
1 The Arrival

It was the year 2596, and the struggle for power and dominance grew ....even though lives were wasted . The world at that point was growing, our military were made of cyborgs and though life was meant to be easier , it wasn't .

Only the strongest will survive , the most persistent and determined will conquer and those who knew their purpose will rule.

It all started when the planet Xadon was discovered. It was green with vegetation and blue with water , possibilities of life was high , even the climate was better than ours, at least that's what we could see from our telescopes . As earth began to die , we had no choice other than to send some troops to observe and report . They went in, but never came out . Who could've known it was a trap. As our ships burst through their atmosphere, it was clear that it wasn't the perfect place we dreamt of. The entire entire environment begun to look like that of a hellish world. Which kind of technology could've managed to deceive our sight and meddle with our signals . The last report we heard from our troops was , "They know where we are , and they want what we have , prepare the soldiers , a war is ...." ,

static broke communication. What the hell is out there?

It's been two years since we heard the message but nothing has happened. Our leaders still think we must prepare for a war , but I don't really believe any of that crap. Those old folks up there don't know what they're doing. If anything would've attacked us , they would have done so long ago , the message made it seem like they're powerful foes , if they wanted to kill us and take whatever they wanted, I doubt it wouldn't have been a difficult task. I mean, I'm glad to be in the military, fighting for my country and all that, but I doubt the folks that rule us . I'm on my way to the mechanical section of our base, my left mechanical arm seems to be fucking up. I hope I would get an upgrade, maybe a new trans-fusion powertech based arm. I'm getting tired of these old fashion outerseal basics . The door to the mechanic slid open as I flashed my id card on the door sensors .

Groping of breasts , aggressive kissing , halfway naked bodies , the mechanic and a junior officer , it was deep. But I interrupted them , they both stopped and looked at me , it was a really awkward environment and I couldn't care less . The junior officer was first to speak up, "We're kinda busy,....so if you don't have anything to do here , you can step out and pretend you never saw a thing ", she said this with a lot of attitude."Did this bitch just speak to me. Did she not see the badge that shows my silver officer rank?", I asked myself and tried to pretend I didn't hear what I heard so clearly. I couldn't, my pride took over ,"I don't know what u think you're doing , but it will be best if you cover up those pale , tiny things you call boobs ", I knew my words hit her hard , but I lied. It's only the thought of her hooking up with the mechanic that kept me from getting hard . I stood my ground, staring at her twice as much as she was staring at me . As the tension grew stronger, the lazy ass mechanic decided to be a man , "I think it's just a little misunderstanding", he took a couple of steps away from the junior officer,"Jayden, why don't you get seated . Jess...we'll have to continue this discussion later " . Discussion?Not really the best choice of words but at least he made her aware he planed to continue it later . The bitch looked at me definitely planning something evil then walks past me , instantly ignoring me as she walks out and the doors slid behind her . The mechanic is almost done putting on his shirt and I get to the floating chair and it wobbles abit as I sit on it , moving down then back up."what's the problem ?", He asked me with so much confidence that I'm certain he doesn't know the consequences of breaking Rule No 06 . "My mechanical arm seems to be malfunctioning ."

"Malfunctioning huh?",he asked with a certain tone obviously informing that he doesn't give a fuck about my arm.

"Yh, I think it's got a wiring fault ".

"Maybe, maybe not , but it's nothing we can't fix with a little spanner and screwdriver".

Those where the words I didn't want to hear.

"What about an upgrade?", I asked him . "That's impossible right now , only Diamond Officers and above get any upgrade better than the outerseal-basics . You're still a young officer , maybe six years of service will get you there ",he was definitely trying to sound annoying. And it worked . Six years of service ? Diamond officers and above? If it wasn't against regulations, I swear I would have forced a spanner up his damned mouth.

"Then at least you can change it , I've had it on me since I was eighteen ".

