
Echoes of Destiny: Shadows of Blood Valley

Shadows of Blood Valley" weaves a tale of intrigue and mystique. Haizen and Nova, two brothers bound by blood and burdened by their past, find themselves thrust into a world of darkness and deceit. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of Blood Valley, they uncover a web of secrets that threatens to unravel the fabric of reality itself. From hidden enclaves of sorcery to forgotten ruins steeped in legend, every step they take leads them deeper into the heart of darkness. SOBV

Vixorlord1865 · Kỳ huyễn
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The Mages' Assessment

Meanwhile, on the other side of the training grounds, three mages, including Urilo, watched the fighters' assessment with Vorenus. They observed as each recruit left the training area, unsure how their own ranks would be assessed since they were mages and not physical combatants.

Beside Urilo stood a blonde-haired boy. He was younger than the others, with a stubborn attitude that suggested a privileged upbringing. "Is he a rich kid or something? What's with his attitude?" Urilo wondered to himself. The boy's behavior seemed to confirm this, as he shouted and cursed at everything around him.

The third mage standing near Urilo was a calm, mature individual. However, the blonde boy started shouting at him simply because he stood in front of him. The boy demanded the calm mage to move behind him, claiming superiority due to his clan. From what Urilo could gather, the blonde boy descended from a noble mage family, which explained his haughty demeanor.

As the blonde boy continued to throw a tantrum, an elderly man with white hair approached them on the training ground. He informed Urilo and the other mages that he would be conducting their rank assessments as per the commander's orders. The usual assessor was preoccupied with other tasks. "Don't worry," the old man said, laughing heartily. "I may look old, but I'm stronger than most of you new recruits."

The blonde boy was incensed by this, mocking the old man's age and suggesting he might drop dead before they even started. Unfazed, the old man challenged the boy to go all out. The boy agreed, warning the elderly man not to underestimate him.

As he prepared for battle, the blonde boy's hair appeared to be caught in a tempest, and a thunder-like aura began to roar around him. His eyes turned black as he launched a powerful attack at the old man, who blocked it with a magical shield. Despite the boy's impressive display of power, the old man remained unfazed, deflecting every subsequent attack with ease.

Urilo watched the spectacle, comparing the boy's thunderous strikes to those of a mage he knew named Carlos. The boy's attacks were far stronger, causing Urilo to acknowledge that the bratty child did indeed possess considerable power.

Growing frustrated, the blonde boy moved quickly, making a sign with his hand and whispering, "Veil of the Void 'Abyssal Chains'." Suddenly, the surroundings darkened and a feeling of despair washed over Urilo. Chains materialized from the darkness, aiming to bind the old man.

"5th tier at such a young age... Some might call you a prodigy," the old man remarked amidst the chaos. As he spoke, a bright aura radiated from him, dissipating the chains, darkness, and the blonde boy's thunderstorm aura. The boy collapsed onto the ground, and everything became eerily quiet.

"What is your name, lad?" the old man asked the fallen boy, who seemed to be in disbelief at what had just occurred.

"I am Orion Nocturne," the boy managed to reply. The old man chuckled, "Ah, a Voidwalker. You're powerful for a child and have great potential. If you keep progressing at this rate, you might become as strong as me in a decade or two."

Urilo and the other mage had remained silent throughout the ordeal. They were taken aback by the incredible power surrounding them. Urilo felt a sense of weakness, realizing he was surrounded by extraordinarily talented individuals. He recalled his days in the Blood Valley, where he was considered the most talented mage amongst the underworld members. But here, he felt like a small fish in a big pond.

The old man turned to Urilo, "Don't look so down. It's your turn." Urilo knew he had to use his best spell to have any chance against the old man. Gathering his energy, a swirl of green and dark energy surrounded him as he launched his attack. The old man easily deflected it with a shield.

"Tier 2, right?" the old man asked. "You have great potential. Did you create this spell yourself?"

"Yes, sir," Urilo confirmed.

"Hmm, you have a talent for creating new spells," the old man assessed. "This one is well balanced. I'll give you the rank of 3rd tier."

The old man then called for the calm mage. Urilo retreated, taking a place next to Orion, who was still in shock from his encounter with the old man. Urilo sighed as he prepared to watch the next fight unfold.

The calm mage, Xavier, stepped forward to fight the old man. As Orion watched, still nursing his bruised ego, Xavier battled using his specialized magic. He seemed to wield elemental magic, as his attacks took the form of ice. However, the old man was victorious in the end, assigning Xavier a rank of 3rd tier, the same as Urilo.

Once the rankings were complete, the old man directed them towards the rest of the recruits. Urilo, Orion, and Xavier, the three newly ranked mages, left to join the others.

Orion was still visibly shocked from his defeat, his usual arrogance deflated. Urilo couldn't help but think that no matter how strong a child was, they were still just a child. The experience had been humbling for all of them.