Set in the early 1800s, Echoes of Power unfolds, in a world of human kingdoms and mythical races. The barony of Kopedom resides within the kingdom of Travaria, a realm dominated by political intrigue. Humans stand united against formidable non-human kingdoms through the Central Human Alliance, while two powerful human realms, Krussia and Estria, vie for dominance. Amid this backdrop, the story follows William, a lowly politician that because of his opinions, falls victim to an assassin's bullet, leaving his daughter's future uncertain. A mysterious being grants him a second chance, gifting knowledge and a new life. Reborn as an aristocrat's infant, William retains his adult consciousness. Loosing his memories in the process, Rapidly adapting, he learns to navigate his world while unravelling magic's secrets. Facing the loss of his parents due to political dissent, he vows to grow powerful to protect his sister and seek vengeance.