
?? *Meet The Quadruple*  ??

😏 *Draco Niklaus Arthur Rozette* 😏...Point of view...


Location -Rozette Residents

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 07:26

Quad age - 14

The ringing on his bedside table woke Draco up about 40% .. he prided himself on being a very deep sleeper.. ..

No ..I shall not feed the pretty pony ... you can't make me Draco mumbled to himself... then he heard the ringing again

he pushed his arm out lazily towards the sound trying to locate his alarm clock... only to remember he doesn't have one he peaked through one eye and saw his phone ringing on his bedside table.. ..

Sup..Draco said answering his phone ...

Sup..Blood hell..Draco are you still sleeping Harrison his best friend asked in a very panicked voice.. over the phone

No no I been up for ages .. Draco said .. stumbling out of bed he widened his eyes at the time ...He was so late .. he placed his phone on loud speaker

You do realizes that if your late it's bye bye ... Fencing ... bye bye tour to the house of night bye bye .. to all my dreams... ..not to mention it's the day we get sorted into our houses I am freaking out I don't want to be in house Winter..rumor has it everyone who has a taste for death goes there ....Harrison said.. over the phone.. Draco could practically see his best friend shivering

Yes I know .. Harry okay... I will be there I promise now ..do I wear a black ..red or royal blue leather jacket Draco asked _Draco grabbed his white top and pulled it over his muscles.. and down over his eight pack_. think superman reborn.. not that Draco liked to brag.. oh who was he kidding he loved to brag he thought grinning at himself as he dragged a dark grey stretchy pants over his legs and finished his everyday look with black boots ..

Black we both know you would choose that anyway ..Harrison said .. breaking into his thoughts

Hey..Draco does this dress make my hips look fat.. Lea-beth asked twirling in front of him ..

No you look perfect.. As always Draco said smiling at his sister who heard the laughter from the phone...

Morning Harrison.. Lea-Beth said..

Morning Lea-Beth Harrison said over the phone as she exited the room and Draco placed the phone on speaker ..

I should go see you in a few ..Draco said..

Do not make me have to come and get you ... Harrison said before ending the call  ..

Draco headed straight for the bathroom.. only to be stopped by a closed door ... leaning closer to the door he shook his head when he heard the sound of a hair dryer ..

Addizen ..Lea-Beth... He asked knocking on the door ..

Yes Brother... Addizen asked appearing next to him

You bellowed Lea-Beth said appearing on his other side wearing a completely different dress

If your here then whose using the hair dryer...William... Draco said answering his own question

William what the hell are you doing in there Draco asked

My hair William's voice came through the door in a very state the obvious tone

Well I am coming in Draco said opening the door ...

Oh good morning Draco ..William said sarcastically ..

Do not use that tone with me .. how long could it take you to do your hair .. seriously watch and learn Draco said ...

Draco grabbed the hair gel from the bathroom cupboard and squeezed way to much in his palm the dragged his sticky fingers through his silver blond hair... turning it into the perfect boy next door spiky shape . .

It's that easy Draco said grabbing his tooth brush and the toothpaste..

Yes thank you Draco I will wear that hair style when I am going for the I slept under a greasy armpit look ..William said casually .. well applying a sun protected cleanser to his face and hands..

Oh face it  ...I am hotter then you Draco said admiring himself in the mirror his silver blond hair his brown eyes and caramel tanned skin his faded cherry colored lips.  

Yes.. Yes .. you are Dumber William said turning towards the door..

I said hotter Draco said after him..

Yet I still hear dumber ..William said exiting the bathroom...

Draco exited a few seconds after...


Location -Supernaturally Gifted Warriors ...School

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 12:35

Quad age - 14

Welcome back to your second semester at S.G.W... Luca the co owner and principal said ..

As you know we have taken our time to choose our leaders over the summer and tomorrow night  it will be there job to choose four followers .but before they can do that we must give each leader the name of his or her house... Mary said Luca's wife co principal and owner

Choose carefully .. but do not doubt your gut we didn't when we chose you as leaders .. The task of putting leader and house together we place in the hands of our daughters .. Samantha and Abigail ... Luca said as his daughters walked on to the stage ..

Shall I go first Abigail asked ..

Be my guest Samantha said...

Addizen - House Fall ..Abigail said

Draco - House Summer.. Samantha said ..

William - House Winter ..Abigail said

and Lea-Beth - House Spring ..Samantha said

Thank you girls .. Any questions.. Luca asked as both William and Addizen's flew up then Draco's and finally Lea-Beth's..

Let's team up shall we .. Addizen and Abigail.. Lea-Beth and Samantha ... Draco I believe you have your first self-control class Mary said

Yes Ma'am Draco said..

Go with Luca he will answer your questions on the way there Mary said..

Right William what is you want to know Mary asked kindly ..

Self control huh ...Luca said

Yeah you lash out one time when your 6 and your parents demand you do self-control studies .. Draco complained

By lash out sir he means burned down his family home Sir..Harrison said falling into step..

Ah so what's your question... Luca said..

About my house I have none I was gonna ask if I should be excused to go to self-control Draco clarified

This is not something you can take lightly Draco .. The Elder masters are getting older soon the seasonal rings will be passed down to you and your siblings.. Luca said sternly..

I know.. I am ready ..I promise Draco said ..

He will be ready sir Harrison said

Draco sighed and entered self-control studies sat down on his yoga mat and soon after Harrison sat next to him waiting for Professor Snape to start the class ..


Location - Cafe le choc... Coffee shop

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 16:45

Quad age - 14

What a day ..no seriously what a day .. Addizen said throwing herself next to Draco

Your books run away screaming Draco asked

You need your brain scanned and thoroughly checked Addizen said ..

That is what I been saying for years William said finding his seat ...

Oh my gosh you guys I tots saw the cutes top at Tracy's Lea-Beth said ..

Trace is having specials since Addizen asked

Are they over does she have male fashion's William asked ..

SHUT UP .. Draco screamed

All three siblings stared at him knowingly

This is a Multi Fan fiction ... which included the Character of Twilight Vampire diaries Originals Shadow hunters Teen wolf harry potter and more ... all praises go to their original creators and designers .. I don't own any of these above mentioned series's I wish I was that amazing a writing tbh I suck most of the time ...

QWERTYsashcreators' thoughts