
Origin City (Altissia)

{Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks for the stones here is an additional chapter for the day, I'll set the following two chapters to be released tomorrow as well! Keep them coming and I'll keep the speed!}

The AI said that I should think of the structure of my reality before I begin and I think I've got a good idea. First I want an origin in some sense, a landing pad for all travelers who wish to enter my reality; only now did I realize how advantageous this IP archive is.

Under the influence of my will, a circular platform the size of Asgard (in MCU) appeared, and below the platform, one could see rocks protruding downwards into the void. The place above the rock is filled with rock, dirt, and water. A literal ocean full of water, It looked like a floating island except there was no land just water. Around the perimeter of the ocean island, originating from the very bedrock a wall began to rise; it didn't stop growing until it became the same height as the wall from AOT and the wall was white marble adorned with engravings all over.

Next, starting from the very center of the island a city began to arise, and a 1:1 replica of Altissia (Final Fantasy) began to appear. There were no people or beasts only the architecture, however soon the only creature that will reside in the Origin of my VR began to appear. Seraphs both male and female began to pop into existence, some small and some tall, however, all were beautiful and flawless beyond belief. I willed them to be completely loyal and faithful believers in the creator and have a strong sense of justice and very little individuality. They will be polite but stern with the goal of their existence being to execute their duties. This may sound cruel but what I needed is peacekeepers and guides who will ensure that Travelers are protected while in the city and that people know where to go to ensure they get to whichever of my worlds they want to go.

I willed this to be a very part of their being however I did not make them mindless robots, I built temples and shops, entertainment venues, and markets, really everything in this city is geared to making the Seraph's lives pleasant except the main center building which housed the "The Gate of Worlds". Truthfully, this is a huge building with many different desks that will be maned by the angels, and once a Traveler approaches one of the tellers he will receive assistance from an angel. From here they can learn about the structure of my creation and which teleportation pad to use to travel to a specific world of my multiverse.

To get things in order I spent a good week ensuring everything in the landing pad of my multiverse is perfect and functioning properly as if travelers could appear at any time (I won't open the landing world to BSV until later but I want things ready and waiting). This city will be called "Origin City" to the people who enter my universe but privately I call it Steamflix city (Authors Note: Tip of the hat to "Steam gaming platform" and "Netflix" since this city will be the door to many worlds that mimic many things found on those sites).