
Echoes of the Ascendant: Whispers of the Heart, Echoes of Duty

Is He the Heir of the Most Powerful Couple in the Universe? Or is he just a very wealthy man? Is he some sort of reincarnation? Or is he just a lucky villain with a system? Let's wait and see... As for the Romance, well, Let's see with the story. ----------------------------------- I first thought to write the first few chapters in a Urban setting and then change it to a more traditional and fantasy setting. But even I am not a fan of this trope. I know many novels which started off good but went downhill due to this. So, I thought of continuing this in a modern setting till the end. As for how I would do it, I still haven't thought about it. If you guys have any suggestions, do tell me. I'll gladly accept. ----------------------------------- ***This is still in the Development Phase. And I will gladly accept any of the advice or suggestions you have.

HegemonDao · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The Call


"Zayn, why's the birthday boy calling again? We couldn't talk much earlier, but—"

"Dad," Zayn interrupted, his voice resolute, "I need to talk to you about Seraphina… I appreciate you trying to arrange the meeting, but…"

His voice trailed off, searching for the right words to express the turmoil within him. He glanced around the room, his gaze falling on the single red rose lying forgotten on the table, a remnant of his stolen moments with Lyra and her untimely death in the future. Darius to attack him used many cunning tricks and finally killed his most beloved wife, Lyra. It was from that moment everything went downhill for him. The Aetherium Consortium, the Lux Solis Consortium and many other business corporations he established were all plunged into bankruptcy and then his parent's death, due to an obvious accident which Darius manipulated and then his beloved aunt's passing all left him devastated. And ultimately, he was killed in the most brutal way possible. And where was Seraphina when all these happened, she was actually a part of the alliance created by Darius to uproot the influence of Aetherium and Lux Solis Consortiums. She sided with Darius in fear of the changes took place with Darius's arrival. 

Therefore, he has to get a firm resolve. He either has to win her trust and not let her and other business families from betraying him or completely uproot their influences in his and his family's life. 

"But what, son?" his father's voice softened, a hint of concern creeping in.

Zayn took a deep breath, momentarily forgetting his other concerns. "I don't know what's up with Seraphina, Dad. She's...She's not really the person I want in my life. No matter how much I tried to get along with her. She will always get on my nerves. I already have Lyra. Do I really have to marry her?"

The silence on the other end of the line stretched on, thick with tension. Zayn could almost hear his parents exchanging sympathetic glances. And, finally, "Zayn," his mother's voice, usually warm and soothing, held a hint of desperation. "We know she isn't perfect, but the upcoming revival requires strong alliances. We believe giving Seraphina another chance would solidify our position."

"Last week, we went to meet the Alaris family head to talk about Seraphina. We wanted to ease some of your worries, but what we didn't expect was Evelyn's words. As we all know, The Empire is ongoing a revival. And she proposed us an alliance with this marriage. Alaris family promised to stand on our end. Also, what's more interesting is Seraphina. It seems like, the only man excepts the ones from her family, she has ever shown any emotional outburst, even though in this case it's anger, is actually only you. So, Evelyn thinks that there is actually some sort of seed planted deep within her heart and asked us to give you guys another chance. Maybe things will proceed smoothly. "

(Evelyn is the lady of Alaris family. Mother of Seraphina.)

Hearing his mother, he closed his eyes. The image of his beloved Lyra flashing before him. Her smile, a beacon of warmth in the chaos, contrasted sharply with the memory of Seraphina's haughty demeanor and constant disapproval. Every interaction with her sent a shiver down his spine, filled with an aversion that surpassed mere dislike.

Yet, he couldn't ignore the gravity of his parents' words. The system had gifted him glimpses of the future, had shown him the devastating consequences if their alliances crumbled. He saw a future where darkness reigned supreme, where the echoes of his loved ones' suffering haunted him in his waking hours and plagued his dreams. In the future, Darius wins and finally after establishing his empire he soon betrays his own alliance. First, he kills Seraphina claiming she was initially my fiancée and that he can't trust someone like her. So, he is willing to give Seraphina a chance. 

A deep sigh escaped his lips, heavy with the weight of responsibility. He knew the sacrifices his parents had made for him. They had poured their heart and soul into maintaining the Aetherium Consortium also at the same time maintaining another enormous Lux Solis Consortium, all the while ensuring his security and comfort. Even in the future, they had endured his constant mistakes and supported him unwaveringly, their sacrifices are like a shield deflecting the storms of his angst.

He opened his eyes, a flicker of resolve hardening his gaze. "Alright," he sighed into the phone, the weight of the word pressing him down. "I'll give Seraphina another chance. But..."

Relief, tinged with surprise, filtered through his mother's voice. "That's wonderful, Zayn! We knew you'd see reason."

"However," Zayn continued, his voice firm, "I believe it would be best to officially cancel the engagement first. Let's wipe the slate clean. Perhaps it would spark a genuine interest from her end, something built on something more than obligation."

A brief silence followed before his father chuckled, a sound laced with concern. "A bold strategy, son. But knowing Seraphina, it might backfire."

