
Echoes of the Spirit

When Voldemort returns to a body, he is not the same deranged dark lord of old. With a clearer mind and a new perspective, he realizes that his previous methods of terror and domination won't lead to true success. Instead, he discovers ancient laws and traditions that offer him a new path to power. As Voldemort begins to navigate this different strategy, Harry Potter finds his world turned upside down once more. The wizarding world is left reeling as the embodiment of evil begins to operate within the boundaries of the law, challenging their perceptions and forcing them to confront an enemy who is not acting as they expect. Witness the unfolding drama as allies and enemies alike struggle to adapt to this unexpected twist in the battle for the future of the wizarding world. Will Harry and his friends manage to counter Voldemort's new tactics, or will the dark lord succeed in his sinister plans? Dive into a tale of intrigue, strategy, and unexpected alliances. "Dive into the magical world of advance chapters and exclusive content by joining me on Patreon at patreon.com/Maddy009! Explore the twists and turns of captivating fanfiction stories before anyone else, gaining early access to chapters filled with intrigue, suspense, and unexpected surprises. As a patron, you'll embark on an enchanting journey alongside beloved characters like Harry Potter, Voldemort, and more, experiencing their world in a whole new light. Don't miss out on this opportunity to delve deeper into the realms of fantasy and adventure. Join me today and unlock a treasure trove of imaginative storytelling!"

Maddy_Alee · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Desperate

Amelia Bones, head of the DMLE - short for Department of Magical Law Enforcement - strode into her office, stripping off her purple Wizengamot robes. Whoever thought it a good idea to choose this colour for the robes of Ministry officials for Wizengamot meetings was probably still laughing. Almost nobody looked good in this colour.

Moments ago she had sent one of her Aurors to take Peter Pettigrew to one of the holding cells, with special instructions to make sure the Animagus did not escape. In his rat form he just was so small that slipping away would be easy for him.

This day had been a difficult one up till now. She still had trouble to wrap her mind around everything that had happened. You-Know-Who back, and free to go and do what he pleased because of a forgotten old law. Peter Pettigrew not dead but very much alive. The declared newly-born man claiming that Sirius Black had never been a follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. There were many questions swirling about in her mind.

She resolved to start at the beginning, by reading up on the transcripts of Sirius Black's trial. She didn't remember anything about it, but that was not really surprising, it had been a rather hectic time. She had hardly made it home to sleep and change her clothes in those days. She just had not been able to follow all of the trials that had been held.

With new resolve she made her way to the file storage rooms. It would be an enraged and confused Madame Bones coming back to her office in the evening, after discovering that there never had been a trial for Sirius Orion Black, just an order to take him to Azkaban. That would be the start of a rather thorough investigation. She did not know what to do should she discover that there had been an innocent man in Azkaban for all these years.

It was hot in little Whinging where the teenage boy trotted along the side walk, carrying two heavy bags of lemonade and sweets.

Harry had had an odd day. While doing the dishes, he had been overcome by a fierce gleeful joy that was definitely not his own. No one would be this happy with both hands stuck in hot soapy water in what was called the hottest summer since start of records.

It had happened again while Harry had been washing his uncle's car for the third time this week, another activity that was unable to inspire much happiness in Harry.

He worried, as these emotions were not his, that could only mean that Voldemort was really happy. And if a happy Dark Lord was no reason for concern, then nothing was. He sighed. As usual, the letters from Hermione and Ron were empty of any real information. They did not tell where they were staying or what they were doing. Sirius was equally scarce with information of any value. All his letters, with the exception of those from Hermione, were short and filled with frustratingly unclear hints that he would be allowed to stay with them, wherever they might be, sometime this summer. And his plan to listen to the news had not gone well. The Dursleys were not happy for him to stay in the living room with them to watch the news. They always sent him away with suspicion in their faces. His backup plan to read the newspaper only ended with his being smacked over the head with the rolled-up information source.

