

On a light years away Saga galaxy, with only a planet called Semelent lived incredible beings. So human like, but with powers. They call themselves E-Mage(s) otherwise known as Elemental Mage(s). Fire, water, air, land, animals, plants, gravity, light, dark & creation are the elements existing in their planet. These are the basis of their powers. Planet Semelent is actually similar to Earth, though the only difference is that the former is humongous-twice bigger than the latter. The E-mages acquire their powers when they reach the teenage. But, not all can awaken it in a blink of an eye. Some can take a year or more after being a teenage. E-mages discover and polish more their powers at the only school in Semelent called EMS Academy. One day an ordinary boy named Sed, space traveled unknowingly from Earth-Milky way galaxy- to Semelent-Saga galaxy-. He's an otaku, whose life is all about animés. And most of the times imagining himself as one of the anime character he wishes to be. Now that he's in a different planet, what things in wait are there for him to meet and encounter? Will he be what he wishes for? Can he go back?

Skyris316 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter I (Episode 3) - Admitted to the school of mages / OP

During the exam 2 E-mages teachers were assigned to examine and evaluate the incoming students for the academy. E-mage Guendeline Fleur, female teacher assigned to the girls with the power of plants. She is a typically natural blonde beauty that excels in plant magic. E-mage Shibuki Aoi, the male teacher assigned to the boys with the power of water. He is a fresh graduate of the academy and personally picked by the headmaster to be one of the teachers. He is known for his water magic and being a genius- with specs. The 2 E-mages seems to be normal teachers but, they are strict and possess high level of power. Both are a bit weird because they have feelings for each other but they kind of argue at times, making them look like enemies. One thing that they have in common is the excitement to teach talented students like themselves.

Guendeline Fleur: "Only 10 students are allowed to get in every 10minutes. Upon entering the room touched 1 by 1 the crystallized items in front of the humanoids, if it lights cast your powers to attack the humanoid. I'll be the judge. Good luck!"

As the exam progresses, several students showed talents that made the 2 teachers excited.

During the exam for the girls handled by E-mage Guendeline Fleur, 5 notable and talented student mages caught her attention amongst the 50 female students taking the exam. She did not expect that the incoming female students are in a different level and are just commoners and one royalty. The 5 notable and talented female students are rated as S-Class E-mages for their originality under her advisory.

In the 1st set of female students (S)

Furea Attakai Hai, wielder of fire magic. Show cased burning power with her original fire magic spell.

FAH: "Blazing blue fire inferno! " (The humanoid target got fully covered with not red fires but blue fires that turned it to ashes in seconds.)

In the 2st set of female students (S)

Sora Tobu Tengoku, wielder of air magic. Calm and swiftly cast her original air magic spell.

STT: "Air punch tornado! " (The humanoid target got knocked straight to the wall and up in the air. Back wall of the room destroyed.)

In the 3rd set of female students (S)

Midori Sumu Shokubutsu, wielder of plant magic. Shyly and clumsily cast her original spell.

MSS: "Vine torn whips! " (The humanoid target was shredded to pieces.)

In the 4th set of female students (S)

Hare Hikari Talyo, wielder of light magic. Gracefully cast her original spell.

HHT: "Holy light javelin! " (The humanoid target was pierced with big javelin)

In the 5th set of female students- the last group (S)

The moment Princess Kadess touched the crystallized dark item, the crystalized creation item also appears to light up. But only she and E-mage Guendeline Fleur knows about it.

Kadess Clear Dark II, wielder of Dark magic. With a cracking nerve cast her original spell.

Princess Kadess: "Little dark hole! " (The humanoid target vanished the moment touched by the small black circle ball. It was sucked high above them and is falling down. Guendeline was amazed.)

Before the students left the room Guendeline Fleur hand the student a card with letters printed on it.

Guendeline Fleur was amazed of what she saw. She is excited to teach them.

She then announces that all the female students passed the exam and will be sorted out according to their power level.

Guendeline Fleur: "The cards you received before you left the room are the power level you possess. The letter printed on it also tells you the department you will be staying; they are A, B, C, D and S. There are 6 buildings in this academy represented by the letters printed in your cards and one for the faculty. Proceed accordingly. And all S printed card holders will follow me. That will be all. Welcome to EMS-Academy!