Zayn smirked, a touch of defiance flickering in his eyes. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, it's not just about Seraphina. I have... other preparations to make."

His parents exchanged a worried glance, a silent conversation brimming with unspoken anxieties. But Zayn brushed it aside. They wouldn't understand the burden of the future he carried, the visions he had glimpsed through the system. He was the only one who knew the true meaning of their sacrifice, the foundation upon which his own life and future were built. He was determined to protect everything they had built, even if it meant playing a dangerous game, a game with rules only he understood.

"Yes. I must do that. I'll let her pursue me and let her be my wife. But Dad, remember, she won't ever compete for the position of the Family's future Lady. The position will always be reserved for Ly. Only she is suitable for that."

"Yes Of course, Lyra will be the future lady. You know how much we love her. And we also remember her experiences due to you. Zayn, remember to always treasure her. But also, another piece of advice, don't mistreat any of your wives even if you don't really love them. You know, it will disrupt the harmony of family. And will be counterproductive."

"*Sigh*" Zayn sighed and was going to reply to her. But, interrupting his words, Reuben, his dad said, "Zayn, you know why we are doing this. Let me repeat, a new revival will soon occur in the empire, and we need to get ready. So, we have to strengthen our every relation and close any loopholes. Right, how is your current Cultivation? Did you break through the Level 3 of Mortal Realm, yet?

"Yes, yes! Father, I understand." replied Zayn solemnly. 

"I broke through to the Spiritual Realm, last night. I am now a Baronet."

"Ha! Ha Ha!! Good. Very Good! My son, you did well. Remember to register it to the database. You will soon get the Baronet title. Probably you will get some pleasant surprise too. Do your best to be a Duke, as quickly as possible. Then You will be able to meet the Emperor and Empress who has hidden themselves from the world."

"Yes, Dad. I'll do my best. Ok then dad, let me end the call. You two must be busy. Bye!" while saying this unknowingly Zayn's voice turned a little sour. The Future he experienced is still lingering in his head.

'I would never let you two be in the harm's way.'

Hearing Zayn's sour voice, both of them felt a bit emotional but Faelynn, Zayn's mother, still replied, "Yes, Zayn we are currently busy. But remember you are our most precious. We are doing all these for you. Even if this all breakdown, we would gladly accept that. But we wouldn't want to lose you. So, Stay Safe and be Happy. "

Hearing this, a warm tear inadvertently flowed from the Zayn's eyes. With that, Zayn uttered in a hoarse voice, "I know mom. I know!"

"Hmm... Goodbye! Son. I wish you the very best for your birthday. May You always live happily."

Hearing this Zayn instantly remembered Valaria's complex mood and Lyra's innocent mood when they heard about Seraphina. And, he instantly voiced, "Mom, contact me whenever you are going to take an important decision. Let me be a part of your problems and solve them with you. You know me, I am the youngest trillionaire in the world."

This instantly created a wide smile on both Reuben and Faelynn faces as they said with pride, "Of course, we know it. Then, we will contact you whenever there is some important matter to be discussed. Then see you soon, Son."

With that the line went dead. Zayn stared at the phone; he knew this is just the beginning. Now, he must start planning counterattacks and prepare for Darius's arrival.

As he looked around the room, his gaze fell upon Valeria's empty chair, a strange sense of isolation washing over him. He had just finished talking with his parents, but a new question gnawed at him. Where did Valeria stand in all of this? Did she truly share his sentiments about Seraphina, or was there something else at play, a hidden emotion he couldn't quite decipher?

He rose from the table, the weight of the conversation still heavy on his shoulders. The remnants of breakfast sat untouched; his appetite had vanished amidst the emotional turmoil. He knew he needed to prepare for the upcoming party, a facade of celebration he wasn't sure he could maintain.

As he passed through the opulent hallways, he caught a glimpse of Lyra conversing with Elara in the library. He hesitated for a moment, the desire to seek comfort and understanding tugging at him. However, another thought stopped him short. Now that he has agreed to give Seraphina another chance. Will it hurt her little heart? Knowing her, she will gladly smile and accept it. But he couldn't bear that. So, he couldn't bear the thought of facing Lyra at the moment. 

With a heavy sigh, Zayn's steps quickened as he headed towards his room. He needed clarity, a plan to navigate the storm brewing ahead. Darius wouldn't back down easily, his influence ran deep, and Zayn wouldn't surrender without a fight. He wouldn't let his happiness, his future with Lyra, or his family's legacy crumble. He wouldn't crumble.

The next few hours flew by in a flurry of activity. Calls were made, meetings arranged, and strategies formulated. He reached out to his trusted advisors, their guidance and support a pillar in the storm. Despite his wealth and powerful lineage, Zayn knew Darius posed a formidable challenge. He had to be meticulous, his plan flawless.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the estate, a steely resolve hardened in Zayn's gaze. This was just the beginning, the first step in a perilous journey. A hint of a cold smile played on his lips. "It seems," he murmured, "the party is about to begin", and whispers of an unexpected guest already dance on the wind.

Another chapter finished. What do you think of this? Any suggestions.

HegemonDaocreators' thoughts