Setting down the bags, filled with snacks Dudley had asked his mother for, Harry flexed his fingers. The bags were a little too heavy for the flimsy handles, which were cutting into his palms. Standing up straighter, Harry's back gave a series of cracks, and sweat ran down his brow. If he was lucky, he would have to stay here away from magic and his friends only two more weeks, more or less. And the time would be easier if he did not anger his relatives. Sighing again, he picked the bags back up and continued his way. Some of the neighbours crossed to the sides of the street and Harry snorted a bitter laugh. Well, he looked like a criminal in his much-too-big faded t-shirt and baggy jeans. If he was to meet a boy in such clothes, whom rumours claimed went to a school for incurably criminal boys, he would also try to avoid him.

Life was not fair and would probably never be.

The sun was nearing the horizon as he finally reached number four. His cousin was not back yet, and Aunt Petunia was unhappy with how long it had taken her nephew to get the small purchase done.

"Hurry up, boy! Your uncle and cousin will be back soon, and the living room needs cleaning. But first wash your filthy hands!"

Staying as calm as possible Harry just said "Yes, Aunt Petunia," and went to pack the many sweets away before going to the bathroom. He really hoped that he only had to stay here two more weeks. He doubted that he could manage to stay calm for the rest of summer.

Vernon was just back from work and reading the newspaper that he had not finished over breakfast, as an owl swept through the open window to perch on the back of one of the chairs nearest to Harry, who was doing the dishes - again.

"Get this dirty bird out of my kitchen!" screeched Petunia at the top of her lungs, startling the bird and her husband… who managed to upend his mug of coffee over himself. Vernon cursed loudly and jumped up, dropping the newspaper. Harry hurried to get the letter from the nondescript brown owl that was just too happy to leave again, not waiting to see if there would be treats or even water. As normally owls would arrive late in the evening or early in the morning, Harry proceeded to open the letter without getting away from his relatives first.

It was a letter from the Headmaster. Before he could start to read he had to duck a swinging hand from his uncle. With a few quick steps he brought the table between himself and his irritated relatives. Tuning out their shouts and insults, he quickly scanned the letter.

Dear Harry,

Please prepare to be picked up later this evening. There will be a group of people you know coming to your relatives ' house. Do not leave with anyone else! Stay indoors and be ready to leave on a moment's notice! Do not leave without the people I send!

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

The letter was odd. But the content probably would help calm his relatives down. With an uneasy feeling in his stomach, Harry looked up at his aunt and uncle. They both were now silently fuming, it seemed they had realized that all windows were open, so that the whole neighbourhood could hear them if they were shouting as they had been only moments before.

"The Headmaster sent this letter. I will be picked up later today. He said I should pack and be ready to leave." Harry felt a slight pang in his heart as he saw the relieved look on Petunia's face and the loathing on Vernon's face.

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" growled the obese man, his face gaining a purple tinge. "Pack what's yours and be on your way! And don't think that you'll be welcome here ever again!"

Silently Harry turned and made his way up to his room. Starting to pick up his textbooks and all the other things, he tried to concentrate, his mind began turning over the puzzle before him. Voldemort had been happy today. Very happy, on more than one occasion. And now he got a letter, a hurried letter, from the Headmaster, telling him that he would be picked up from his relatives'. There had been hints that he would be able to be with his friends sometime in the summer. But he had never left before he had spent at least three weeks at Privet Drive. There had to be a connection between those two things. Voldemort happy and Harry leaving his relatives early. The raven-haired teen slowly straightened, his eyes going wide and his transfiguration Textbook from second year falling from his limp fingers to the ground. He was no longer safe here. Somehow Voldemort had found a way to get to Harry, and now they were trying to get him to safety.

