
Echoes of Sacrifice

This is a world where **Flux** is the energy governs life and creation. Through Flux, wondrous feats are possible, along with the creation of diverse ways and techniques for empowerment. Some have developed techniques to enhance their bodies, making them nearly unbeatable. Others have honed their affinity for the elements, becoming walking disasters. And there are those who have elevated their minds, gaining the ability to manipulate matter and calling themselves Magi. Furthermore, some individuals have synchronized their very beings with Flux, undergoing transformation into new forms. Meanwhile, wars between kingdoms and conflicts over resources and territorial expansion are frequent. In times of adversity, talented individuals rise to leave their mark on history. But only true legends endure against all odds. An inheritance stained by blood and the sacrifices of many—a life of violence and bloodied hands—haunts those who seek power. Choose your path to power—use Flux and shape history.

Windbladex · Kỳ huyễn
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92 Chs

Old memories, assassination, countermeasures

During the slow flight toward the Southern District, Rymann Bandolen had a distant look in his eyes, allowing himself to navigate ancient memories. "How ironic, Helena. One of my clan's teachings has always been to disregard karma, coincidences, twists of fate, prophecies, and such."

Bandolen's gaze at that moment held a mixture of reminiscence and sorrow. "And yet, here we are… What were her exact words on that occasion?" Bandolen's eyes losed focus while he remembered…

"Yes, I remember now: 'Be careful not to become as much a prisoner as the abomination for whom you will build this prison'." Rymann Bandolen spoke to himself, and the words he recalled were uttered with respect and reverence.

"As much a prisoner as the abomination… humph"