
Echoes of Destiny: Shadows of Blood Valley

Shadows of Blood Valley" weaves a tale of intrigue and mystique. Haizen and Nova, two brothers bound by blood and burdened by their past, find themselves thrust into a world of darkness and deceit. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of Blood Valley, they uncover a web of secrets that threatens to unravel the fabric of reality itself. From hidden enclaves of sorcery to forgotten ruins steeped in legend, every step they take leads them deeper into the heart of darkness. SOBV

Vixorlord1865 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

The Collide in the Corridor

Haizen standing amidst the labyrinthine corridors of the Brotherhood's vast underground hideout. His heart was heavy with concern for his brother Nova, but he was at a loss as to where to look. The Brotherhood was a sprawling spiderweb of agents and bases, a testament to its reach and power.

As Haizen ventured deeper into the convoluted hallways, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The responsibility of protecting his brother, the strain of his recent battles, and the complexity of the Brotherhood's operations weighed heavily on him.

Suddenly, a blur of motion caught his peripheral vision. A man, arms full of scattered papers, was sprinting down the corridor towards him. Caught off guard, Haizen barely had time to react before the figure crashed into him. Both of them tumbled to the ground, papers flying like a flock of startled birds.

"You dumb idiot," Haizen growled, grimacing as he clutched his injured arm. "Look where you're running!"

The man, equally hot-headed, snapped back, "Me? Who the hell are you? You're not even from here. Know your place! What the hell are you doing standing in the middle of the hallway? That's like asking someone to run into you!"

Their argument echoed through the corridor, drawing the attention of other members of the Brotherhood. Heads turned, curious and amused, as the two men continued their loud dispute.

Furious, Haizen pushed himself to his feet. "What, you think I did this? You're the idiot running in the hallway!"

The man retorted, "We always run for our work because what we do is to protect life. But some petty thief like you wouldn't understand that!"

The tension in the corridor was palpable as Haizen shifted into a battle stance, his face hardening into a mask of defiance. "Oh, says the guy who's running with some papers. I bet those are toilet papers you're taking for the seniors. Shut up and do your errand, errand boy," he taunted, his voice echoing off the stone walls.

His words struck a nerve, and the other man's face twisted with anger. He too, adopted a battle stance, his eyes flashing dangerously. "What did you say?" he growled, his voice low and threatening.

Haizen smirked, unfazed by the man's anger. "I said what you heard. I mean, just look at you. Other guys have uniforms, but you... you just look like an errand boy. No uniform, no brains. Seems like an idiot to me," he taunted further, his words laced with derision.

The other man's face reddened with anger, his hands clenching into fists. "Okay, let's see. You asked for this," he barked, ready to launch an attack. But even with one arm, Haizen was a formidable opponent. His years of training and battles had honed his skills, turning him into a lethal weapon.

Haizen shouted back, his voice resolute, "Okay, let's see!" His gaze locked onto the man's, a clear challenge in his eyes. Despite the odds, Haizen was ready to stand his ground, ready to prove that he was more than what the man perceived him to be.

The corridor, once echoing with their verbal spar, fell into a tense silence. The Brotherhood members watched with bated breath, their eyes darting back and forth between the two men. The air was electrified with anticipation, the impending clash promising a thrilling spectacle.

As the Brotherhood members watched, they were reminded of the diversity within their ranks. The confrontation was a stark demonstration of the various paths that had led each of them into the Brotherhood. It was a testament to the organization's reach and influence, and a vivid display of the challenges they faced within their ranks.

The crowd of Brotherhood members watched on with curiosity and anticipation, their eyes fixed on the bandaged figure at the center of the dispute. Among them, a question arose, "Who is that bandaged guy?"

Without missing a beat, another member responded, "He's the one we brought back from the Blood Valley battle."

The crowd turned to the speaker, intrigued. "How do you know?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm the one who's been tending to his wounds these days." That seemed to satisfy the onlookers, who then returned their attention to the unfolding fight.

In the corridor, the battle ensued with full force. Haizen faced his adversary, the errand-boy lookalike, with a determined gaze. Even with one arm, he expertly blocked every attack, his movements fluid and precise. Each successful block earned him a cheer from the crowd, inflating his ego.

Feeling confident, Haizen leaped high into the air, evading another attack from his opponent. He landed gracefully, a smirk playing on his lips as he turned to the crowd, "Thank you, thank you."

But his moment of arrogance was short-lived. The errand-boy lookalike seized the opportunity, landing a hard punch on Haizen's face. The impact sent shockwaves through Haizen's body, a trickle of blood escaping from the corner of his mouth. The crowd gasped, their cheers fading into a stunned silence.

The errand-boy lookalike laughed, his voice echoing in the corridor, "That's what you get for showing off !"

The taste of his own blood stirred something within Haizen. His eyes hardened, and his relaxed demeanor transformed into one of grim determination. He launched himself at his opponent, his movements no longer defensive but aggressive.

With a swift and powerful kick, Haizen sent the errand-boy lookalike flying. The crowd watched, wide-eyed, as the man crashed into the wall with a loud thud.

Suddenly, a commanding voice echoed through the corridor, "Silence..." The word reverberated off the stone walls, instantly quelling the commotion. The gathered Brotherhood members froze and swiftly formed a line on either side of the corridor, creating a clear path.

In the hush that followed, Haizen saw a figure approaching - an older man, his muscular build and aura of authority unmistakable. He was followed closely by Vorenus, the captain of the shadow corps whom Haizen had met before. The sight of Vorenus respecting this man indicated his high rank within the Brotherhood.

As the man neared, Haizen bowed his head in respect, recognizing the need to rely on the Brotherhood for the time being. The errand-boy lookalike also rose to his feet and bowed his head in deference.

The man finally spoke, his voice calm but carrying an undercurrent of authority that commanded attention, "Can anyone explain what's going on here?"

Vorenus glanced at the medic who had been tending to Haizen's wounds. The medic understood the unspoken order and stepped forward, "There was a fight between these two, sir," he said, gesturing to Haizen and the errand-boy lookalike.

The man, presumably the commander, looked at the medic, then back at Haizen and the errand boy. "So now this place has become an arena to fight each other?" His voice was calm, but the underlying tension was palpable.

Sensing the escalating tension, Vorenus quickly spoke, "Everyone, go back to your work." The crowd, fearing the commander's anger, scattered immediately, leaving only Vorenus, the medic, Haizen, and the errand-boy lookalike.

The medic made a move to leave as well, but Vorenus stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked. The medic stammered, "Sir, I have a patient to attend to..." Vorenus cut him off, "No, you and these two need to come with us."

The commander observed the two fighters with a keen eye, his face impassive. With a final glance at Haizen and the errand-boy lookalike, he turned and started walking away, Vorenus and the medic in tow.

"All of you, with me," he called over his shoulder, leaving no room for argument. As the group moved away from the now-empty corridor, Haizen could only wonder what lay ahead for him within the Brotherhood.