With this realisation, he began to pack frantically, no longer trying to get a little order into his belongings, just making sure he had everything ready in the shortest amount of time possible. He pried open the loose floorboard to get to his most prized possessions. The album with photos of his parents, the invisibility cloak, the map and his wand. Album and map he placed in his trunk and squashed a few things so he could close it, the cloak he laid on the bed beside him, the wand he kept in his hand. Now he was ready to leave, or ready to fight, if Voldemort or his Death Eaters made it here first.

Sitting on his bed listening to the sounds outside, Harry was tense with nervousness. He heard Dudley come home and enter the house, heard the Dursleys eating and then settling into the living room to have a family film evening. It got dark outside, and the street lamps were turned on, and still Harry was waiting, almost shaking with anticipation.

Nearly three hours after the letter came, the head with a mop of black hair snapped up. Had he heard someone apparate? Only moments later there was a knock on the door to the garden and Harry was on his feet, wand in hand and cloak thrown over his shoulders.

"Who could that be?" asked Vernon downstairs.

"I do not know, dear. Stay, I'll have a look." Petunia answered.

"I want more popcorn." demanded Dudley.

With a start, Harry realized that his relatives could be in danger if there were Death Eaters at the door. Than he scolded himself silently, Death Eaters wouldn't have the decency to knock. They would blast the door off its hinges and curse whatever or whoever they found behind it.

"Mrs. Dursley?" Harry heard the voice of a woman politely ask after his aunt had opened the door. "We are here to collect your nephew."

Impatient, Harry could practically see her waving her hand for the woman to come inside as Petunia spat out, "Come indoors before someone sees."

Cautiously Harry got up from his bed, put the hood of the cloak over his head, and opened his door slowly so he could pass through. After a surprisingly long time, the back door was closed again, and a clearly unhappy Petunia called "Come down here, boy!"

Unsure these were really the people sent by Professor Dumbledore to pick him up, Harry slowly made his way to the top of the stairs, so he could look down on the group assembled there.

Four persons were standing beside his aunt, only two of whom he had seen before. Remus Lupin in patched robes that were a little threadbare at the hems, and Alastor Moody, easily recognized by his peg leg and the swirling blue magical eye. The other two, a young woman with a heart-shaped face and hair with wild curls in a tomato red, and a bald, dark-skinned wizard, he had not seen before.

Alastor's eye rested on Harry, and the teen remembered that it was able to see through his cloak. The old wizard nodded approvingly and a small smirk flickered across his scar-littered face. "Right you are Potter! Constant vigilance!"

Slowly Harry slit the hood from his head, still holding his wand steadily trained on the three wizards and one witch standing beside his aunt.

"Professor Lupin, please tell me what you used to teach me extra lessons." Smiling, Lupin took a step towards the stairs and answered, "A boggart." Harry relaxed a bit, but did not let his guard down.

"And now a question from us," Moody intercepted before Harry could start to descend the stairs. "Wouldn't do if we brought a Death Eater to headquarters, now, would it? Or does one of you have some Veritaserum on hand?"

Both the young woman and the dark wizard shook their heads.

With another smile Lupin turned to Harry and asked "What form does your patronus take?" "A stag," was the nervous answer, bringing a brilliant smile to Lupin's face.

"It is he."

"Well, we need to be on our way then. Ma'am, sorry for interrupting your evening. We'll be gone in moments. Are you all packed, Potter?" Harry nodded while the horse-faced Petunia shoot hateful glares at the four magical people invading her home, before she retreated into the living room back to her family.

"I have everything packed. Why are we in such a hurry? Where are we going? What.."

But Mad Eye cut him short. "No time for this now, lad. Get your things. Tonks help him."

Smiling, the young woman in jeans and t-shirt made her way up to Harry. "Show me the way?"

A little stunned by the abrupt manner, Harry nodded and lead the way.

Tonks looked around his room curiously and cast a quick charm on the trunk. "Now it will be lighter, easier to handle." She led her gaze wander through the room once more. "Got everything?"

"Yes, I was packed not half an hour after I received the letter. Why are you so late?"

