
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Người nổi tiếng
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83 Chs

Chapter 82 Alternative Ending

***The Alternative for those of you who like happier endings***

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. I wake up to a familiar sound, my head feels groggy and my eyes are blurry and heavy. I try to sit up but a sharp pain in my shoulder stops me. I blink a few times to get my eyes to focus and notice wires and tubes attached to me. I'm in hospital again, the bleeping being from a heart rate monitor and one of the tubes a drip into my arm.

"Namjoon" I call out my husbands name, the last thing I remember was him being unconscious on our bed. "I'm here Aimee, I'm right here" he says getting up from the chair next to the bed and taking my hand in his. He kisses me on the forehead and says "you had me worried there for a moment, I don't like seeing you in a hospital bed like this, not after the last time where I was so close to losing you". He strokes my hair away from my face and kisses me again, but lingers longingly breathing out a sigh of relief across my face.

"Is everybody ok, how is your head? What happened to Nari? Is Jangmi safe?" I ask in quick succession, fear pooling in my stomach at the concept that she could have hurt someone else. "Everyone is fine, my head hurts a little but I only needed a couple of stitches, I will heal. Jangmi is safe and sound and with Sakura. As for Nari, she was arrested for attempted murder, actual bodily harm as well as kidnapping and is waiting to be taken back to Korea. The Japanese authorities are in contact with Detective Choi back home". I let out a sigh of relief, my stomach relaxing and my muscles loosening up. Finally she is in custody, finally she will not be a threat to me or my family anymore, now we can concentrate on getting back to normality. We can be a proper family without that dark cloud following us around.

"What happened? I can't remember past you being hit" I say, wanting to know exactly what happened in that bedroom and what is up with my shoulder. "By all accounts you launched yourself at her rugby style and wrestled her for the gun but fell through the glass table like something out of a film and screamed for help. Jimin, Yoongi and Lori came rushing in because they heard the commotion, Lori after seeing what was happening headed down to security straight away for more assistance and Yoongi and Jimin tried to get her off of you. By all accounts she is strong for such a little thing and they struggled and in all the confusion she managed to fire the gun. Thankfully the bullet hit your shoulder ripping through muscle not bone but it could have been so much worse. You could have died Aimee. I can't tell you how grateful I am that she was a bad shot! When the gun went off Jimin pounced and pinned her down and Yoongi kicked the gun out of her hand and we think broke her wrist as he did. Ji-Ho and Min-Jun arrived in the room with Lori, She was on the phone to the police and the hulks took over from Jimin and kept her detained until they arrived. Lori jumped into action and looked after you, keeping pressure on your wound and talking to you, telling you it will all be ok, asking you not to leave her, pleading with you to wake up. I was out for the count and only woke up as they were putting you in an ambulance, I was so scared. I had no idea where you had been hit, what your condition was and I wanted to go with you but they wouldn't let me. I had to follow in a second ambulance, and then when we got to the hospital it was ages until you were stable and I was able to see you".

"Oh my god! I've been shot! I am going to have a killer scar! I laugh trying not to cry at how serious this is and how much worse it could have been. I could have died and left behind the love of my life and my precious baby. I change the subject trying bring myself away from those scary thoughts. "Do we know how she managed to get in? How did she even get to Japan?" I ask confused by it all. He sits on the bed next to me careful not to sit on any tubes or wires and looks a little upset. "It would appear that she has been in the house the whole time we have been there, lying in wait. We think, but are not 100 percent sure that she was put on to our plane and flown over with the equipment for the concert, then brought to the house where she has been staying in the basement. It looks like Seong-Su our head of security has been assisting her, but we don't know why. None of the other security guards were told their was a basement, it was left off of the floor plans they were given. Seong-Su was the first one to come to the house, he flew over early with the equipment to start getting the house prepped for our arrival, so it seems likely he was involved. I have known him for years. I can't believe he would do this to me, to you, to us all! He has been arrested too, Detective Choi is going to investigate it all and see what he can piece together".

I can't believe it, i'm in total shock. There was me thinking the whole time that we were safer in Japan because she would be back in Korea! How wrong can you be? How can a man in charge of the bands security for so many years all of a sudden allow a woman with a gun into our inner sanctum? "Namjoon, when can we get out of here and go home, home as in back to Korea?" I ask. So far the bad has totally out weighed the good in Japan and I really just want to be back home making the most of the time we have left before he has to leave us to complete his national service. I'm so ready to start repairing us, to get us back to where we were right before Jangmi was born. In love and totally hopeful as to what our lives could become.

"Big Hit really need us to do these 2 concerts. There is going to be an announcement on the last night which is apparently huge, but they won't tell us what it is. Can you hold on for 2 more days and I can arrange for us to fly home straight after the last show, obviously if the hospital are ok with releasing you?" He pleads with me. I nod but say "I'm not leaving your side though, I want to be with you, I don't want to be alone. I want to be at both of those concerts and I want Jangmi there too". He leans forward and kisses me. "Ok baby, anything you want".

Later that day the doctors come and see me and tell me i'm ok to be discharged, but I will need a couple of visits from a nurse to change my dressings and as soon as I get back to Korea I will need a further check up to make sure I am healing well. They give me some pain meds and release me later that day making sure to tell me how lucky I am to be alive.

It's strange, going back to the house, our room has been cleaned, the blood wiped and steam cleaned away to the point you would never know it was even there. I'm welcomed home with huge smiles of relief, the boys all jumping about excitedly. I get tentative hugs though as my arm is strapped to my torso to stop it moving and it still hurts.

I think Lori is going to be helping me with a fair bit for the next couple of days as washing and dressing is going to be hard, but I know she won't mind. I love the bones of this woman and she has been looking after me practically since we met. I owe her so much, even my life, her quick thinking stopping me from bleeding too much.

Jimin and Jungkook both give me huge kisses. "I am so glad you are ok gwihan, I have only been that scared once before in my life and that was when you were attacked in London, please don't do anything like that again! You took such a huge risk". Jungkook doesn't say anything and just touches my face. Yoongi, typically attempting to keep things in emotional just fist bumps me. Hobi and Tae have put everything I could possibly need in easy reach of the bed for me and Jin has made me some of his favourite foods. I spend the next 24 hours being waited on hand and foot by all of them, keeping me buoyant and entertained until it's time for their shows!

The first concert was a huge success, the crowd loved it and went crazy for them! Considering all the drama we have had on this trip the boys were ever the professionals and were perfect, no mistakes, nothing but amazing dance moves, elaborate set changes and an abundance of flirtation with Army. Just as it should be. I was unbelievably proud of them, singing and dancing along as much as I could.

The second concert was much the same, except after the last song the president of South Korea Moon Jae was announced and brought on to the stage. The boys have met him before various times but seemed a little unsure as too why he was there. He made a speech, it was in Korean, Lori and I had no clue what was being said really, and someone was translating it in to Japanese over the intercom, but that didn't help us either.

At one point the crowd roared with a huge cheer and the boys looked visibly shocked and surprised on stage. They all take turns in shaking his hand and bowing to him, a sign of great respect. Confused by what was said myself and Lori look towards Ji-Ho for a little help and he smiles back at us and in the spriteliest tone says "they are being pardoned from completing national service! The country are so proud of them that instead they are being chosen to be cultural envoys and speak at events around the world!"

I can't believe it! We don't have to watch them pack up and leave us for 18 months, they don't have to stop doing what they love, Army don't have to lose them! This is amazing news. It's about time we had some good fortune. Jangmi can have her Daddy with her, or she can be with her Daddy! I've decided, from now on, wherever he goes, we go. I'm never leaving his side again. I am going to make everyday count!