
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Tranh châm biếm
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70 Chs

V 2 Ch 5

The next morning, I wake up without feeling my hands. I look down to see Kurona and Nashiro sleeping on my hands stopping the blood circulation making it numb. It seems that they move into my bed in the middle of nights.

I stay for a while, thinking about what happened yesterday since I feel that I awaken something. I was replaying the scene of myself and see that before I killed that ghoul, he's already lost consciousness.

Echo:" That must be Haoshoku no Haki! I tried many times to activate it in my last life but, to my disappointment, I never awaken it. But I awake it here in the midst of confusion. With it, I have all three types of Haki though I never use the Armament Haki."

I then tried to get off the bed without waking the twin, but end up in failure as they wake up from feeling my movement. So, I'll just greet them now.

Echo:" Good Morning, since when did you two come to my bed?" I said while caressing at their face.

Nashiro:" In the middle of nights, we were still afraid about what happened yesterday so we come to you. Did we bother you?" Nashiro told me while tearing up and Kurona only hugging my hand tighter.

Echo:" Nah, there is no way that you two are a bother. You can come to me anytime if you feel uneasy." I said while patting their head.

Kurona:" Really!! Then we will do that."

Echo:" Now, please get up. I must do my daily exercise now." I told them and they get up at my request.

Kurona:" Un, then we will follow you!" she said after they get up.

Nashiro:" Yes Yes, we want to exercise too!" Nashiro agreeing to her.

Echo:" You don't have to follow me. Don't you want to see your parents first?" hearing this Nashiro and Kurona look at each other then nodded as if agreeing at something.

Nashiro:" We will do that later. We want to become strong, Echo-kun. Please let us train with you." she said pleading at me.

Yuuna:" fufufu, already sleep in the same bed I see. Good thing I come to wake you up. I got to see something interesting. Why don't you just train with them? It will help them protect themselves from danger." Hearing her both the twin goes red in embarrassment.

Echo:" Mom! Since when are you here? Well, I already going to accept them anyway. I just want them to rest do the day as they have a rough day yesterday." I said as I left the bed.

Echo:" Anyway, you girls should just rest for today and go to see your parents! We can talk about training later. Oh yeah, I forgot to give you this yesterday since it's so hectic. Here your gift, though late. Happy Birthday!" I said to them while giving their gift.

N & K:" Thank you Echo!!"

Kurona:" Then we will listen to your advice and go look at mom and dad."

Nashiro:" Yes, you have to hold your promise and train us later, Pinky promise!" she said while raising her pinky finger and I follow her with Kurona after.

Yuuna:" Now, you two. Come follow me, I will take you to your parents. By the way, you can call me Mom you know? I'm happy to have two cute daughters in law. Fufufu" mom told them to come and teased them at the end making them go bright red.

Echo:" Mom, don't tease them too much. They are not as immune as me at your teasing."

Yuuna:" Ara ara, you are right. I stop it at that then. Let's go, you two!" she said, and they left my room.

After seeing them left, I started my morning routine. Finishing my exercise, I ate breakfast then go to school.

When school over and I am now back at home, I heard that Aunt and Uncle have woken up. So, I go to see them.

Echo:" Hello, Aunt and Uncle Yasuhisa. How do you feel?" I ask them as I go inside their room? There are my family and the twins there, checking on them.

Mr. Yasuhisa:" Echo, we are fine. I heard that you operate on us. Thank you." he said while bowing at me.

Echo:" You don't have to thank me and I am sorry for making you not human anymore."

Mr. Yasuhisa:" what do you mean?"

Mrs. Yasuhisa:" I think that the operation changing us. I remember agreeing to it so you don't have to be sorry for it. So, what change did the operation do to us?"

Mr. Yasuhisa:" I see, she's right Echo. You don't have to be sorry. We choose it."

Echo:" In order to have you who has lost your organ from the ghoul piercing your stomach. I implant a Ghoul Kakuhou inside you to make your healing factors go up. That way you are recovering faster than normal. In doing so I change you into a Half Ghoul."

Mr. Yasuhisa:" So, that how it is. I've been confused about how we are recovering so fast. So, this is why. Did we also have to eat human meat from now on?"

Echo:" You don't have to be afraid of that. I already make a Serum that makes a Ghoul be able to eat normal food. Here, please drink this." I answer them and gave them the Serum which they drink immediately.

Nashiro:" Echo, did Mom and Dad become a Ghoul? Then, please you have to change me too! I want to be the same as them."

Kurona:" Me too, please change us."

Echo:" The two of you, please don't be impulsive! Being a ghoul is not easy."

Nashiro:" I don't care! You're also a ghoul, right? We see it when you kill that ghoul who attacked us in our hiding place. I don't want to be left out!" she says and Kurona adds.

Kurona:" Also from what we heard from your conversation. You have solved the issues that ghoul required to eat human meat. So, we will do it. You can't change our minds."

I then look at the Yasuhisa couple for help only to see that they look at him with a helpless face.

Echo:" Sigh, You talk to your parents first. If they allow it then I'll help you." I said to them and left the room with my Mom and Grandparents to give them privacy.


As we left the room, I ask my Grandpa.

Echo:" So, before I came. Did you ask them about why they are attacked by the Vasuki, Gramp?"

Grandpa:" Yeah, Nanao told me that he found about the CCG dirty dealing. So, they tried to silence him."

Echo:" I see if that the case. They must stay low for a while. Let them think that they successfully eliminated them."

Grandpa:" You are right, we can send them overseas for now. We can also make them help us expand overseas."

Echo:" We must ask them first before deciding it. Let's talk to them after they are healthy."

Grandpa:" You are right. Let's leave it at that for now."


After half an hour, the twin comes to me. They stand in front of me with a resolute face.

Nasahiro:" Echo, we already talked with our parents and we still want to become a ghoul."

Kurona:" Yes, they already gave us their consent."

Echo:" I see, then we will start after they are healthy again. So, they can watch the procedure."

N & K:" Okay!!"

Nashiro:" So, what are you doing just now?"

Echo:" Nothing, just waiting for the two of you. Come here, sit with me!"

Kurona:" it's been hectic since yesterday! You must be tired."

Nashiro:" Yeah, do you want a lap pillow?"

Echo:" You don't have to Shiro and yeah you are right Kuro. I think I will take a test to skip grades at school, up to High School graduate level. That way, I can have time to train and experiment more. I will take the online courses for the University."

Nashiro:" Really? That cheating! I also want to skip grades."

Kurona:" You have to be smart like Echo to do that Shiro."

Nashiro:" Then we have to study hard, Kuro! Echo, please help us." Shiro said while making puppy eyes on me.

Echo:" I will just help you study. The rest is up to your efforts."

Nashiro:" Then I will work hard!"

After that, I talk to my mother about it and she gives me her consent.