Picking up the trunk between them she said cheerily "Had to wait until it was dark. We can't risk the muggles seeing anything." She almost fell over her own feet. "Uh, sorry, maybe I should levitate your trunk?" Harry nodded and let go of the handle, he didn't fancy falling down the stairs.

Only moments later they all were standing in the back garden. "Introductions later. Do you have your broom?" Harry held up the requested item. "Great. We'll fly a bit, then apparate you to our destination. Read this." Alastor got a piece of parchment from his robes and trust it at Potter. It was the same piece of parchment most of the Order had been shown to inform them where headquarters was. Then Moody set the parchment on fire and rapped his wand rather hard on the top of the boy's head. Harry shuddered at the odd sensation of something cold running in drops down his body. And as he looked down at his body he gave a startled cry, because he looked like the wall of the house behind him.

The dark-skinned wizard conjured a net to transport Harry's trunk in and secured it to his own broom.

"Let's get in the air everyone!" The adults had taken a broom each, which had been leaning against the wall, and started to mount them. On Alastor's signal they all pushed themselves in the air and started to follow Tonk's lead. Despite the worries of what Voldemort was up to, if his relatives would be all right, and what would be happening from now on, Harry was happy to be flying again. It had been not two weeks since he had last been able to fly, but after a year of almost weekly quidditch practices, two weeks were a long time.

They were not flying long before Tonks started to descend somewhere out in the open, a field of some sort. They landed near a small copse of birch trees and hornbeam. The spell on Harry was reserved, and Remus stepped up to him as Tonks spun on her heel and vanished from view.

"Am I right assuming that you've never been taken anywhere by side-along apparation?" Remus asked Harry in a quiet tone.

"As I don't know what apparation is, I'm not sure."

Remus chuckled. "Apparation is a form of magical transportation. We will vanish here, like Tonks did, and appear in another spot almost exactly in the same moment. It's not a nice feeling the first few times, and to be taken along by someone else is worse than doing it alone. Once you turn seventeen you'll be able to learn to do it on your own." The werewolf held his arm out for Harry to take who did so with apprehension. "Keep a strong hold on my arm and a firm grip on your broomstick."

And then Lupin spun, much as Tonks had done, and Harry suddenly felt as if he were being sucked through an incredibly small rubber tube that tried to squish him into the smallest space he could possibly fit. In a way it took almost forever before it was over, even if it was at most a few seconds.

And then they were standing in a dimly lit street in a city, by the sound of traffic somewhere in the distance, and Harry was desperately trying not to retch. Not really recovered from his first travel by apparation, Moody came over and shooed them in the direction of the houses on the other side of the narrow street. "Don't dawdle, move!" And so Harry stumbled over his own feet, not paying attention to his surroundings, dragged by Remus up a short staircase and through a dark door.

Hermione was trying to concentrate on her potions essay, but while Ron was pacing up and down it was nearly impossible.

"Ron calm down! Harry won't get here any faster if you walk to Hogwarts in this room."

With a frustrated huff, Ron slumped down on his untidy bed. "I know! But I can't stay sitting. I just can't!" He ran his hands through his red hair, making it stand up at odd angles. "I don't think I'll be calm until Harry is here and safe!"

They both were confined to the rooms they were sleeping in, as almost none of the other rooms were safe yet. The kitchen was, but there Snape was sitting with a cup of strong coffee, dissuading all of the students from staying in there. So they had opted for Ron's room, that he would be sharing with Harry, to wait for their friend's arrival.

Hermione had been staying at Order headquarters for three days now, helping to clean the place to make it fit for human habitation. Today they - that is Ron, Ginny, the twins, and herself - had been cleaning a living room at the ground floor under Mrs. Weasley's supervision, when Dumbledore had come back from the surprise Wizengamot meeting he had been called to. He had been unusually pale and had called all order members present to the kitchen. Then they had launched into a flurry of activity, watched by the baffled teenagers.

