
Echoes of Death

*READ BEFORE STARTING* Hey all, so right now I’m currently working on a mass release of about 30 chapters, and I’m editing the first two that are already uploaded. Just know that what u see/read is not the final product and even though there won’t be an update for a while, it’s coming. Anyways I hope you enjoy what I’ve got so far! ** Death is something we all fear. Something we all know is inevitable. If something is alive it has to die, that is the law of the world. But what about my brother? Why was he forced to die? Chronicles of Elaria. The last thing he said to me were these words. The title of a video game. What if death doesn't mean the end? What if instead of the end it’s the beginning? Each death is a new beginning. I wonder what my brother's new beginning is. For me, Death isn’t something I fear, I welcome it. After all, who doesn't want countless new beginnings each different from the last? I don't fear death, I resent it. For taking my brother or so I thought. But, What if he was in his new beginning, at this very moment? I would do anything in my power to find him. Anything. ** AN: Hey all, this is my first novel so go easy on me haha. I am open to any and all feedback, as it helps me grow as a writer. If you see any grammer mistakes or mispellings, let me know I will do my best to fix them as fast as possible. I was heavily inspired by the author Entrail_JI. Both of his works helped inspire me to write this so if you see any similarities I apologize. In Echoes of Death the main character, Damien, is thrown into the game Chronicles of Elaria. A game his brother loved and the last thing they every talked about. Damien doesn't know anything about the plot of the game or anything like that so don't expect him to. This novel can get dark as it deals a lot with death... like a lot, so if your not comfortable with that then this novel isn't for you. Serialization should come out to about 10 chapters a week? Maybe less, I am still a student and this isn't my main focus, but I still plan to put a lot of effort into this series so bear with me. Anyway thanks for checking out my novel and giving it the time of day

Fitz_tenji · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Death (2)


That's all I could see around me as I seemingly floated in the air, in this vast abyss.



And deeper...

Death. I had died. No shocker there, I was struck by lightning. A normal, insignificant human like me can't survive that.

Still, to think this is death.




[Welcome to Elaria!

You have reached a save point, would you like to save?


The hell?

I'm still hallucinating?

Yes, that's right, I was hallucinating before this too. Something about how my brother is—


[Y selected.

Saving in progress...



The fuck is happening?

[Selecting Save: Celestial Year 1784, Day 1, Progress 0%

Welcome to Elaria, Damien.]

Suddenly, blinding rays of light flashed before my eyes, and for a few seconds, I couldn't see anything. Opening them again, I was star-struck.



Before I could even finish my thought, another damned screen popped up.

===Damien Kael Darnell===

Essence: Physical and Mental

Tier 1: Initiate

Strength: 9

Agility: 5

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 4

Willpower: 14

Magic Affinity: 6

Spiritual Energy: 5

-Manuals: None

[??? - ???]

[Save - User is able to save their progress.

Current Save - Celestial Year 1784, Day 1, Progress 0%]


Damien Kael Darnell?



Elaria? Isn't this where that... thing told me to go?

Chronicles of Elaria?

Frantically, I looked around my room, trying to find a mirror.

"Ah. Finally, now c'mon, my beautiful face!"


Who is this?

He had a defined jawline and prominent cheekbones, with a sun-kissed tan adding a healthy glow to his well-toned physique. His thick, slightly tousled black hair contrasted with his dull gray eyes, which held a subtle depth and mystery.

That's me?

I had a hard time wrapping my head around it, over the whole thing, actually.

"Is this real?"

Grabbing my face, I could feel it: my cheekbones, my lips, my hair, everything. I could feel everything.

Knock. Knock.

"Young master Damien? Are you alright?"

A grumpy voice filled with a tint of disgust.

"It's almost time for the Essence Awakening Ceremony. You didn't forget, did you?"



Young master?


No, Damien, is that really me?

What do I even say?


That's right, I have to say something.


Anything will do.

My world was spinning as I opened and closed my mouth, thinking of what to say.

"Just come out soon, okay?"

Taking a deep breath to calm myself down.


'Calm down... huuu.... From his way of speaking, and the architecture here, it seems like this place follows some kind of aristocratic system. I must be some kind of noble, and the man across this door must be something like my servant.'

Thinking so, I finally spoke.

"Yes, yes, just stop disturbing me already."


Why isn't he saying anything? Did I make some kind of error in my way of speaking?


Did he notice? That I'm not Damien?


Without realizing it, I swallowed my saliva, and my hands grew sweaty. I could feel a single sweat drop dripping down my cheek.






Hearing his steps grow more distant, I didn't let out a sigh until I was sure he was gone.

'This is not Earth.'

From that one interaction alone, I realized that the place I'm in currently, though this body thinks of it as home, is not my home.

It grew even more apparent to me staring at that screen in front of me.

===Damien Kael Darnell===

Essence: Physical and Mental

Tier 1: Initiate

Strength: 9

Agility: 5

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 4

Willpower: 14

Magic Affinity: 6

Spiritual Energy: 5

-Manuals: None

[??? - ???]

