, where exactly are we?"

The bright-color-haired male tapped his chin thoughtfully, "I don't know. I've been here for some fair months. But the only people I've ever came across or met were my group. And they weren't from here either, so I never got to learn this bizarre place's name."

"I see..." The redhead mumbled.

"Any more questions?" asked Asher, bending downwards so he was eye level with Emma. This went unnoticed by the female, as after a moment of thinking, she asked, "How old are you?"

Asher, surprisingly gasped with delight at this, "Oh, I knew I was attractive but damn! Asking for my number already?" The ginger almost choked with laughter, "I'm asking for a number, that isn't your phone number! Your ego needs deflating." The latter only rolled his eyes playfully at her comment, "You didn't deny it, but I'm 16."

"16!" She marveled, "You're extremely childish for your age."

"That's insulting!" Asher clapped his hand onto his chest dramatically as he fell onto the ground, dropping his bat as he went. She laughed at his reaction, but flopped down onto the ground beside him as she folded both arms behind her head, "And I really, really wanted to know why you have a bloody baseball bat."

"The blood's not mine," he yawned casually, Emma's eyes flew wide open as she stared at him in horror. Upon seeing her face, he chuckled, "Not a human's either. The blood here, is from trolls that raid us in the middle of the night, pesky pixies that peck us, I'm not talking about the fairy kinds, and of course, other weird creatures."

Emma's mouth formed an 'O', "Wait, so there are magical creatures in this forest?"

"This forest?" Asher stared at her with an amused smile playing on his lips, "This world, you mean! We're in another universe, obviously. This forest is never ending, but when you do get outta here, there's a village, with goblins and stuff. We raid those thing-ma-bobs when we run out of supplies sometimes. They're smart, real smart, but they dunno how to fight, and they don't have allies. Naturally, they were our targets."

Emma stared at him in wonder, transfixed, "So you mean... we're not on Earth?"

"Not necessarily... we might still be on Earth, but probably in another alternate universe sort of thing — argh! I don't know!" The male finally snapped, looking sincerely frustrated for the first time Emma's seen him, "I'm one of those kids at school that fall asleep in classes and fail subjects, I have no idea about these kind of stuff."

The bluebell eyed female looked at him with an amused smile as he ranted on, "You were testing my braincells, and they're fried."

She hummed a response, "Doesn't really matter if you're knowledgeable or not, because when it comes to surviving, theories won't do you well." She sat up, poking at his chest, "If you really were book-smart, you'd be dead by now."

"Ouch, well that's one way to put it." He mumbled, rubbing his chest that was pricked by Emma's sharp fingernail, whereas she snapped her head towards the bushes when she heard the sound of a twig snapping.

"S' the matter?" Asher glanced her, a worried look on his face.

"I think I heard something... or someone, maybe." she muttered, cupping her ears to hear better.

"I don't hear anything." The male answered, but he still got up, snatching his bat and heaving it onto his shoulders with a swift swing.

'Rustle rustle'

The rustle of leaves, and more sounds of twigs snapping followed. Asher narrowed his eyes, they're too heavy to be knomes... and too soft to be trolls. Quick paced... definitely not a zombie, sounds like there's two of them, wouldn't be a griffin, they hate their own kind.

"I think... I think I smell trouble." Emma exchanged a worried look with Asher.