All they could learn, before they were sent to their rooms, was that Dumbledore had decided rather spontaneously that Harry should come to Grimmauld place. It had now been almost an hour since the four sent to get Harry had left and they all were rather nervous.

With a sigh Hermione set her quill down, it was futile to work on her summer assignments while this distracted.

"Want to play a game of exploding snap or something?" asked Ron, lying on his back, staring at the flaking paint on the ceiling.

"Better than staring at the walls." agreed Hermione as she stood to get the pack of cards from the board by the door.

They had just started to deal the cards when the late Mrs. Black started to screech at the top of her painted lungs. Both of them shot up from their seat on the bed, now a little tidied up, and rushed from the room and down the stairs. They were meet by both twins and Ginny and stared down into the hall at the new arrivals.

Moody was going into the kitchen, and Tonks was just getting up from the floor where she had found herself after tripping over the umbrella stand she always tripped over. And there, just inside the door, stood Harry, supported by Professor Lupin and looking like he was going to be sick any moment now.

"Harry!" Ginny exclaimed and stormed down the stairs, barrelling into the surprised boy, who would have fallen if the werewolf standing by his side had not helped him stay upright.

"Go easy on him, Miss Weasley!" chastised Lupin, "Let him breath!"

A little embarrassed, Ginny stepped back, and Harry tried to arrange his mused clothes back into a semblance of order. During this display by his younger sister, Ron had come down to greet Harry, giving him a hug, closely followed by Hermione, who did the same. The friends started to go to the kitchen as Professor Dumbledore came out the door followed by Sirius.

"Harry! I'm sooo glad that you are here now." with a few long strides, the still to thin man had passed the Headmaster and enveloped his godson in a big hug. "Are you well? You look a bit pale."

As Harry could not answer the question pressed against his godfathers robes Remus answered with a small chuckle "Apparation does not agree with him."

Harry felt better now that he was safe and back with his friends and what remained of his family. Grateful he smiled up at Sirius, who smiled back. But this happy moment could not last, as the Headmaster said with a stern voice, so unlike him, "All order members, please come to the kitchen. We have much to discuss." And with a flourish of his robes he turned to return to the kitchen, only to be stopped by Sirius.

"I want Harry to be part of the meeting. He needs to know what is happening and what we are doing."

Warmth spread through Harry, here was someone not thinking of him as a child, someone not willing to keep him in the dark, to protect him, only for him to be in the thick of it regardless.

"Only Order members Sirius, my boy." Now the white-haired wizard sounded like the kindest grandfather again. "The children surely want to catch up. Molly can send them some sandwiches upstairs." He looked smiling and with twinkling eyes in Mrs. Weasley's direction and she promptly nodded cheerfully.

"Of course, Headmaster, go on, all of you. Sandwiches will be served in Ron's and Harry's room in a few minutes."

A fast glance between Harry and his godfather assured the boy that he would get to know everything after the meeting. And so he left with his friends without making a fuss.

Halfway up the stairs, Fred and George came up on both sides of Harry, whispering to him, "If you want to hear what they're talking about - " "- we can offer you our service."

The twin on Harry's right side flashed a flesh-coloured and wound-up cord, that he held hidden in his hand.

"Extendable Ears," explained the twin on the other side. "We invented them. Wonderful if you want to listen in on conversations."

Reaching the top, Harry smiled at them "Thanks guys, but Sirius will tell me afterwards. So no need to risk getting in trouble. Let's eat the sandwiches, and you tell me where we are and what you've been up to." With the promise to get to know, he was much more at ease and happy to be with his friends. Moments later they were sitting on the beds in their room, listening to stories from the few short weeks of summer so far. Harry learned that his friends had been told by Dumbledore not to tell him anything that could be of use to Voldemort and his followers, for the unlikely reason that one of the owls might be intercepted.

