
Echoes of Eternity

In this story, a man roams across different timelines and worlds, cursed by the goddess Clotho to reincarnate through another timeline and places endlessly after each death. The man is not content to simply wander aimlessly. Instead, he is determined to find a way to break the curse and find peace. Throughout his many lives, the Wanderer becomes a master of many skills, learning everything from sword fighting to medicine to magic. He uses this knowledge to explore new worlds and make connections with others. Over time, the man begins to see his curse as both a blessing and a curse. While he is unable to die permanently, he is also unable to form lasting connections with others. He is forced to wander alone, always searching for something he cannot have...

KingDoDo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

“The Fate Has Already Been Decided”

Deep in the jungle, in a small hut nestled among the trees, a new life was brought into the world. The year was unknown, but the baby that was born was given the name "Hatt." From a young age, Hatt was taught how to survive in the wild, as his parents knew all too well the dangers that lurked around them. The jungle was teeming with predators that preyed on their own kind, and Hatt's parents were determined to teach him the skills necessary to survive.

As Hatt grew older, he continued to train diligently, honing his abilities and sharpening his senses. And then, one fateful day, he brought back some fresh food to his home. But as he joyfully shouted to his mother, he was met with a sight that would forever change his life.

"Ma, I brought some fresh food today!" Hatt exclaimed.

"Hatt?" his mother responded weakly, lying on the floor with a half-torn body.

"MA!!!" Hatt rushed to his mother's side, dropping everything on the ground.

"What happened, Ma? Who did this to you?" Hatt's body shivered with fear and anger.

"I was attacked by an enormous lion that came into our home. I had no strength left to fight," his mother explained.

"Where is Pa? He should be here. WHERE IS HE?" Hatt's voice grew louder with each passing moment.

"Your Pa lured the lion out of our home before it could finish me off," his mother managed to say before her voice trailed off for the last time.

Hatt was consumed by frustration and rage. He vowed to avenge his mother's death and kill the lion that had attacked his family. With the materials he had in his home, Hatt crafted a spear made from stone that was sharp and deadly.

"This should do the trick," Hatt thought to himself.

Hatt buried his mother and said his final goodbye. He trained for six long months, determined to master new skills and improve his capabilities to take down the lion that he would inevitably face. The young man's journey had only just begun, and he knew that the road ahead would be perilous and fraught with danger. But he was willing to face any obstacle to avenge his mother's death and ensure that his family's legacy lived on.