Shibuki Aoi: "Only 10 students are allowed to get in every 10minutes. Upon entering the room touched 1 by 1 the crystalized items in front of the humanoids, if it lights cast your powers to attack the humanoid. I'll be the judge. Good luck!"

During the exam for the boys handled by E-mage Shibuki Aoi, 5 notable and talented student mages caught his attention amongst the 50 male students taking the exam. He did not expect that the incoming male students are in a different level and are just commoners and one royalty's personal body guard. The 5 notable and talented male students are rated as S-Class E-mages for their originality under his advisory.

In the 1st set of male students (S)

Mizuppoi Hikari Talyo, wielder of water magic. Calmly cast his spell.

MHT: "Tidal water X! " (The humanoid target was sliced to 4 pieces by an X shaped water.)

In the 2nd set of male students (S)

Chikyu Tsuchi Tochi, wielder of land magic. Solidly cast his spell.

CTT: "Rock javelins! " (The humanoid target was pierced with 10 small rock javelins.)

In the 3rd set of male students (S)

Kawai Yasei Aisuru, wielder of animal magic. Cutely cast his spell.

KYA: "Aisuru to Lion! " (He turned into lion beast and savagely ripped the humanoid target.)

In the 4th set of male students (S)

Jo Shitamuki Sakusei, wielder of gravity magic. Proudly cast his spell.

JSS: "Berserk levitation! " (The humanoid target was floating all around and bumping with force everywhere.)

In the 5th set of male students last group (S)

The last student that entered the room was Sed. He was now touching the first crystalized item for creation with excitement and suddenly the whole room was filled with bright rainbow colored light. Meaning he is a creation magic wielder. But what everyone present there did not know is that, all the crystalized items also lighted up that moment. They did not know because they immediately closed their eyes, even the E-mage Shibuki Aoi. Only Sed knows and Shibuki Aoi knows only that he is a powerful creation wielder.

Sed Sakusei, wielder of creation magic. With a very happy and contented face cast his spell.

Sed: "(Talking inside his mind) Wait. What shall I do? What is creation magic? How do I do magic? (These questions baffled inside his mind and he slowly remembered every magic and isekai anime he had watched and read. He got the feeling that he can pull it.)

"Creation magic: Knight's Sword! " (A Knight's sword appeared on his right hand out of nowhere and he dash forward to the humanoid target slicing it into half. He is amazed and over joyed that he can move like that.)

The E-mage, Shibuki Aoi was in total awe and shocked. Because it's his first time to see a creation magic wielder and so with the other students in there. It is the first for planet Semelent.

Shibuki Aoi secretly and immediately cast a spell to everyone who saw what happened to replace their memories and stop the time using his original water magic: recycle memory and droplet. Once again he is shocked that his spell did not penetrate Sed.

Shibuki Aoi: "You must tell no one about what happen. As of today you are a valuable E-mage of planet Semelent. We must keep it a secret. Many will try to collect you and use you to rule the entire planet. Like the royalties who seek more power. Do you understand? Also, tell no one about my original spell. Only you and the headmaster know it. Ok? And can you use other magic?

Sed: "(In a state of joy and a bit worried.) Sir, yes sir! I can use Dark magic too (he just thought about Princess Kadess' power). I will stay low profile. "

Shibuki Aoi: "Good. So, you are a dual wielder. Time is up act normal "

The time spell cast by Shibuki ended and time continued. The exam for the male students ended too.

He told the students that the card they hold after the exam was printed with letters A, B, C, D and S. He congratulated all the boys for passing the exam.

Shibuki Aoi: "Congratulations to all of you! Those card holders with letters A to D will proceed to equally lettered department. Those with S cards follow me. "

The examination has ended. All students were sorted to the level of their powers and departments. The S card holders followed the 2 E-mages until they reached the garden at the back of the academy where Sed and Princess Kadess met. Upon arriving at the entrance of the garden they all stopped and E-mage Guendeline cast a spell. A magical door appeared and E-mage Shibuki opened it.

Guendeline Fleur: "Grandeuro Evaporto! " (A greenery door made from plants emerged from the entrances' ground.)

Shibuki Aoi: "Grandeuro Avre! "

It was the building for all S level E-mages. The students were amazed. Now that they are officially students of EMS-Academy what is in wait for them?