In the kitchen all the witches and wizards that were part of the Order of the Phoenix settled around the big table. The Potions Master and spy was sitting down, not his usual position. At least not in the last war. When he had attended meetings back at that time, he had always tried to be one of the last to arrive and one of the first, if not the first, to leave. And he preferred a place in the shadows to one in the middle of the group, like the one he had now. But as he had been waiting the whole day, sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating the delicious pastries, it would look odd to leave his place to hide in the shadows now. And so he just did the best to put his customary sneer on his face and ignore the others.

They all watched with wary faces as the Headmaster sat down in his conjured armchair, for once looking his age. "I sadly have to tell you that Tom Riddle, better known as Lord Voldemort is once again able to wander freely." That brought commotion to the room, all of them were speaking over each other demanding to know how this was even possible. Holding one hand up, Dumbledore silenced them all. "Severus my boy, you did not tell me that he once again looks like a normal human." The look the Headmaster gave his Potions Professor was one of disappointment.

And here we go again, Severus thought wryly . "I told you this morning, that I had accomplished the task that had been set for me. As I told you previously what this task was, I foolishly believed that the implications were clear."

Albus nodded sadly. "Well it seems I was in a bit of a hurry this morning, my boy. Please be so kind as to give a full report now."

Severus preferred to give this reports in private, as Albus most certainly knew, but at the moment he could do nothing but comply.

"Very well." Severus took a sip from his coffee, and hid a grimace as it turned out to be cold. "The last week I spent in the same house as the Dark Lord. He provided me with everything I needed to create a potion to reverse the negative effects of the errors in the potion used in his resurrection."

He took another sip from his cold coffee. "During this time, he behaved differently than I remember. There was only one meeting called that I was part of. Yesterday evening, all were called to give reports and receive orders. At the end of the meeting, the Dark Lord gave all of us the order to search for a boy that was a Parselmouth. One of the others informed him that Mr. Potter has this ability. After the meeting I was asked to confirm or refute this information. I had to provide him with my memory of the disaster of a duelling club. This morning I was informed that I could leave. I came here in search of you, Albus, immediately." That were the bare bones of the things Severus had seen and heard, but most of the others only were speculations and interpretations of his own. No need to share them with all of the others.

"Have you any idea of his plans Severus? It is of highest importance that we learn of his plans. He changed them somehow, and I am concerned what he is planning."

Trying to stay calm, wondering what the old manipulative twinkly-eyed man keep from them, Severus answered, "I suspect that he is going a less violent way to get what he wants, at the moment. The tasks he set at the last meeting, and the fact that he refrained from using the Cruciatus as often, suggests a shift in his approach."

"Then now is my time to give a report," Dumbledore sighed sadly. "As you all know, there was an emergency Wizengamot meeting this morning." Nodding heads all around the table answered. "It was called from two members, Lord Nott and the Minister himself, on behalf of a petitioner, who wanted to call to the law of Haxby. I was shocked, as I recognized Tom Riddle, who once was a student of mine, sitting in front of everyone. I tried to get the others to see reason, but alas, they were stubborn and with Lord Abbott as Chief Warlock I had no way to stop this scheme."

The young woman at the end of the table, whose name was Nymphadora Tonks, as Severus had learned during his agonizing hours of waiting, let her hair shift to a ghastly green and asked with a frown "Could you please tell us what this law of Haxby is?" There were some murmurs around the table while Severus tried to get an idea of what the Headmaster still had not told them. A short sweeping glance over the assembled Order revealed that Arthur Weasley was missing.

"Of course Nymphadora," The young Auror made a grimace at the name she rather had not. "It is an obscure and almost forgotten law awarding a witch or wizard that had to exist any length of time as a spirit without a body of their own, a new life. They are to be considered newborn, and without responsibility for anything they did before they got a body of their own again."

All faces went pasty white at this, all to clear were the consequences of Lord Voldemort being declared free of all responsibility for past actions.

"But that is not the worst," Albus added in a grave tone. "At the end of the meeting, after he was granted what he came for, I overheard him talking with the Minister. He asked for instructions on what was the procedure for adopting a child."

