

I have always wanted the best for my only son because I want him to experience the best the world can offer. This includes him ending up with a good woman. One thing about marriage, you know, is that the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with determines your happiness for the the rest of your life. I have been skeptical of every woman my son has brought around and I make sure I get to investigate before my son gets heartbroken. 2 years ago, a friend of mine shared on how she uses hackers to spy on her husband and so I got the idea to do a little bit of research on my potential daughters in-law. I casually asked for the hackers' information and since then, I spy on every girl he introduces me to. The process is pretty simple, you send an email to gearhead @ engineer . com of the phone number of the person you want to spy on and after a few hours, they will send you the exact info you need. I have saved my son from 2 women who were eventually going to ruin his life and even though he will never find out what I have been doing, I am content that he has dodged deadly bullets.