

On a light years away Saga galaxy, with only a planet called Semelent lived incredible beings. So human like, but with powers. They call themselves E-Mage(s) otherwise known as Elemental Mage(s). Fire, water, air, land, animals, plants, gravity, light, dark & creation are the elements existing in their planet. These are the basis of their powers. Planet Semelent is actually similar to Earth, though the only difference is that the former is humongous-twice bigger than the latter. The E-mages acquire their powers when they reach the teenage. But, not all can awaken it in a blink of an eye. Some can take a year or more after being a teenage. E-mages discover and polish more their powers at the only school in Semelent called EMS Academy. One day an ordinary boy named Sed, space traveled unknowingly from Earth-Milky way galaxy- to Semelent-Saga galaxy-. He's an otaku, whose life is all about animés. And most of the times imagining himself as one of the anime character he wishes to be. Now that he's in a different planet, what things in wait are there for him to meet and encounter? Will he be what he wishes for? Can he go back?

Skyris316 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter I (Episode 5) - First meeting with the King & Queen of Darkous Continent

As the day of examination and sortation ended, the first year students go their separate ways home. Sed and Princes Kadess walked out of the academy together. As they exited, Princess Kadess cast a spell and a big golden door appeared in front of them. One of the original spell of Princess Kadess was to connect two places through a single golden door.

PK: "Connecto! " (A golden door appeared.) Let's get in. Mom and Dad must be waiting for me already."

Sed: "Ok. (With a nervous voice.) "

PK: "It will be just fine. Come on. "

Princess Kadess opened the door and both of them got in. Sed is no longer surprised to her abilities but, surprised to what was waiting to them. As they walked through the door to the hall up to the throne where her parents were waiting, Sed was trembling to the sight of those beings standing on the both side of the hall with fearless and sharp eyes. He then grabbed Princess Kadess left arm because his getting scared. Those beings are actually the royal guards and they immediately point their weapons on Sed because of what he did.

PK: "It's fine. Lower your weapons. He is my friend. "

The royal guards obeyed her. As they reached the royal throne King Kavin and Queen Dess, was happy to see their daughter with a friend. Both hugged their daughter tightly with teary eyes. They really do treasure her.

KK: "Welcome back my dear! "

QD: "Welcome to you too. Friend of my daughter? "

Sed: "Yes your highness. I am honored to be in your presence. But, I am simply just a personal body guard of Princess Kadess. "

KK: "A personal body guard must not be afraid. Based on what we saw earlier the moment you got in, you are scared and clang to my daughter's arm. "

PK: "Ahh…that was just because he is a shy person and not yet ready to meet you. "

QD: "Ok, enough of that. But, is he really your personal body guard? "

PK: "Yes, mom. I saw him on my way to the academy. He was about to die of hunger and nowhere to go but, I fed him. And as his thanks, he told me that he can do anything for me. So, I just hired him. "

KK: "Our daughter is truly kind. We will trust in you. Boy, do your job properly. "

QD: "Yes, we will trust in you dear. And we'll trust in you young man for the safety of our daughter. "

Sed: "I will not let you down your highnesses. (While on his knees) "

Pk: "I will pack my things. Sed will help me. He is coming with me to the school starting tomorrow. Rise up Sed. Come and help me. "

KK: "Alright. Go on. "

QD: "Be sure you are done before dinner. It's almost supper time. "

PK: "Yes! "

QD: "They look like close friends. "

Princess Kadess and Sed went to her room and pack her things. It did not take them too long. Princess Kadess sited on the side of her bed and told Sed to sit on the couch. They talked for a short while and both fell asleep.

PK: "Can you be my friend? (A bit shy) "

Sed: "We are already friends. "

PK: "Really? (almost crying voice) "

Sed: "Definitely. You are my savior and friend. But, you need to help me find a way for me to get back to my place. Ok? "

PK: "Ok. (She cried silently and lies down on her bed not facing Sed and fell asleep.) "

Sed: "Thanks a lot. (And fell asleep too at the couch.) "

Few minutes has gone by. Someone was knocking at the door of the room of Princess Kadess. It was her mother, she came to fetch the two to join them eat dinner. She knocked at the door three times and got no response and tried to twist the door knob to see if it's locked or not. It was not locked at all, so she got in and, found the two teens soundly asleep. She did not try to wake them up instead; she soundlessly got out and slowly closed the door. Queen Dess was glad that they are just doing great and that her daughter is no longer alone. She returned to the dining hall where King Kavin is waiting and told him that the two are sound asleep and will not be joining them tonight. The Queen ordered the servants to just prepare splendid breakfast for four people tomorrow.

The night was long and peaceful. The King and Queen can't express enough what they feel inside to know that their daughter is doing great and they are hoping that it will last long enough.

The morning came and it's a lovely one. Princess Kadess woke up first and hurriedly took a shower and does her daily hygiene while Sed is still sleeping. She also prepared Sed's wearables. When she got out of the bathroom she was totally dressed beautifully and found Sed siting and staring at her.

PK: "Stop looking at me and take a shower already. (A bit shy voice and looks) "

Sed: "Ok. But, what will I wear? "

PK: "I already prepared it. It's inside the bathroom. It's my dad's, because we do not have someone like your age around here except me. Will it suffice? "

Sed: "Thanks a bunch. I don't mind at all as long as I have something to wear. In fact, I feel lucky and honored to be able to wear the King's hand me down. (While smiling big) I'll take a shower now. "

PK: "Ok. Go on. I'll wait for you at the dining hall to have breakfast. "

Sed: "Don't wait for me. Go and eat first. (Thinking that he must not let royalties wait for him.) "

Princess Kadess did not hear him and was already out of the room on the way to the dining hall.

She arrived at the dining hall and found her parents there waiting with a splendid table for breakfast. She greeted them and asked if Sed can join them. The king and Queen agreed but, did not wait for him to start eating. Only Princess Kadess waited for Sed.

Sed: "Splendid morning to you, your highnesses. My apologies for being late, forgive me. "

K&Q: "It's ok. Take a sit and join us."

PK: "We must hurry. We are getting late on our first proper day at school. "

Sed: "ahw. Ok. "

They munch down the splendid breakfast and drank some tea. Everyone was stuffed. After the two finished their foods they bid farewell to the king and queen.