Severus knew instantly what his Lord was planning to do and started to panic while Molly asked confused, "Why would he want to adopt a child? And which child would he adopt, and on what grounds?"

"I think that he plans to adopt Harry, claiming that the boy is part of the Slytherin family."

A moment of shock was swiftly followed by an uproar of voices shouting desperate plans into the room, trying to come up with something they could do to keep Harry out if the clutches of Lord Voldemort.

Severus was an island of calm in all the commotion. But only on the outside. In his mind the desperate shouts were echoed by his thoughts. The ultimatum given by his Lord now seeming to be meaningless, because he would die for not protecting the boy before the time was up. There was no way he could save the boy. They could try to imprison him here at headquarters, only to become wanted for keeping a child from their legal guardian. The same was true if they ran. He was no fool and knew that the department of family affairs always decided in favour of the old families.

In this moment Arthur came into the kitchen discarding his robes and looking around for his wife. While one after the other the enraged order members became quiet and shifted their attention to the wizard standing just inside the door, Severus started with breathing exercises to get a handle on his irrational fear. He did not know that the Dark Lord planed to kill Potter, his plans could be different, and until he did not know one way or the other, there was no use in panic.

"Arthur, what have you heard? Were you able to speak with someone from the department of family affairs?" Albus asked with his grandfatherly mask firmly in place.

"Yes, I spoke with Amanda Wisby, she handles most of the cases involving children. She told me about the 'handsome and kind' Mr. Riddle coming into the office just before lunch." He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses. "Tomorrow in the afternoon is the appointment. I asked if this wasn't too fast, if there isn't a need for some form of inspection."

He shook his head sadly, "She said he asked for the earliest appointment possible, so that he has more time with his son before the boy has to go back to Hogwarts for the next school year." Defeated, Arthur sank into a chair next to his wife. "I don't think that there is anything within the law we can do to prevent Harry from being adopted."

"It is Harry than that Tom seeks to adopt?"

Arthur only nodded to the Headmasters question.

His emotions under his control again the spy analysed this new information. Again, proof that the Dark Lord had changed his behaviour. No, he certainly could not guess what he wanted to achieve by adopting Potter.

A number of smaller discussions started around the room, tossing ideas back and forth on how to keep Potter with them. Suddenly the door slammed open and a fuming Potter strode in the room, clutching a crushed parchment in his left hand. "You think it is al right to not tell me that there is someone trying to adopt me? Think it's okay to shoo me away to play while the monster that murdered my parents tries to get the Ministry to just hand me over!? I say that is NOT OKAY!"

"Now my boy…" Albus tried to placate the enraged and distraught teen, but he would have none of it.

"I am almost fifteen, not three. Keeping me in the dark didn't work well in the past, and with something as important as this, you try again?" Harry narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster and turned to his godfather. "I would like to speak with you, Sirius." Nodding, the Animagus stood and followed Harry out of the kitchen, past the other teens standing sheepishly in the door.

"How does he know?" asked Kingsley from his chair next to Moody.

"Probably got a notification letter from the Ministry. Albus you adjusted the wards to let ministry owls pass, did you not?" The old Auror answered.

Nodding, Albus rose from his chair, probably to go and speak with Potter, but stopped by Severus first. "Severus do you think it possible…"

With a curt not, the Order's only spy stood and swept and out of the room and the dusty house. He stood for a moment in the fresher air outside - only fresh in the sense of free of dust as it was quite hot - collecting his thoughts and strengthening his shields before apparating away.

Sitting in the study Benjamin had picked for him, Marvolo made a list of everything that needed to be done in the next few days. It was quite long already, but most of it he could not start until later the next day, as the presence of his heir was needed for this. A small smile graced his face, and he called "Come in!" to the short, firm knock on the door.

In came Severus, only to kneel, bowing his head on the spot.

"I take you have news for me, Severus? Come, have a seat. Tea?"