[Save - User is able to save their progress

Current Save - Celestial Year 1784, Day 1, Progress 0%]


'If all of this is truly real, then...'

I died.

By lightning. Same as my brother.


That thing.

'He was real.'

Then is what he said true?


'Thinking about it... we died almost exactly the same. If one thing was different, it was that he only talked about Elaria while I downloaded it. If that's really the case, then...'

Could he also be here?

In this game?

'No, he has to be. If I am to believe everything in front of me and what that thing said, then he's here. In Elaria. I have to find him... no... I will find him.'

Finding my resolve, I squeezed my hand into a fist so hard it started to bleed.

I will find whoever put me and my brother in this game. Someone put us here; it was by no means an accident. I believed it to be so.

"How dare they play with me and my family like this? You better count your days..."

"I'm coming."


"Haa... haa..."

Rigid and rough breathing could be heard in a quiet and secluded back alley.

"S-stay back!"

A man with blood gushing out of his left hand was pleading for his life.

"L-look, you don't have to do this, alright? Is it money you're after? I-I can pay you, I swear, j-just please, let me go!"

Cold obsidian black eyes under a hood were staring back at the man as he begged for his life.


Those eyes bore down pressure on him like he'd never felt before. Yet why do these cold and ruthless eyes belong to a kid no older than 17?


A gust of wind blew over his hood, almost as if by fate, allowing the man to finally get a good look at his face.

He was a paragon of ethereal beauty and strength. His physique was sculpted to perfection, with every muscle exuding raw power.

'Just how much would one have to train to get a body like that at his age?'

The man thought as he slowly analyzed the boy who would soon end his life.

With platinum blonde hair falling in smooth, cascading waves that framed his flawless face, his features were perfectly symmetrical, with a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and full lips. But what was most captivating were the boy's eyes.

His eyes, dark as polished obsidian, seemed to swallow the light, revealing a haunting gaze filled with deep sadness and an endless abyss. They drew the man in, their profound depths reflecting a sorrow that felt eternal and inescapable.

"How beautiful."

The man said as he took his final breaths.

Swinging his sword down, the boy ended the man's life.


A clean cut, and the man was gone.

Now it was just him.

Standing there.



Staring at the man he had just killed.

More specifically, his reflection in the pool of blood that lay on the ground.

He had accomplished his goal.

He had done what he had to, and yet,

Why does he look like that?

"...I'm sorry."

With those words, he left the alley, his demeanor much less imposing than a moment ago and a lot heavier.


The Essence Awakening Ceremony.

First off, what the hell is that? I've never heard of such a thing, and there's nothing in my room that points to any clues about what it might be.

But don't I already have my 'essence' or whatever you call it?

It showed up on that status window that popped up in front of me. If I remember correctly, it said 'Physical and Mental,' right?

Is that some sort of class system or something?

Knock. Knock.

'I guess it's time.'

Thinking about it won't help figure out what it is, so I might as well attend. It seems mandatory for me to do so, based on how my servant acted.

Grabbing the closest clothes I could find and putting them on, I have to say Damien really loved black.

The shirt was a finely tailored tunic made of dark fabric, embroidered with subtle silver patterns, with leather pants of a similar design.

Over the shirt is a midnight blue tailcoat with an intricate silver clasp, knee-high leather boots, and a leather belt with a silver buckle, holding a sheath for his weapon.

'What an edgy outfit.'

Though I do indeed look handsome, it's nothing jaw-dropping. While certainly not ugly, I'd probably steal a glance here and there, but that's about it.

Anyway, it's about time I head out.

Walking towards the door, I reached my hand for the handle.

Pausing with my hand on the door, and taking one final deep breath, I opened it.

"Let's go."

"Certainly, young master."

Hearing a familiar voice, I looked to my left and found, to my surprise, a rather old gentleman in classic butler attire.

Sensing my gaze linger, the butler asked,

"Is there something on my face, young master?"

"It's nothing. Let's just get going already."

With a slow nod, the butler responded,


Furrowing my brows, I followed closely behind the butler as he was guiding me.

'He detests me.'

If I wasn't already aware of it before from how he spoke through the door, I was sure of it now—this man despises me. While he tries to hide it with his expressions, he can't do so with his voice.

'I can feel the disgust and hate he has towards me. Just what did Damien do?'

Though I don't know what it is, I don't plan on bothering him as long as he doesn't bother me.

"Young master, we're about to enter the city. Please don't wander and just follow me."

With a forced smile, he was guiding me to wherever this Ceremony was held, while indirectly treating me like a puppy who's never gone outside.

'This guy...'

He stared at me with a smile and seemed to show respect to me, but his gaze and tone were anything but respectful. Anyone could tell he was clearly trying to annoy me.

This doesn't seem like the first time this has happened either.

'It seems the old Damien would just take it and not do anything, a pushover, so to speak. He seems to think I'll let it slide again. Well, he is about to find out that I am not Damien.'

With my face as expressionless and calm as possible, I made sure to tell him, not just with my voice but my eyes, I made sure to tell him.