"I guess I can get you something new , with more power ratings , much more modern and adaptable". He paused for a while ,"but it will arrive in two months and will cost you a golden star out your record ". A golden star out my record, I'd never heard of anyone getting a negative star because of acquiring new gear. Maybe it was his way of punishing me for ruining his gig. The military mechanics didn't really get comfortable treatment from the higher-ups so there was no point in threatening him out of his job because of breaking a couple of rules. I was certain he wanted out of here and finally get to see some daylight again . But I couldn't bear witness to the lack of conviction he and the junior officer showed so I'd have to report them.

I got out disappointed , I wasn't willing to loose a star out of my five star rating for new gear. The hallways were long and my footsteps sounded so loud in that empty vacuum. No officers came around , it was like everyone had disappeared, the alarm hadn't gone off so I doubt something is wrong

I suddenly begin to feel eyes on me , my sensory bugs in the blood where tingling and I felt someone coming closer to me from ahead . This person was dangerous, I fired up my mechanical arm and it's muscles begun to flex. I was ready for combat . As soon as I walked pass the curve , I saw the enemy , but it was no enemy. It was human - he was human and wore our blue and black military attire . I've never seen this person before , maybe he's a new recruit , he doesn't seem to have any gears on him and he'a young . But my sensory bugs were still on high alert , I soon found out why. He begun to flex his muscles and all fibres in them became metal. That was an intra-fibre full body powertech , we didn't have those kinda upgrades on this base. He's definitely an enemy . Just as I point my inbuilt palm blaster at him, he went low on his feet and stretched out his arms . Both arms changed from into four feet long blades made of firm metal . It was sharp at both edges with a plain design . The only astonishing feature is that it had a red rare circular at both centres . I was marvelled, I couldn't even react even though I very much knew I was in danger . His gear just had me looking and frozen . My dream was looking at me with a killing intent . An intra-fibre powertech with built in trans-fusion . That was hard to come by, how the hell did this kid get such an upgrade . These type of gears aren't provided by the military, they are highgrade expenses that must be bought before you become a captain . I knew I was definitely about to die , but I had to ask, "How did you get that gear?" , I wasn't actually expecting a reply but he gave me one ,"it was implanted in from birth . I'm not one of you . I'm from the planet Xadon and I'm one of the hundreds of thousands of Xadonites sent to acquire your most prized possession. There's no point in telling you anyway. Goodbye ".

The Xadonit sprinted towards me and his blades looked sharper up close . I couldn't die yet , I was still too curious to let death take over. I went down to weave through the swinging blade and exactly at that moment , my outerseal-basic as ready to deliver a valid punch to the ribs but the Xadonite was too damned fast . After I successfully weaved through the attack, he sent a knee jab into my nose . That alone took me dragging back a few meters . I felt a little dizzy but this wasn't the time for that . I forced myself to my feet and all I could see was a foot smashing through the side of my face , sending a ringing sound to my right ear and forcing my head to smash into the wall beside me. I was bleeding and I begun to loose ground. What did I expect, no silver officer can deal with an intra-fibre powertech. Before the maniac could hurt me anymore, I heard an angel's voice yell at the Xadonite with both my favourite words ,"Hey Motherfucker!!", I couldn't see the person clearly but the voice told me it was a she , "Say hello fto the molecular bad girl", at that moment she sets the huge weapon she was holding on her shoulder and in a flash, a large ray of golden light blasted out this weapon with intensifying heat . No normal being could have dogded that but according to my blurry vision, this Xadonite swerved the ray of light, jumped unto a wall and sped away in a direction I couldn't tell . It was all just so fast. The machine that blasted the ray that nearly melted off my face finally went off and I could breathe again , but it was now for certain my eyes went dim.

After we've had enough , we are all forced to become the worst versions of ourselves .

We can thrive , but once sanity is lost..................... along it goes our humanity.

Arnold_Arku_9650creators' thoughts