A little baffled and quickly hiding it, Severus rose and went to sit in the chair in front of the desk Marvolo was sitting behind.

Conjuring another teacup, Marvolo asked his Potions Master "Milk? Sugar? Lemon?"

"Milk, my Lord. Thank you."

It was obvious to Marvolo that he had caught the man off guard, and he was terribly amused by this. The normally so composed head of House Slytherin off balance was a rare sight indeed. After they both had a cup of tea Marvolo kept his inquisitive gaze on the younger man and waited for him to begin.

"The Order had an emergency meeting only moments ago. In fact, Dumbledore," he added a sneer to the name, "sent me here to gather information."

"To learn of my plans after I have adopted the last Potter?" interrupted the red-eyed wizard. "Yes, my Lord."

"And you are curious as well?" He rose a brow and shot his follower a knowing look.

"Of course I am, my Lord. It is a most elaborate scheme I would very much like to be a part of." the black-haired man flinched almost none noticeable, as this boldness could have painted a target on him if Marvolo had still been who he was before that night.

"Well, I think you are the best man to answer one of my questions at the moment." He picked the quill back up and made a tick on one of the lines on his list. "As head of House Slytherin at Hogwarts, you should know how a parent can get an evaluation of their child's grades, troubles, achievements, their general conduct at school?"

Severus blinked several times, confused by this seemingly random change in topic, taking a sip of his tea and clearing his throat. "A formal letter to the Head of House of the student in question asking for all desired information should suffice, my Lord. Why do you…" Marvolo watched with amusement as the professor caught up to what was happening and his eyes widened before he managed to calm his features again.

"Well, Severus, as you are teaching Potions, I will give you a little head start to gather the information needed. Tomorrow at this time I will be father to one of your students, and as the next year is the boy's OWL year," the almost question was answered with a tiny nod from Severus, "I wish to know if he needs tutoring in any of his classes. It will not do that he embarrasses me with mediocre performance, if he could do better."

More or less quickly adjusting to the new situation, Severus recalled everything he had seen from Potter before and sorted through the information to form a coherent report of sorts. "I am afraid that I have only limited knowledge of Mr. Potter's academic performance. He is average at potions, but that might be influenced by my dislike of him and the fact his Slytherin year-mates relish taunting him. Up until now he was living with his mother's relatives, his aunt I think, who are muggles. So he was not able to do more than theory during the summer breaks." A sneer settled firmly on the Potion Master's face "But I doubt he ever made much of an effort. He stays in the castle for most of the breaks, does not have many friends, and was more than once a target for ridicule from other students."

"Very well. I am curious what the other teachers will have to say about him. You can tell the esteemed Headmaster that I intend to raise the boy as my son and heir. I need one so I can claim the title of Lord Slytherin, and as procreation is a rather lengthy process, especially in my case, as I have no spouse, finding a child meeting the requirements was plan A. I am happy that plan B is not needed." The playful smile vanished as Marvolo opened one of the drawers of the desk and took out a small vial filled with a silver mist that was swirling and shimmering.

"As I am not certain if it would benefit you or not, I decided to let you decide if you want to see my memories of that night." He set the small vial in front of Severus on the desk and continued in a quiet, contemplative voice. "I think your request is what saved young Harry's life. Never before had a parent been given the choice. I asked her to step aside three times, she did not. I think that was the difference."

Taking the vial and pocketing it, Severus stood and bowed. "Potter was not happy that the Headmaster tried to keep the pending adoption from him. The last I saw, he was fuming in righteous anger. The boy is staying at headquarters, they are thinking of maybe hiding him." Waiting to be dismissed, Severus stayed by his chair.

"If they try," a small disk was thrown Severus' way and he caught it with his good reflexes, trained in years of keeping students from blowing up themselves "twist the rings on this to inform me."

Bowing a last time, Severus left and Marvolo started to work on his list again, smiling to himself. All his plans were going well. There was benefit in a sound mind.