
Echoes of Sacrifice

This is a world where **Flux** is the energy governs life and creation. Through Flux, wondrous feats are possible, along with the creation of diverse ways and techniques for empowerment. Some have developed techniques to enhance their bodies, making them nearly unbeatable. Others have honed their affinity for the elements, becoming walking disasters. And there are those who have elevated their minds, gaining the ability to manipulate matter and calling themselves Magi. Furthermore, some individuals have synchronized their very beings with Flux, undergoing transformation into new forms. Meanwhile, wars between kingdoms and conflicts over resources and territorial expansion are frequent. In times of adversity, talented individuals rise to leave their mark on history. But only true legends endure against all odds. An inheritance stained by blood and the sacrifices of many—a life of violence and bloodied hands—haunts those who seek power. Choose your path to power—use Flux and shape history.

Windbladex · Kỳ huyễn
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92 Chs

A reserved person

The trio walked through the streets of the northern district for a few minutes. Kizaer leaned on his cane and was forced to take small hops with his good leg to keep up with the girls' pace.

After a while, the trio gradually slowed down until they came to a complete stop. The girls breathed a sigh of relief, while Kizaer remained indifferent. Despite the slight fatigue from hopping around, his mental state was much more stable than theirs.

"Man, my mom is going to kill me…" Joane said resignedly.

"Relax, Joane. I'm sure the warrior Justine will handle this situation." Ciona tried to console her friend. Kizaer observed the interaction between the girls in silence.

"Ciona, tell me, have you ever been in an embarrassing situation because of Kizaer?" Joane looked at her friend, not expecting a coherent response.